package no.priv.garshol.duke.genetic; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Before; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Property; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Comparator; import no.priv.garshol.duke.PropertyImpl; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Configuration; import no.priv.garshol.duke.ConfigurationImpl; import no.priv.garshol.duke.comparators.Levenshtein; import no.priv.garshol.duke.comparators.WeightedLevenshtein; public class GeneticConfigurationTest { private Configuration config1; @Before public void setup() { Levenshtein lev = new Levenshtein(); List<Property> props = new ArrayList(); props.add(new PropertyImpl("ID")); props.add(new PropertyImpl("NAME", lev, 0.3, 0.8)); props.add(new PropertyImpl("EMAIL", lev, 0.3, 0.8)); config1 = new ConfigurationImpl(); ((ConfigurationImpl) config1).setProperties(props); ((ConfigurationImpl) config1).setThreshold(0.85); } @Test public void testMakeRandomCopy() { GeneticConfiguration conf = new GeneticConfiguration(config1); GeneticConfiguration confrand = conf.makeRandomCopy(); Configuration rand = confrand.getConfiguration(); assertTrue("shouldn't have a parent", conf.getParent() == null); assertTrue("wrong parent", confrand.getParent() == conf); assertEquals("wrong number of properties", rand.getProperties().size(), 3); // same properties, but most aspects should now be different. // don't really want to a computation of how many aspects are different, // because with some degree of statistical likelihood, any limit is going // to be wrong some of the time. let's try this one and see how it works // out. let me know if this causes problems. int aspects = 1 + (3 * (config1.getProperties().size() - 1)); int differences = countDifferences(config1, rand); assertTrue("Not enough differences: " + differences, differences > 3); } private int countDifferences(Configuration config, Configuration rand) { int differences = 0; if (rand.getThreshold() != config.getThreshold()) differences += 1; Property prop = rand.getPropertyByName("ID"); assertTrue("ID property lost", prop.isIdProperty()); differences += checkProperty("NAME", config, rand); differences += checkProperty("EMAIL", config, rand); return differences; } private int checkProperty(String name, Configuration config, Configuration rand) { Property prop = rand.getPropertyByName(name); Property orig = config.getPropertyByName(name); int differences = 0; if (!prop.getComparator().equals(orig.getComparator())) differences++; if (prop.getHighProbability() != orig.getHighProbability()) differences++; if (prop.getLowProbability() != orig.getLowProbability()) differences++; return differences; } @Test public void testMutate() { GeneticConfiguration conf = new GeneticConfiguration(config1.copy()); conf.mutate(); Configuration rand = conf.getConfiguration(); int diffs = countDifferences(config1, rand); if (diffs == 0) { // this happens every now and then by accident. when it does, we // give it a second try. conf.mutate(); diffs = countDifferences(config1, rand); if (diffs == 0) { // ok, third try conf.mutate(); diffs = countDifferences(config1, rand); } // of course, it could still fail, but at least the chance is // greatly reduced now } assertEquals("wrong number of differences", 1, diffs); } @Test public void testMate() { // build a different configuration WeightedLevenshtein lev = new WeightedLevenshtein(); List<Property> props = new ArrayList(); props.add(new PropertyImpl("ID")); props.add(new PropertyImpl("NAME", lev, 0.2, 0.9)); props.add(new PropertyImpl("EMAIL", lev, 0.2, 0.9)); Configuration other = new ConfigurationImpl(); ((ConfigurationImpl) other).setProperties(props); ((ConfigurationImpl) other).setThreshold(0.75); GeneticConfiguration g_other = new GeneticConfiguration(other); // proceed to mate GeneticConfiguration conf = new GeneticConfiguration(config1.copy()); conf.mateWith(g_other); Configuration rand = conf.getConfiguration(); // compute differences // there are seven aspects, which should always be equal to just one // of the original configurations. comparing against both should therefore // always yield exactly 7 differences. assertEquals("wrong number of differences", 7, countDifferences(config1, rand) + countDifferences(other, rand)); } }