package no.priv.garshol.duke.databases; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import no.priv.garshol.duke.CompactRecord; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Property; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Record; import org.mapdb.DB; import org.mapdb.DBMaker; import org.mapdb.Serializer; // FIXME: // - is a mapdb-based link database a good idea? // - try out performance of cityhotels script with mysql // - if really poor, look at why // - compare with mapdb /** * A database using blocking to find candidate records, storing the * blocks in MapDB on disk. * @since 1.2 */ public class MapDBBlockingDatabase extends AbstractBlockingDatabase { private DB db; private boolean overwrite; // db configuration properties private int cache_size; private String file; private boolean async; private boolean mmap; private boolean compression; private boolean snapshot; private boolean notxn; public MapDBBlockingDatabase() { super(); this.cache_size = 32768; // MapDB default // experiments show optimal performance with these two on, and // the others off. therefore setting that as default this.async = true; this.mmap = true; } // ----- CONFIGURATION OPTIONS public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite) { this.overwrite = overwrite; } /** * Sets the size of the MapDB instance cache. Bigger values give * better speed, but require more memory. Default is 32768. */ public void setCacheSize(int cache_size) { this.cache_size = cache_size; } /** * Sets the file name (and path) of the MapDB database file. If * omitted the database is just kept in-memory. */ public void setFile(String file) { this.file = file; } // these configuration options are experimental public void setAsync(boolean async) { this.async = async; } public void setMmap(boolean mmap) { this.mmap = mmap; } public void setCompression(boolean compression) { this.compression = compression; } public void setSnapshot(boolean snapshot) { this.snapshot = snapshot; } public void setNotxn(boolean notxn) { this.notxn = notxn; } public void index(Record record) { if (db == null) init(); // is there a previous version of this record? if so, remove it String id = getId(record); if (!overwrite && file != null) { Record old = findRecordById(id); if (old != null) { for (KeyFunction keyfunc : functions) { NavigableMap<String, Block> blocks = getBlocks(keyfunc); String key = keyfunc.makeKey(old); Block block = blocks.get(key); block.remove(id); blocks.put(key, block); // changed the object, so need to write again } } } indexById(record); // index by key for (KeyFunction keyfunc : functions) { NavigableMap<String, Block> blocks = getBlocks(keyfunc); String key = keyfunc.makeKey(record); Block block = blocks.get(key); if (block == null) block = new Block(); block.add(id); blocks.put(key, block); // changed the object, so need to write again } } public Record findRecordById(String id) { if (db == null) init(); return idmap.get(id); } public Collection<Record> findCandidateMatches(Record record) { if (db == null) init(); return super.findCandidateMatches(record); } public boolean isInMemory() { return file == null; } public void commit() { // having commit here slows things down considerably, probably // because it forces writes. } public void close() { db.commit(); db.close(); } public String toString() { return "MapDBBlockingDatabase window_size=" + window_size + ", cache_size=" + cache_size + ", in-memory=" + isInMemory() + "\n " + "async=" + async + ", mmap=" + mmap + ", compress=" + compression + ", snapshot=" + snapshot + "\n notxn=" + notxn + "\n " + functions; } private String getId(Record r) { for (Property idprop : config.getIdentityProperties()) { String v = r.getValue(idprop.getName()); if (v != null) return v; } return null; } private void init() { DBMaker maker; if (file == null) maker = DBMaker.newMemoryDB(); else { if (overwrite) wipe(file); maker = DBMaker.newFileDB(new File(file)); maker = maker.cacheSize(cache_size); if (async) { maker = maker.asyncWriteEnable(); maker = maker.asyncWriteFlushDelay(10000); } if (mmap) maker = maker.mmapFileEnableIfSupported(); if (compression) maker = maker.compressionEnable(); if (snapshot) maker = maker.snapshotEnable(); if (notxn) maker = maker.transactionDisable(); } db = maker.make(); if (!db.exists("idmap")) idmap = db.createHashMap("idmap") .valueSerializer(new RecordSerializer()) .make(); else idmap = db.getHashMap("idmap"); } // MapDB doesn't support overwrite yet, so we have to do this // workaround private void wipe(String dbfile) { File file = new File(dbfile); File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir == null) return; // means directory doesn't exist. make error message elsewhere for (File f : dir.listFiles()) if (f.getName().startsWith(file.getName())) f.delete(); } // --- PLUG IN EXTENSIONS protected int addBlock(Collection<Record> candidates, Map.Entry entry) { Block block = (Block) entry.getValue(); String[] ids = block.getIds(); int ix = 0; for (; ix < block.size(); ix++) candidates.add(idmap.get(ids[ix])); return ix; } protected NavigableMap makeMap(KeyFunction keyfunc) { if (db == null) init(); String name = keyfunc.getClass().getName(); if (!db.exists(name)) return db.createTreeMap(name) .valueSerializer(new BlockSerializer()) .make(); else return db.getTreeMap(name); } // ----- SERIALIZERS static class BlockSerializer implements Serializable, Serializer<Block> { public void serialize(DataOutput out, Block block) throws IOException { int size = block.size(); out.writeInt(size); String[] ids = block.getIds(); for (int ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) out.writeUTF(ids[ix]); } public Block deserialize(DataInput in, int available) throws IOException { int free = in.readInt(); String[] ids = new String[free]; for (int ix = 0; ix < free; ix++) ids[ix] = in.readUTF(); return new Block(free, ids); } public int fixedSize() { return -1; } } static class RecordSerializer implements Serializable, Serializer<CompactRecord> { public void serialize(DataOutput out, CompactRecord value) throws IOException { int free = value.getFree(); out.writeInt(free); String[] s = value.getArray(); for (int ix = 0; ix < free; ix++) out.writeUTF(s[ix]); } public CompactRecord deserialize(DataInput in, int available) throws IOException { int free = in.readInt(); String[] s = new String[free]; for (int ix = 0; ix < free; ix++) s[ix] = in.readUTF(); return new CompactRecord(free, s); } public int fixedSize() { return -1; } } }