package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; /** * Unit tests for verifying that {@link JsonAnySetter} annotation * works as expected. */ public class AnySetterTest extends BaseMapTest { static class MapImitator { HashMap<String,Object> _map; public MapImitator() { _map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); } @JsonAnySetter void addEntry(String key, Object value) { _map.put(key, value); } } // for [databind#1376] static class MapImitatorDisabled extends MapImitator { @Override @JsonAnySetter(enabled=false) void addEntry(String key, Object value) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not get called"); } } /** * Let's also verify that it is possible to define different * value: not often useful, but possible. */ static class MapImitatorWithValue { HashMap<String,int[]> _map; public MapImitatorWithValue() { _map = new HashMap<String,int[]>(); } @JsonAnySetter void addEntry(String key, int[] value) { _map.put(key, value); } } // Bad; 2 "any setters" static class Broken { @JsonAnySetter void addEntry1(String key, Object value) { } @JsonAnySetter void addEntry2(String key, Object value) { } } @JsonIgnoreProperties("dummy") static class Ignored { HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); @JsonIgnore public String bogus; @JsonAnySetter void addEntry(String key, Object value) { map.put(key, value); } } static class Bean744 { protected Map<String,Object> additionalProperties; @JsonAnySetter public void addAdditionalProperty(String key, Object value) { if (additionalProperties == null) additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); additionalProperties.put(key,value); } public void setAdditionalProperties(Map<String, Object> additionalProperties) { this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties; } @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalProperties() { return additionalProperties; } @JsonIgnore public String getName() { return (String) additionalProperties.get("name"); } } static class Bean797Base { @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String, JsonNode> getUndefinedProperties() { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not call parent version!"); } } static class Bean797BaseImpl extends Bean797Base { @Override public Map<String, JsonNode> getUndefinedProperties() { return new HashMap<String, JsonNode>(); } } @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS) static abstract class Base { } static class Impl extends Base { public String value; public Impl() { } public Impl(String v) { value = v; } } static class PolyAnyBean { protected Map<String,Base> props = new HashMap<String,Base>(); @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String,Base> props() { return props; } @JsonAnySetter public void prop(String name, Base value) { props.put(name, value); } } static class JsonAnySetterOnMap { public int id; @JsonAnySetter protected HashMap<String, String> other = new HashMap<String, String>(); @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String, String> any() { return other; } } static class JsonAnySetterOnNullMap { public int id; @JsonAnySetter protected HashMap<String, String> other; @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String, String> any() { return other; } } static class MyGeneric<T> { private String staticallyMappedProperty; private Map<T, Integer> dynamicallyMappedProperties = new HashMap<T, Integer>(); public String getStaticallyMappedProperty() { return staticallyMappedProperty; } @JsonAnySetter public void addDynamicallyMappedProperty(T key, int value) { dynamicallyMappedProperties.put(key, value); } public void setStaticallyMappedProperty(String staticallyMappedProperty) { this.staticallyMappedProperty = staticallyMappedProperty; } @JsonAnyGetter public Map<T, Integer> getDynamicallyMappedProperties() { return dynamicallyMappedProperties; } } static class MyWrapper { private MyGeneric<String> myStringGeneric; private MyGeneric<Integer> myIntegerGeneric; public MyGeneric<String> getMyStringGeneric() { return myStringGeneric; } public void setMyStringGeneric(MyGeneric<String> myStringGeneric) { this.myStringGeneric = myStringGeneric; } public MyGeneric<Integer> getMyIntegerGeneric() { return myIntegerGeneric; } public void setMyIntegerGeneric(MyGeneric<Integer> myIntegerGeneric) { this.myIntegerGeneric = myIntegerGeneric; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Test methods /********************************************************** */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); public void testSimpleMapImitation() throws Exception { MapImitator mapHolder = MAPPER.readValue ("{ \"a\" : 3, \"b\" : true, \"c\":[1,2,3] }", MapImitator.class); Map<String,Object> result = mapHolder._map; assertEquals(3, result.size()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), result.get("a")); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result.get("b")); Object ob = result.get("c"); assertTrue(ob instanceof List<?>); List<?> l = (List<?>)ob; assertEquals(3, l.size()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), l.get(2)); } public void testAnySetterDisable() throws Exception { try { MAPPER.readValue(aposToQuotes("{'value':3}"), MapImitatorDisabled.class); fail("Should not pass"); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { verifyException(e, "Unrecognized field \"value\""); } } public void testSimpleTyped() throws Exception { MapImitatorWithValue mapHolder = MAPPER.readValue ("{ \"a\" : [ 3, -1 ], \"b\" : [ ] }", MapImitatorWithValue.class); Map<String,int[]> result = mapHolder._map; assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertEquals(new int[] { 3, -1 }, result.get("a")); assertEquals(new int[0], result.get("b")); } public void testBrokenWithDoubleAnnotations() throws Exception { try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Broken b = MAPPER.readValue("{ \"a\" : 3 }", Broken.class); fail("Should have gotten an exception"); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { verifyException(e, "Multiple 'any-setter' methods"); } } public void testIgnored() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); _testIgnorals(mapper); } public void testIgnoredPart2() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); _testIgnorals(mapper); } public void testProblem744() throws Exception { Bean744 bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"name\":\"Bob\"}", Bean744.class); assertNotNull(bean.additionalProperties); assertEquals(1, bean.additionalProperties.size()); assertEquals("Bob", bean.additionalProperties.get("name")); } public void testIssue797() throws Exception { String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new Bean797BaseImpl()); assertEquals("{}", json); } // [Issue#337] public void testPolymorphic() throws Exception { PolyAnyBean input = new PolyAnyBean(); input.props.put("a", new Impl("xyz")); String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(input); // System.err.println("JSON: "+json); PolyAnyBean result = MAPPER.readValue(json, PolyAnyBean.class); assertEquals(1, result.props.size()); Base ob = result.props.get("a"); assertNotNull(ob); assertTrue(ob instanceof Impl); assertEquals("xyz", ((Impl) ob).value); } public void testJsonAnySetterOnMap() throws Exception { JsonAnySetterOnMap result = MAPPER.readValue("{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Joe\", \"city\":\"New Jersey\"}", JsonAnySetterOnMap.class); assertEquals(2,; assertEquals("Joe", result.other.get("name")); assertEquals("New Jersey", result.other.get("city")); } public void testJsonAnySetterOnNullMap() throws Exception { JsonAnySetterOnNullMap result = MAPPER.readValue("{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Joe\", \"city\":\"New Jersey\"}", JsonAnySetterOnNullMap.class); assertEquals(2,; assertNull(result.other); } // [databind#1035] public void testGenericAnySetter() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map<String, Integer> stringGenericMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); stringGenericMap.put("testStringKey", 5); Map<Integer, Integer> integerGenericMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); integerGenericMap.put(111, 6); MyWrapper deserialized = mapper.readValue(aposToQuotes( "{'myStringGeneric':{'staticallyMappedProperty':'Test','testStringKey':5},'myIntegerGeneric':{'staticallyMappedProperty':'Test2','111':6}}" ), MyWrapper.class); MyGeneric<String> stringGeneric = deserialized.getMyStringGeneric(); MyGeneric<Integer> integerGeneric = deserialized.getMyIntegerGeneric(); assertNotNull(stringGeneric); assertEquals(stringGeneric.getStaticallyMappedProperty(), "Test"); for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : stringGeneric.getDynamicallyMappedProperties().entrySet()) { assertTrue("A key in MyGeneric<String> is not an String.", entry.getKey() instanceof String); assertTrue("A value in MyGeneric<Integer> is not an Integer.", entry.getValue() instanceof Integer); } assertEquals(stringGeneric.getDynamicallyMappedProperties(), stringGenericMap); assertNotNull(integerGeneric); assertEquals(integerGeneric.getStaticallyMappedProperty(), "Test2"); for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : integerGeneric.getDynamicallyMappedProperties().entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); assertEquals("A key in MyGeneric<Integer> is not an Integer.", Integer.class, key.getClass()); Object value = entry.getValue(); assertEquals("A value in MyGeneric<Integer> is not an Integer.", Integer.class, value.getClass()); } assertEquals(integerGeneric.getDynamicallyMappedProperties(), integerGenericMap); } /* /********************************************************** /* Private helper methods /********************************************************** */ private void _testIgnorals(ObjectMapper mapper) throws Exception { Ignored bean = mapper.readValue("{\"name\":\"Bob\", \"bogus\": [ 1, 2, 3], \"dummy\" : 13 }", Ignored.class); // as of 2.0, @JsonIgnoreProperties does block; @JsonIgnore not assertNull("dummy")); assertEquals("[1, 2, 3]", """bogus")); assertEquals("Bob","name")); assertEquals(2,; } }