package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser; import; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdScalarSerializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.ToStringSerializer; /** * This unit test suite tests functioning of {@link JsonValue} * annotation with bean serialization. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class JsonValueTest extends BaseMapTest { static class ValueClass<T> { final T _value; public ValueClass(T v) { _value = v; } @JsonValue T value() { return _value; } } static class FieldValueClass<T> { @JsonValue(true) final T _value; public FieldValueClass(T v) { _value = v; } } /** * Another test class to check that it is also possible to * force specific serializer to use with @JsonValue annotated * method. Difference is between Integer serialization, and * conversion to a Json String. */ final static class ToStringValueClass<T> extends ValueClass<T> { public ToStringValueClass(T value) { super(value); } // Also, need to use this annotation to help @JsonSerialize(using=ToStringSerializer.class) @Override @JsonValue T value() { return super.value(); } } final static class ToStringValueClass2 extends ValueClass<String> { public ToStringValueClass2(String value) { super(value); } // Simple as well, but let's ensure that other getters won't matter... @JsonProperty int getFoobar() { return 4; } public String[] getSomethingElse() { return new String[] { "1", "a" }; } } static class ValueBase { public String a = "a"; } static class ValueType extends ValueBase { public String b = "b"; } // Finally, let's also test static vs dynamic type static class ValueWrapper { @JsonValue public ValueBase getX() { return new ValueType(); } } static class MapBean { @JsonValue public Map<String,String> toMap() { HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>(); map.put("a", "1"); return map; } } static class MapFieldBean { @JsonValue Map<String,String> stuff = new HashMap<>(); { stuff.put("b", "2"); } } static class MapAsNumber extends HashMap<String,String> { @JsonValue public int value() { return 42; } } static class ListAsNumber extends ArrayList<Integer> { @JsonValue public int value() { return 13; } } // Just to ensure it's possible to disable annotation (usually // via mix-ins, but here directly) @JsonPropertyOrder({ "x", "y" }) static class DisabledJsonValue { @JsonValue(false) public int x = 1; @JsonValue(false) public int getY() { return 2; } } static class IntExtBean { public List<Internal> values = new ArrayList<Internal>(); public void add(int v) { values.add(new Internal(v)); } } static class Internal { public int value; public Internal(int v) { value = v; } @JsonValue public External asExternal() { return new External(this); } } static class External { public int i; External(Internal e) { i = e.value; } } // [databind#167] @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "boingo") @JsonSubTypes(value = {@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "boopsy", value = AdditionInterfaceImpl.class) }) static interface AdditionInterface { public int add(int in); } public static class AdditionInterfaceImpl implements AdditionInterface { private final int toAdd; @JsonCreator public AdditionInterfaceImpl(@JsonProperty("toAdd") int toAdd) { this.toAdd = toAdd; } @JsonProperty public int getToAdd() { return toAdd; } @Override public int add(int in) { return in + toAdd; } } static class Bean838 { @JsonValue public String value() { return "value"; } } static class Bean838Serializer extends StdScalarSerializer<Bean838> { public Bean838Serializer() { super(Bean838.class); } @Override public void serialize(Bean838 value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { gen.writeNumber(42); } } /* /********************************************************* /* Test cases /********************************************************* */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); public void testSimpleMethodJsonValue() throws Exception { assertEquals("\"abc\"", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ValueClass<String>("abc"))); assertEquals("null", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ValueClass<String>(null))); } public void testSimpleFieldJsonValue() throws Exception { assertEquals("\"abc\"", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new FieldValueClass<String>("abc"))); assertEquals("null", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new FieldValueClass<String>(null))); } public void testJsonValueWithUseSerializer() throws Exception { String result = serializeAsString(MAPPER, new ToStringValueClass<Integer>(Integer.valueOf(123))); assertEquals("\"123\"", result); } /** * Test for verifying that additional getters won't confuse serializer. */ public void testMixedJsonValue() throws Exception { String result = serializeAsString(MAPPER, new ToStringValueClass2("xyz")); assertEquals("\"xyz\"", result); } public void testDisabling() throws Exception { assertEquals(aposToQuotes("{'x':1,'y':2}"), MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new DisabledJsonValue())); } public void testValueWithStaticType() throws Exception { // Ok; first, with dynamic type: assertEquals("{\"a\":\"a\",\"b\":\"b\"}", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ValueWrapper())); // then static ObjectMapper staticMapper = new ObjectMapper(); staticMapper.configure(MapperFeature.USE_STATIC_TYPING, true); assertEquals("{\"a\":\"a\"}", staticMapper.writeValueAsString(new ValueWrapper())); } public void testMapWithJsonValue() throws Exception { // First via method assertEquals("{\"a\":\"1\"}", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new MapBean())); // then field assertEquals("{\"b\":\"2\"}", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new MapFieldBean())); } public void testWithMap() throws Exception { assertEquals("42", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new MapAsNumber())); } public void testWithList() throws Exception { assertEquals("13", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ListAsNumber())); } public void testInList() throws Exception { IntExtBean bean = new IntExtBean(); bean.add(1); bean.add(2); String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(bean); assertEquals(json, "{\"values\":[{\"i\":1},{\"i\":2}]}"); } // [databind#167] public void testPolymorphicSerdeWithDelegate() throws Exception { AdditionInterface adder = new AdditionInterfaceImpl(1); assertEquals(2, adder.add(1)); String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(adder); assertEquals("{\"boingo\":\"boopsy\",\"toAdd\":1}", json); assertEquals(2, MAPPER.readValue(json, AdditionInterface.class).add(1)); } public void testJsonValueWithCustomOverride() throws Exception { final Bean838 INPUT = new Bean838(); // by default, @JsonValue should be used assertEquals(quote("value"), MAPPER.writeValueAsString(INPUT)); // but custom serializer should override it ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule() .addSerializer(Bean838.class, new Bean838Serializer()) ); assertEquals("42", mapper.writeValueAsString(INPUT)); } }