package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.interop; import*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; /** * Simple test to ensure that we can make POJOs use Jackson * for JDK serialization, via {@link Externalizable} * * @since 2.1 */ public class TestExternalizable extends BaseMapTest { /* Not pretty, but needed to make ObjectMapper accessible from * static context (alternatively could use ThreadLocal). */ static class MapperHolder { private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private final static MapperHolder instance = new MapperHolder(); public static ObjectMapper mapper() { return instance.mapper; } } /** * Helper class we need to adapt {@link ObjectOutput} as * {@link OutputStream} */ final static class ExternalizableInput extends InputStream { private final ObjectInput in; public ExternalizableInput(ObjectInput in) { = in; } @Override public int available() throws IOException { return in.available(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } @Override public boolean markSupported() { return false; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { return; } @Override public int read(byte[] buffer) throws IOException { return; } @Override public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException { return, offset, len); } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { return in.skip(n); } } /** * Helper class we need to adapt {@link ObjectOutput} as * {@link OutputStream} */ final static class ExternalizableOutput extends OutputStream { private final ObjectOutput out; public ExternalizableOutput(ObjectOutput out) { this.out = out; } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { out.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { out.close(); } @Override public void write(int ch) throws IOException { out.write(ch); } @Override public void write(byte[] data) throws IOException { out.write(data); } @Override public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException { out.write(data, offset, len); } } // @com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat(shape=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY) @SuppressWarnings("resource") static class MyPojo implements Externalizable { public int id; public String name; public int[] values; public MyPojo() { } // for deserialization public MyPojo(int id, String name, int[] values) { = id; = name; this.values = values; } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException { // MapperHolder.mapper().readValue( MapperHolder.mapper().readerForUpdating(this).readValue(new ExternalizableInput(in)); } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) throws IOException { MapperHolder.mapper().writeValue(new ExternalizableOutput(oo), this); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false; MyPojo other = (MyPojo) o; if ( != id) return false; if (! return false; if (other.values.length != values.length) return false; for (int i = 0, end = values.length; i < end; ++i) { if (values[i] != other.values[i]) return false; } return true; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Actual tests /********************************************************** */ // Comparison, using JDK native static class MyPojoNative implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int id; public String name; public int[] values; public MyPojoNative(int id, String name, int[] values) { = id; = name; this.values = values; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void testSerializeAsExternalizable() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream obs = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes); final MyPojo input = new MyPojo(13, "Foobar", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } ); obs.writeObject(input); obs.close(); byte[] ser = bytes.toByteArray(); // Ok: just verify it contains stuff it should byte[] json = MapperHolder.mapper().writeValueAsBytes(input); int ix = indexOf(ser, json); if (ix < 0) { fail("Serialization ("+ser.length+") does NOT contain JSON (of "+json.length+")"); } // Sanity check: if (false) { bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); obs = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes); MyPojoNative p = new MyPojoNative(13, "Foobar", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } ); obs.writeObject(p); obs.close(); System.out.println("Native size: "+bytes.size()+", vs JSON: "+ser.length); } // then read back! ObjectInputStream ins = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ser)); MyPojo output = (MyPojo) ins.readObject(); ins.close(); assertNotNull(output); assertEquals(input, output); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ private int indexOf(byte[] full, byte[] fragment) { final byte first = fragment[0]; for (int i = 0, end = full.length-fragment.length; i < end; ++i) { if (full[i] != first) continue; if (matches(full, i, fragment)) { return i; } } return -1; } private boolean matches(byte[] full, int index, byte[] fragment) { for (int i = 1, end = fragment.length; i < end; ++i) { if (fragment[i] != full[index+i]) { return false; } } return true; } }