package no.priv.garshol.duke.utils; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import no.priv.garshol.duke.DukeConfigException; import no.priv.garshol.duke.comparators.QGramComparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; import static; public class ObjectUtilsTest { private TestBean bean; private Map<String, Object> objects; @Before public void setup() { bean = new TestBean(); objects = new HashMap(); } @Test public void testOneWord() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "property", "value", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", "value", bean.getProperty()); } @Test public void testTwoWords() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "property-name", "value", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", "value", bean.getPropertyName()); } @Test public void testThreeWords() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "long-property-name", "value", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", "value", bean.getLongPropertyName()); } @Test public void testIntProperty() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "int-property", "25", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", 25, bean.getIntProperty()); } @Test public void testBoolProperty() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "bool-property", "true", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", true, bean.getBoolProperty()); } @Test public void testDoubleProperty() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "double-property", "0.25", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", 0.25, bean.getDoubleProperty()); } @Test public void testFloatProperty() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "float-property", "0.25", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", 0.25f, bean.getFloatProperty()); } @Test public void testNamedObject() { objects.put("thetest", this); ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "test", "thetest", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", this, bean.getTest()); } @Test public void testEnumConstant() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "enum", "JACCARD", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", QGramComparator.Formula.JACCARD, bean.getEnum()); } @Test public void testCharProperty() { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "char-property", "g", objects); assertEquals("property not set correctly", 'g', bean.getCharProperty()); } @Test public void testCharPropertyError() { try { ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "char-property", "goo", objects); fail("shouldn't accept three-character string as value of character prop"); } catch (DukeConfigException e) { // this is right. we're trying to set a three-character string // into a character property } } @Test public void testCollection() { objects.put("foo", "gurgle"); objects.put("bar", "gargle"); ObjectUtils.setBeanProperty(bean, "collection", "foo bar", objects); Collection<String> coll = bean.getCollection(); assertEquals(2, coll.size()); assertTrue(coll.contains("gurgle")); assertTrue(coll.contains("gargle")); } // ----- TESTBEAN public static class TestBean { private String value; private int theint; private boolean thebool; private double thedouble; private float thefloat; private char thechar; private ObjectUtilsTest thetest; private QGramComparator.Formula theenum; private Collection<String> collection; public void setProperty(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getProperty() { return value; } public void setPropertyName(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getPropertyName() { return value; } public void setLongPropertyName(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getLongPropertyName() { return value; } public void setIntProperty(int value) { this.theint = value; } public int getIntProperty() { return theint; } public void setBoolProperty(boolean value) { this.thebool = value; } public boolean getBoolProperty() { return thebool; } public void setDoubleProperty(double value) { this.thedouble = value; } public double getDoubleProperty() { return thedouble; } public void setFloatProperty(float value) { this.thefloat = value; } public float getFloatProperty() { return thefloat; } public void setTest(ObjectUtilsTest test) { this.thetest = test; } public ObjectUtilsTest getTest() { return thetest; } public void setCharProperty(char ch) { this.thechar = ch; } public char getCharProperty() { return thechar; } public void setEnum(QGramComparator.Formula theenum) { this.theenum = theenum; } public QGramComparator.Formula getEnum() { return theenum; } public Collection<String> getCollection() { return collection; } public void setCollection(Collection<String> collection) { this.collection = collection; } } }