* Forge Mod Loader
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 cpw.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Contributors (this class):
* bspkrs - implementation
package net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.HasResult;
* These events are posted from the GuiConfig screen when the done button is pressed. The events are only posted
* if the parent screen is not an instance of GuiConfig or if the configID field has been set for
* the GuiConfig screen.
* Listeners for this event should use OnConfigChanged or PostConfigChanged and check for a specific mod ID.
* For best results the listener should refresh any objects/fields that are set based on the mod's config
* and should serialize the modified config.
* @author bspkrs
public class ConfigChangedEvent extends Event
* The Mod ID of the mod whose configuration just changed.
public final String modID;
* Whether or not a world is currently running.
public final boolean isWorldRunning;
* Will be set to true if any elements were changed that require a restart of Minecraft.
public final boolean requiresMcRestart;
* A String identifier for this ConfigChangedEvent.
public final String configID;
public ConfigChangedEvent(String modID, String configID, boolean isWorldRunning, boolean requiresMcRestart)
this.modID = modID;
this.configID = configID;
this.isWorldRunning = isWorldRunning;
this.requiresMcRestart = requiresMcRestart;
* This event is intended to be consumed by the mod whose config has been changed. It fires when the Done button
* has been clicked on a GuiConfig screen and the following conditions are met:<br/>
* - at least one config element has been changed<br/>
* - one of these 2 conditions are met:<br/>
* 1) the parent screen is null or is not an instance of GuiConfig<br/>
* 2) the configID field has been set to a non-null value for the GuiConfig screen<br/><br/>
* Modders should check the modID field of the event to ensure they are only acting on their own config screen's event!
public static class OnConfigChangedEvent extends ConfigChangedEvent
public OnConfigChangedEvent(String modID, String configID, boolean isWorldRunning, boolean requiresMcRestart)
super(modID, configID, isWorldRunning, requiresMcRestart);
* This event is provided for mods to consume if they want to be able to check if other mods' configs have been changed.
* This event only fires if the OnConfigChangedEvent result is not DENY.
public static class PostConfigChangedEvent extends ConfigChangedEvent
public PostConfigChangedEvent(String modID, String configID, boolean isWorldRunning, boolean requiresMcRestart)
super(modID, configID, isWorldRunning, requiresMcRestart);