package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.mixins; import*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; public class TestMixinDeserForClass extends BaseMapTest { /* /********************************************************** /* Helper bean classes /********************************************************** */ static class BaseClass { /* property that is always found; but has lower priority than * setter method if both found */ @JsonProperty public String a; // setter that may or may not be auto-detected public void setA(String v) { a = "XXX"+v; } } @JsonAutoDetect(setterVisibility=Visibility.ANY, fieldVisibility=Visibility.ANY) static class LeafClass extends BaseClass { } @JsonAutoDetect(setterVisibility=Visibility.NONE, fieldVisibility=Visibility.NONE) interface MixIn { } /* /********************************************************** /* Unit tests /********************************************************** */ public void testClassMixInsTopLevel() throws IOException { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); // First: test default behavior: should use setter LeafClass result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"value\"}", LeafClass.class); assertEquals("XXXvalue", result.a); /* Then with leaf-level mix-in; without (method) auto-detect, should * use field */ m = new ObjectMapper(); m.addMixIn(LeafClass.class, MixIn.class); result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"value\"}", LeafClass.class); assertEquals("value", result.a); } /* and then a test for mid-level mixin; should have no effect * when deserializing leaf (but will if deserializing base class) */ public void testClassMixInsMidLevel() throws IOException { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); m.addMixIn(BaseClass.class, MixIn.class); { BaseClass result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"value\"}", BaseClass.class); assertEquals("value", result.a); } // whereas with leaf class, reverts to default { LeafClass result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"value\"}", LeafClass.class); assertEquals("XXXvalue", result.a); } } /* Also: when mix-in attached to Object.class, will work, if * visible (similar to mid-level, basically) */ public void testClassMixInsForObjectClass() throws IOException { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); m.addMixIn(Object.class, MixIn.class); // will be seen for BaseClass { BaseClass result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"\"}", BaseClass.class); assertEquals("", result.a); } // but LeafClass still overrides { LeafClass result = m.readValue("{\"a\":\"\"}", LeafClass.class); assertEquals("XXX", result.a); } } }