package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser; import; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule; public class TestKeySerializers extends BaseMapTest { public static class KarlSerializer extends JsonSerializer<String> { @Override public void serialize(String value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeFieldName("Karl"); } } public static class NullKeySerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { private String _null; public NullKeySerializer(String s) { _null = s; } @Override public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeFieldName(_null); } } public static class NullValueSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { private String _null; public NullValueSerializer(String s) { _null = s; } @Override public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeString(_null); } } public static class NotKarlBean { public Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); { map.put("Not Karl", 1); } } public static class KarlBean { @JsonSerialize(keyUsing = KarlSerializer.class) public Map<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); { map.put("Not Karl", 1); } } enum ABC { A, B, C } enum AbcLC { A, B, C; @JsonValue public String toLC() { return name().toLowerCase(); } } static class ABCKeySerializer extends JsonSerializer<ABC> { @Override public void serialize(ABC value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeFieldName("xxx"+value); } } @JsonSerialize(keyUsing = ABCKeySerializer.class) public static enum ABCMixin { } public static enum Outer { inner; } static class ABCMapWrapper { public Map<ABC,String> stuff = new HashMap<ABC,String>(); public ABCMapWrapper() { stuff.put(ABC.B, "bar"); } } static class BAR<T>{ T value; public BAR(T value) { this.value = value; } @JsonValue public T getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", value:" + value ; } } static class UCString { private String value; public UCString(String v) { value = v.toUpperCase(); } @JsonValue public String asString() { return value; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Unit tests /********************************************************** */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); public void testNotKarl() throws IOException { final String serialized = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new NotKarlBean()); assertEquals("{\"map\":{\"Not Karl\":1}}", serialized); } public void testKarl() throws IOException { final String serialized = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new KarlBean()); assertEquals("{\"map\":{\"Karl\":1}}", serialized); } // [databind#75]: caching of KeySerializers public void testBoth() throws IOException { // Let's NOT use shared one, to ensure caching starts from clean slate final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final String value1 = mapper.writeValueAsString(new NotKarlBean()); assertEquals("{\"map\":{\"Not Karl\":1}}", value1); final String value2 = mapper.writeValueAsString(new KarlBean()); assertEquals("{\"map\":{\"Karl\":1}}", value2); } // Test custom key serializer for enum public void testCustomForEnum() throws IOException { // can not use shared mapper as we are registering a module final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); SimpleModule mod = new SimpleModule("test"); mod.addKeySerializer(ABC.class, new ABCKeySerializer()); mapper.registerModule(mod); String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(new ABCMapWrapper()); assertEquals("{\"stuff\":{\"xxxB\":\"bar\"}}", json); } public void testCustomNullSerializers() throws IOException { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.getSerializerProvider().setNullKeySerializer(new NullKeySerializer("NULL-KEY")); mapper.getSerializerProvider().setNullValueSerializer(new NullValueSerializer("NULL")); Map<String,Integer> input = new HashMap<>(); input.put(null, 3); String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(input); assertEquals("{\"NULL-KEY\":3}", json); json = mapper.writeValueAsString(new Object[] { 1, null, true }); assertEquals("[1,\"NULL\",true]", json); } public void testCustomEnumInnerMapKey() throws Exception { Map<Outer, Object> outerMap = new HashMap<Outer, Object>(); Map<ABC, Map<String, String>> map = new EnumMap<ABC, Map<String, String>>(ABC.class); Map<String, String> innerMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); innerMap.put("one", "1"); map.put(ABC.A, innerMap); outerMap.put(Outer.inner, map); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); SimpleModule mod = new SimpleModule("test"); mod.setMixInAnnotation(ABC.class, ABCMixin.class); mod.addKeySerializer(ABC.class, new ABCKeySerializer()); mapper.registerModule(mod); JsonNode tree = mapper.convertValue(outerMap, JsonNode.class); JsonNode innerNode = tree.get("inner"); String key = innerNode.fieldNames().next(); assertEquals("xxxA", key); } // [databind#838] public void testUnWrappedMapWithDefaultType() throws Exception{ final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); SimpleModule mod = new SimpleModule("test"); mod.addKeySerializer(ABC.class, new ABCKeySerializer()); mapper.registerModule(mod); TypeResolverBuilder<?> typer = new ObjectMapper.DefaultTypeResolverBuilder(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL); typer = typer.init(JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, null); typer = typer.inclusion(JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY); //typer = typer.typeProperty(TYPE_FIELD); typer = typer.typeIdVisibility(true); mapper.setDefaultTyping(typer); Map<ABC,String> stuff = new HashMap<ABC,String>(); stuff.put(ABC.B, "bar"); String json = mapper.writerFor(new TypeReference<Map<ABC, String>>() {}) .writeValueAsString(stuff); assertEquals("{\"@type\":\"HashMap\",\"xxxB\":\"bar\"}", json); } // [databind#838] @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testUnWrappedMapWithKeySerializer() throws Exception{ SimpleModule mod = new SimpleModule("test"); mod.addKeySerializer(ABC.class, new ABCKeySerializer()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper() .registerModule(mod) .enable(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT) .disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS) .disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES) .setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY) ; Map<ABC,BAR<?>> stuff = new HashMap<ABC,BAR<?>>(); stuff.put(ABC.B, new BAR<String>("bar")); String json = mapper.writerFor(new TypeReference<Map<ABC,BAR<?>>>() {}) .writeValueAsString(stuff); assertEquals("{\"xxxB\":\"bar\"}", json); } // [databind#943] public void testDynamicMapKeys() throws Exception { Map<Object,Integer> stuff = new LinkedHashMap<Object,Integer>(); stuff.put(AbcLC.B, Integer.valueOf(3)); stuff.put(new UCString("foo"), Integer.valueOf(4)); String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(stuff); assertEquals(aposToQuotes("{'b':3,'FOO':4}"), json); } }