package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; public class TestPOJOPropertiesCollector extends BaseMapTest { static class Simple { public int value; @JsonProperty("value") public void valueSetter(int v) { value = v; } @JsonProperty("value") public int getFoobar() { return value; } } static class SimpleFieldDeser { @JsonDeserialize String[] values; } static class SimpleGetterVisibility { public int getA() { return 0; } protected int getB() { return 1; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int getC() { return 2; } } // Class for testing 'shared ignore' static class Empty { public int value; public void setValue(int v) { value = v; } @JsonIgnore public int getValue() { return value; } } static class IgnoredSetter { @JsonProperty public int value; @JsonIgnore public void setValue(int v) { value = v; } public int getValue() { return value; } } static class ImplicitIgnores { @JsonIgnore public int a; @JsonIgnore public void setB(int b) { } public int c; } // Should find just one setter for "y", due to partial ignore static class IgnoredRenamedSetter { @JsonIgnore public void setY(int value) { } @JsonProperty("y") void foobar(int value) { } } // should produce a single property, "x" static class RenamedProperties { @JsonProperty("x") public int value; public void setValue(int v) { value = v; } public int getX() { return value; } } static class RenamedProperties2 { @JsonProperty("renamed") public int getValue() { return 1; } public void setValue(int x) { } } // Testing that we can "merge" properties with renaming static class MergedProperties { public int x; @JsonProperty("x") public void setFoobar(int v) { x = v; } } // Testing that property order is obeyed, even for deserialization purposes @JsonPropertyOrder({"a", "b", "c", "d"}) static class SortedProperties { public int b; public int c; public void setD(int value) { } public void setA(int value) { } } // [JACKSON-700]: test property type detection, selection static class TypeTestBean { protected Long value; @JsonCreator public TypeTestBean(@JsonProperty("value") String value) { } // If you remove this method, the test will pass public Integer getValue() { return 0; } } static class Jackson703 { private List<FoodOrgLocation> location = new ArrayList<FoodOrgLocation>(); { location.add(new FoodOrgLocation()); } public List<FoodOrgLocation> getLocation() { return location; } } static class FoodOrgLocation { protected Long id; public String name; protected Location location; public FoodOrgLocation() { location = new Location(); } public FoodOrgLocation(final Location foodOrg) { } public FoodOrgLocation(final Long id, final String name, final Location location) { } public Location getLocation() { return location; } } static class Location { public BigDecimal lattitude; public BigDecimal longitude; public Location() { } public Location(final BigDecimal lattitude, final BigDecimal longitude) { } } class Issue701Bean { // important: non-static! private int i; // annotation does not matter -- just need one on the last argument public Issue701Bean(@JsonProperty int i) { this.i = i; } public int getX() { return i; } } static class Issue744Bean { protected Map<String,Object> additionalProperties; @JsonAnySetter public void addAdditionalProperty(String key, Object value) { if (additionalProperties == null) additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); additionalProperties.put(key,value); } public void setAdditionalProperties(Map<String, Object> additionalProperties) { this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties; } @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalProperties() { return additionalProperties; } @JsonIgnore public String getName() { return (String) additionalProperties.get("name"); } } static class PropDescBean { public final static String A_DESC = "That's A!"; public final static int B_INDEX = 3; @JsonPropertyDescription(A_DESC) public String a; protected int b; public String getA() { return a; } public void setA(String a) { this.a = a; } @JsonProperty(required=true, index=B_INDEX, defaultValue="13") public int getB() { return b; } } @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @JacksonAnnotation @interface A {} @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @JacksonAnnotation @interface B {} static class DuplicateGetterBean { @A public boolean isBloop() { return true; } @B public boolean getBloop() { return true; } } static class DuplicateGetterCreatorBean { public DuplicateGetterCreatorBean(@JsonProperty("bloop") @A boolean bloop) {} public boolean isBloop() { return true; } public boolean getBloop() { return true; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Unit tests /********************************************************** */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = objectMapper(); public void testSimple() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, Simple.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("value"); assertNotNull(prop); assertTrue(prop.hasSetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasGetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasField()); } public void testSimpleFieldVisibility() { // false -> deserialization POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, SimpleFieldDeser.class, false); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("values"); assertNotNull(prop); assertFalse(prop.hasSetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasGetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasField()); } public void testSimpleGetterVisibility() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, SimpleGetterVisibility.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("a"); assertNotNull(prop); assertFalse(prop.hasSetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasGetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasField()); } // Unit test for verifying that a single @JsonIgnore can remove the // whole property, unless explicit property marker exists public void testEmpty() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, Empty.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(0, props.size()); } // Unit test for verifying handling of 'partial' @JsonIgnore; that is, // if there is at least one explicit annotation to indicate property, // only parts that are ignored are, well, ignored public void testPartialIgnore() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, IgnoredSetter.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("value"); assertNotNull(prop); assertFalse(prop.hasSetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasGetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasField()); } public void testSimpleRenamed() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, RenamedProperties.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("x"); assertNotNull(prop); assertTrue(prop.hasSetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasGetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasField()); } public void testSimpleRenamed2() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, RenamedProperties2.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("renamed"); assertNotNull(prop); assertTrue(prop.hasSetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasGetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasField()); } public void testMergeWithRename() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, MergedProperties.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("x"); assertNotNull(prop); assertTrue(prop.hasSetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasGetter()); assertTrue(prop.hasField()); } public void testSimpleIgnoreAndRename() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, IgnoredRenamedSetter.class, true); Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get("y"); assertNotNull(prop); assertTrue(prop.hasSetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasGetter()); assertFalse(prop.hasField()); } public void testGlobalVisibilityForGetters() { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); m.configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, false); POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(m, SimpleGetterVisibility.class, true); // should be 1, expect that we disabled getter auto-detection, so Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(0, props.size()); } public void testCollectionOfIgnored() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, ImplicitIgnores.class, false); // should be 1, due to ignorals Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props = coll.getPropertyMap(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); // but also have 2 ignored properties Collection<String> ign = coll.getIgnoredPropertyNames(); assertEquals(2, ign.size()); assertTrue(ign.contains("a")); assertTrue(ign.contains("b")); } public void testSimpleOrderingForDeserialization() { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, SortedProperties.class, false); List<BeanPropertyDefinition> props = coll.getProperties(); assertEquals(4, props.size()); assertEquals("a", props.get(0).getName()); assertEquals("b", props.get(1).getName()); assertEquals("c", props.get(2).getName()); assertEquals("d", props.get(3).getName()); } public void testSimpleWithType() { // first for serialization; should base choice on getter POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, TypeTestBean.class, true); List<BeanPropertyDefinition> props = coll.getProperties(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); assertEquals("value", props.get(0).getName()); AnnotatedMember m = props.get(0).getAccessor(); assertTrue(m instanceof AnnotatedMethod); assertEquals(Integer.class, m.getRawType()); // then for deserialization; prefer ctor param coll = collector(MAPPER, TypeTestBean.class, false); props = coll.getProperties(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); assertEquals("value", props.get(0).getName()); m = props.get(0).getMutator(); assertEquals(AnnotatedParameter.class, m.getClass()); assertEquals(String.class, m.getRawType()); } public void testInnerClassWithAnnotationsInCreator() throws Exception { BasicBeanDescription beanDesc; // first with serialization beanDesc = MAPPER.getSerializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(Issue701Bean.class)); assertNotNull(beanDesc); // then with deserialization beanDesc = MAPPER.getDeserializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(Issue701Bean.class)); assertNotNull(beanDesc); } public void testUseAnnotationsFalse() throws Exception { // note: need a separate mapper, need to reconfigure ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.configure(MapperFeature.USE_ANNOTATIONS, false); BasicBeanDescription beanDesc = mapper.getSerializationConfig().introspect(mapper.constructType(Jackson703.class)); assertNotNull(beanDesc); Jackson703 bean = new Jackson703(); String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(bean); assertNotNull(json); } public void testJackson744() throws Exception { BeanDescription beanDesc = MAPPER.getDeserializationConfig().introspect (MAPPER.constructType(Issue744Bean.class)); assertNotNull(beanDesc); AnnotatedMember setter = beanDesc.findAnySetterAccessor(); assertNotNull(setter); assertEquals("addAdditionalProperty", setter.getName()); assertTrue(setter instanceof AnnotatedMethod); } // [databind#269]: Support new @JsonPropertyDescription public void testPropertyDesc() throws Exception { // start via deser BeanDescription beanDesc = MAPPER.getDeserializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(PropDescBean.class)); _verifyProperty(beanDesc, true, false, "13"); // and then via ser: beanDesc = MAPPER.getSerializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(PropDescBean.class)); _verifyProperty(beanDesc, true, false, "13"); } // [databind#438]: Support @JsonProperty.index public void testPropertyIndex() throws Exception { BeanDescription beanDesc = MAPPER.getDeserializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(PropDescBean.class)); _verifyProperty(beanDesc, false, true, "13"); beanDesc = MAPPER.getSerializationConfig().introspect(MAPPER.constructType(PropDescBean.class)); _verifyProperty(beanDesc, false, true, "13"); } public void testDuplicateGetters() throws Exception { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, DuplicateGetterBean.class, true); List<BeanPropertyDefinition> props = coll.getProperties(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); BeanPropertyDefinition prop = props.get(0); assertEquals("bloop", prop.getName()); assertTrue(prop.getGetter().hasAnnotation(A.class)); assertTrue(prop.getGetter().hasAnnotation(B.class)); } public void testDuplicateGettersCreator() throws Exception { POJOPropertiesCollector coll = collector(MAPPER, DuplicateGetterCreatorBean.class, true); List<BeanPropertyDefinition> props = coll.getProperties(); assertEquals(1, props.size()); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = (POJOPropertyBuilder) props.get(0); assertEquals("bloop", prop.getName()); // Can't call getGetter or the duplicate will be removed assertTrue(prop._getters.value.hasAnnotation(A.class)); assertNotNull(; assertTrue(; } private void _verifyProperty(BeanDescription beanDesc, boolean verifyDesc, boolean verifyIndex, String expDefaultValue) { assertNotNull(beanDesc); List<BeanPropertyDefinition> props = beanDesc.findProperties(); assertEquals(2, props.size()); for (BeanPropertyDefinition prop : props) { String name = prop.getName(); final PropertyMetadata md = prop.getMetadata(); if ("a".equals(name)) { assertFalse(md.isRequired()); assertNull(md.getRequired()); if (verifyDesc) { assertEquals(PropDescBean.A_DESC, md.getDescription()); } if (verifyIndex) { assertNull(md.getIndex()); } } else if ("b".equals(name)) { assertTrue(md.isRequired()); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, md.getRequired()); if (verifyDesc) { assertNull(md.getDescription()); } if (verifyIndex) { assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(PropDescBean.B_INDEX), md.getIndex()); } if (expDefaultValue != null) { assertEquals(expDefaultValue, md.getDefaultValue()); } } else { fail("Unrecognized property '"+name+"'"); } } } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected POJOPropertiesCollector collector(ObjectMapper m0, Class<?> cls, boolean forSerialization) { BasicClassIntrospector bci = new BasicClassIntrospector(); // no real difference between serialization, deserialization, at least here if (forSerialization) { return bci.collectProperties(m0.getSerializationConfig(), m0.constructType(cls), null, true, "set"); } return bci.collectProperties(m0.getDeserializationConfig(), m0.constructType(cls), null, false, "set"); } }