package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializerModifier; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ValueInstantiator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializerModifier; /** * Vanilla {@link Module} implementation that allows registration * of serializers and deserializers, bean serializer * and deserializer modifiers, registration of subtypes and mix-ins * as well as some other commonly * needed aspects (addition of custom {@link AbstractTypeResolver}s, * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ValueInstantiator}s). *<p> * NOTE: although it is not expected that sub-types should need to * override {@link #setupModule(SetupContext)} method, if they choose * to do so they MUST call <code>super.setupModule(context);</code> * to ensure that registration works as expected. */ public class SimpleModule extends Module implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // 2.5.0 protected final String _name; protected final Version _version; protected SimpleSerializers _serializers = null; protected SimpleDeserializers _deserializers = null; protected SimpleSerializers _keySerializers = null; protected SimpleKeyDeserializers _keyDeserializers = null; /** * Lazily-constructed resolver used for storing mappings from * abstract classes to more specific implementing classes * (which may be abstract or concrete) */ protected SimpleAbstractTypeResolver _abstractTypes = null; /** * Lazily-constructed resolver used for storing mappings from * abstract classes to more specific implementing classes * (which may be abstract or concrete) */ protected SimpleValueInstantiators _valueInstantiators = null; /** * @since 2.2 */ protected BeanDeserializerModifier _deserializerModifier = null; /** * @since 2.2 */ protected BeanSerializerModifier _serializerModifier = null; /** * Lazily-constructed map that contains mix-in definitions, indexed * by target class, value being mix-in to apply. */ protected HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>> _mixins = null; /** * Set of subtypes to register, if any. */ protected LinkedHashSet<NamedType> _subtypes = null; /** * @since 2.3 */ protected PropertyNamingStrategy _namingStrategy = null; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle: creation /********************************************************** */ /** * Constructors that should only be used for non-reusable * convenience modules used by app code: "real" modules should * use actual name and version number information. */ public SimpleModule() { // can't chain when making reference to 'this' // note: generate different name for direct instantiation, sub-classing _name = (getClass() == SimpleModule.class) ? "SimpleModule-"+System.identityHashCode(this) : getClass().getName(); _version = Version.unknownVersion(); } /** * Convenience constructor that will default version to * {@link Version#unknownVersion()}. */ public SimpleModule(String name) { this(name, Version.unknownVersion()); } /** * Convenience constructor that will use specified Version, * including name from {@link Version#getArtifactId()} */ public SimpleModule(Version version) { _name = version.getArtifactId(); _version = version; } /** * Constructor to use for actual reusable modules. * ObjectMapper may use name as identifier to notice attempts * for multiple registrations of the same module (although it * does not have to). * * @param name Unique name of the module * @param version Version of the module */ public SimpleModule(String name, Version version) { _name = name; _version = version; } /** * @since 2.1 */ public SimpleModule(String name, Version version, Map<Class<?>,JsonDeserializer<?>> deserializers) { this(name, version, deserializers, null); } /** * @since 2.1 */ public SimpleModule(String name, Version version, List<JsonSerializer<?>> serializers) { this(name, version, null, serializers); } /** * @since 2.1 */ public SimpleModule(String name, Version version, Map<Class<?>,JsonDeserializer<?>> deserializers, List<JsonSerializer<?>> serializers) { _name = name; _version = version; if (deserializers != null) { _deserializers = new SimpleDeserializers(deserializers); } if (serializers != null) { _serializers = new SimpleSerializers(serializers); } } /** * Since instances are likely to be custom, implementation returns * <code>null</code> if (but only if!) this class is directly instantiated; * but class name (default impl) for sub-classes. */ @Override public Object getTypeId() { if (getClass() == SimpleModule.class) { return null; } return super.getTypeId(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Simple setters to allow overriding /********************************************************** */ /** * Resets all currently configured serializers. */ public void setSerializers(SimpleSerializers s) { _serializers = s; } /** * Resets all currently configured deserializers. */ public void setDeserializers(SimpleDeserializers d) { _deserializers = d; } /** * Resets all currently configured key serializers. */ public void setKeySerializers(SimpleSerializers ks) { _keySerializers = ks; } /** * Resets all currently configured key deserializers. */ public void setKeyDeserializers(SimpleKeyDeserializers kd) { _keyDeserializers = kd; } /** * Resets currently configured abstract type mappings */ public void setAbstractTypes(SimpleAbstractTypeResolver atr) { _abstractTypes = atr; } /** * Resets all currently configured value instantiators */ public void setValueInstantiators(SimpleValueInstantiators svi) { _valueInstantiators = svi; } /** * @since 2.2 */ public SimpleModule setDeserializerModifier(BeanDeserializerModifier mod) { _deserializerModifier = mod; return this; } /** * @since 2.2 */ public SimpleModule setSerializerModifier(BeanSerializerModifier mod) { _serializerModifier = mod; return this; } /** * @since 2.3 */ protected SimpleModule setNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy naming) { _namingStrategy = naming; return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration methods, adding serializers /********************************************************** */ public SimpleModule addSerializer(JsonSerializer<?> ser) { _checkNotNull(ser, "serializer"); if (_serializers == null) { _serializers = new SimpleSerializers(); } _serializers.addSerializer(ser); return this; } public <T> SimpleModule addSerializer(Class<? extends T> type, JsonSerializer<T> ser) { _checkNotNull(type, "type to register serializer for"); _checkNotNull(ser, "serializer"); if (_serializers == null) { _serializers = new SimpleSerializers(); } _serializers.addSerializer(type, ser); return this; } public <T> SimpleModule addKeySerializer(Class<? extends T> type, JsonSerializer<T> ser) { _checkNotNull(type, "type to register key serializer for"); _checkNotNull(ser, "key serializer"); if (_keySerializers == null) { _keySerializers = new SimpleSerializers(); } _keySerializers.addSerializer(type, ser); return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration methods, adding deserializers /********************************************************** */ public <T> SimpleModule addDeserializer(Class<T> type, JsonDeserializer<? extends T> deser) { _checkNotNull(type, "type to register deserializer for"); _checkNotNull(deser, "deserializer"); if (_deserializers == null) { _deserializers = new SimpleDeserializers(); } _deserializers.addDeserializer(type, deser); return this; } public SimpleModule addKeyDeserializer(Class<?> type, KeyDeserializer deser) { _checkNotNull(type, "type to register key deserializer for"); _checkNotNull(deser, "key deserializer"); if (_keyDeserializers == null) { _keyDeserializers = new SimpleKeyDeserializers(); } _keyDeserializers.addDeserializer(type, deser); return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration methods, type mapping /********************************************************** */ /** * Lazily-constructed resolver used for storing mappings from * abstract classes to more specific implementing classes * (which may be abstract or concrete) */ public <T> SimpleModule addAbstractTypeMapping(Class<T> superType, Class<? extends T> subType) { _checkNotNull(superType, "abstract type to map"); _checkNotNull(subType, "concrete type to map to"); if (_abstractTypes == null) { _abstractTypes = new SimpleAbstractTypeResolver(); } // note: addMapping() will verify arguments _abstractTypes = _abstractTypes.addMapping(superType, subType); return this; } /** * Method for adding set of subtypes to be registered with * {@link ObjectMapper} * this is an alternative to using annotations in super type to indicate subtypes. */ public SimpleModule registerSubtypes(Class<?> ... subtypes) { if (_subtypes == null) { _subtypes = new LinkedHashSet<NamedType>(Math.max(16, subtypes.length)); } for (Class<?> subtype : subtypes) { _checkNotNull(subtype, "subtype to register"); _subtypes.add(new NamedType(subtype)); } return this; } /** * Method for adding set of subtypes (along with type name to use) to be registered with * {@link ObjectMapper} * this is an alternative to using annotations in super type to indicate subtypes. */ public SimpleModule registerSubtypes(NamedType ... subtypes) { if (_subtypes == null) { _subtypes = new LinkedHashSet<NamedType>(Math.max(16, subtypes.length)); } for (NamedType subtype : subtypes) { _checkNotNull(subtype, "subtype to register"); _subtypes.add(subtype); } return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration methods, add other handlers /********************************************************** */ /** * Method for registering {@link ValueInstantiator} to use when deserializing * instances of type <code>beanType</code>. *<p> * Instantiator is * registered when module is registered for <code>ObjectMapper</code>. */ public SimpleModule addValueInstantiator(Class<?> beanType, ValueInstantiator inst) { _checkNotNull(beanType, "class to register value instantiator for"); _checkNotNull(inst, "value instantiator"); if (_valueInstantiators == null) { _valueInstantiators = new SimpleValueInstantiators(); } _valueInstantiators = _valueInstantiators.addValueInstantiator(beanType, inst); return this; } /** * Method for specifying that annotations define by <code>mixinClass</code> * should be "mixed in" with annotations that <code>targetType</code> * has (as if they were directly included on it!). *<p> * Mix-in annotations are * registered when module is registered for <code>ObjectMapper</code>. */ public SimpleModule setMixInAnnotation(Class<?> targetType, Class<?> mixinClass) { _checkNotNull(targetType, "target type"); _checkNotNull(mixinClass, "mixin class"); if (_mixins == null) { _mixins = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>(); } _mixins.put(targetType, mixinClass); return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Module impl /********************************************************** */ @Override public String getModuleName() { return _name; } /** * Standard implementation handles registration of all configured * customizations: it is important that sub-classes call this * implementation (usually before additional custom logic) * if they choose to override it; otherwise customizations * will not be registered. */ @Override public void setupModule(SetupContext context) { if (_serializers != null) { context.addSerializers(_serializers); } if (_deserializers != null) { context.addDeserializers(_deserializers); } if (_keySerializers != null) { context.addKeySerializers(_keySerializers); } if (_keyDeserializers != null) { context.addKeyDeserializers(_keyDeserializers); } if (_abstractTypes != null) { context.addAbstractTypeResolver(_abstractTypes); } if (_valueInstantiators != null) { context.addValueInstantiators(_valueInstantiators); } if (_deserializerModifier != null) { context.addBeanDeserializerModifier(_deserializerModifier); } if (_serializerModifier != null) { context.addBeanSerializerModifier(_serializerModifier); } if (_subtypes != null && _subtypes.size() > 0) { context.registerSubtypes(_subtypes.toArray(new NamedType[_subtypes.size()])); } if (_namingStrategy != null) { context.setNamingStrategy(_namingStrategy); } if (_mixins != null) { for (Map.Entry<Class<?>,Class<?>> entry : _mixins.entrySet()) { context.setMixInAnnotations(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } @Override public Version version() { return _version; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ /** * @since 2.9 */ protected void _checkNotNull(Object thingy, String type) { if (thingy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Can not pass `null` as %s", type)); } } }