package no.priv.garshol.duke.server; import static no.priv.garshol.duke.utils.PropertyUtils.get; import; import java.util.Properties; import no.priv.garshol.duke.ConfigLoader; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Configuration; import no.priv.garshol.duke.DukeConfigException; import no.priv.garshol.duke.DukeException; import no.priv.garshol.duke.JDBCLinkDatabase; import no.priv.garshol.duke.JNDILinkDatabase; import no.priv.garshol.duke.LinkDatabase; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Logger; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Processor; import no.priv.garshol.duke.RDBMSLinkDatabase; import no.priv.garshol.duke.matchers.AbstractMatchListener; import no.priv.garshol.duke.matchers.LinkDatabaseMatchListener; import no.priv.garshol.duke.utils.ObjectUtils; // we use this to make it easier to deal with properties /** * The central class that receives notifications from the UI and timer * threads, controlling the actual work performed. */ public class DukeController extends AbstractMatchListener { private String status; // what's up? private int records; // number of records processed private int batch_size; // batch size in Duke private long lastCheck; // time we last checked private long lastRecord; // most recent time we saw a new record private int error_factor;// how many times to skip processing on errors /** * When processing fails with an error, this variable is set to some * n, which is the number of processing() calls to skip before we * try again. This implements longer check delays when errors occur. */ private int error_skips; /** * Size of the last batch we saw. */ private int last_batch_size; private Processor processor; private LinkDatabase linkdb; private Logger logger; public DukeController(Properties props) { this.status = "Initialized, inactive"; String configfile = get(props, "duke.configfile"); try { // setting up logger String loggerclass = get(props, "duke.logger-class", null); if (loggerclass != null) { logger = (Logger) ObjectUtils.instantiate(loggerclass); logger.debug("DukeController starting up"); } // loading configuration Configuration config = ConfigLoader.load(configfile); this.processor = new Processor(config, false); this.linkdb = makeLinkDatabase(props); processor.addMatchListener(new LinkDatabaseMatchListener(config, linkdb)); processor.addMatchListener(this); batch_size = get(props, "duke.batch-size", 40000); error_factor = get(props, "duke.error-wait-skips", 6); // add loggers if (logger != null) { processor.setLogger(logger); if (linkdb instanceof RDBMSLinkDatabase) ((RDBMSLinkDatabase) linkdb).setLogger(logger); } } catch (Throwable e) { // this means init failed, and we need to clean up so that we can try // again later. unfortunately, we don't know what failed, so we need // to be careful if (processor != null) try { processor.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { if (logger != null) logger.error("Couldn't close processor", e2); } if (linkdb != null) linkdb.close(); throw new DukeException(e); // we failed, so signal that } } /** * Runs the record linkage process. */ public void process() { // are we ready to process yet, or have we had an error, and are // waiting a bit longer in the hope that it will resolve itself? if (error_skips > 0) { error_skips--; return; } try { if (logger != null) logger.debug("Starting processing"); status = "Processing"; lastCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); // FIXME: how to break off processing if we don't want to keep going? processor.deduplicate(batch_size); status = "Sleeping"; if (logger != null) logger.debug("Finished processing"); } catch (Throwable e) { status = "Thread blocked on error: " + e; if (logger != null) logger.error("Error in processing; waiting", e); error_skips = error_factor; } } /** * Shuts down the controller, releasing all resources. */ public void close() throws IOException { processor.close(); linkdb.close(); } public String getStatus() { return status; } public boolean isErrorBlocked() { return error_skips > 0 || status.startsWith("Thread blocked"); } public long getLastCheck() { return lastCheck; } public long getLastRecord() { return lastRecord; } public int getRecordCount() { return records; } // called by timer thread void reportError(Throwable throwable) { if (logger != null) logger.error("Timer reported error", throwable); status = "Thread blocked on error: " + throwable; error_skips = error_factor; } // called by timer thread void reportStopped() { status = "Thread stopped"; if (logger != null) logger.error("Timer thread has stopped"); } // --- Listener implementation public void batchReady(int size) { last_batch_size = size; } public void batchDone() { linkdb.commit(); records += last_batch_size; lastRecord = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // --- Create link database private LinkDatabase makeLinkDatabase(Properties props) { String dbtype = get(props, "duke.linkdbtype"); if (dbtype.equals("jdbc")) return makeJDBCLinkDatabase(props); else if (dbtype.equals("jndi")) return makeJNDILinkDatabase(props); else throw new DukeConfigException("Unknown link database type '" + dbtype + "'"); } private LinkDatabase makeJDBCLinkDatabase(Properties props) { String linkjdbcuri = get(props, "duke.linkjdbcuri"); String driverklass = get(props, "duke.jdbcdriver"); String dbtype = get(props, "duke.database"); String tblprefix = get(props, "duke.table-prefix", null); Properties jdbcprops = new Properties(); if (get(props, "duke.username", null) != null) jdbcprops.put("user", get(props, "duke.username")); if (get(props, "duke.password", null) != null) jdbcprops.put("password", get(props, "duke.password")); JDBCLinkDatabase db; db = new JDBCLinkDatabase(driverklass, linkjdbcuri, dbtype, jdbcprops); if (tblprefix != null) db.setTablePrefix(tblprefix); db.init(); return db; } private LinkDatabase makeJNDILinkDatabase(Properties props) { String tblprefix = get(props, "duke.table-prefix", null); JNDILinkDatabase db = new JNDILinkDatabase(get(props, "duke.linkjndipath"), get(props, "duke.database")); if (tblprefix != null) db.setTablePrefix(tblprefix); db.init(); return db; } }