package no.priv.garshol.duke.databases; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Record; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Property; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Database; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Configuration; import no.priv.garshol.duke.utils.StringUtils; /** * A database that uses a key-value store to index and find records. * Faster than Lucene, but relevance ranking is not as good, and has * no fuzzy or geospatial support. * @since 1.0 */ public class KeyValueDatabase implements Database { private Configuration config; private KeyValueStore store; private int max_search_hits; private float min_relevance; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // we'll never gather more candidates than CF1 * max_search_hits private static final int CUTOFF_FACTOR_1 = 20; // buckets that have more elements than candidates.size * CF2 are ignored private static final int CUTOFF_FACTOR_2 = 50; public KeyValueDatabase() { = new InMemoryKeyValueStore(); this.max_search_hits = 1000000; } public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite) { } public void setMaxSearchHits(int max_search_hits) { this.max_search_hits = max_search_hits; } public void setMinRelevance(float min_relevance) { this.min_relevance = min_relevance; } /** * Returns true iff the database is held entirely in memory, and * thus is not persistent. */ public boolean isInMemory() { return store.isInMemory(); } /** * Add the record to the index. */ public void index(Record record) { // FIXME: check if record is already indexed // allocate an ID for this record long id = store.makeNewRecordId(); store.registerRecord(id, record); // go through ID properties and register them for (Property p : config.getIdentityProperties()) for (String extid : record.getValues(p.getName())) store.registerId(id, extid); // go through lookup properties and register those for (Property p : config.getLookupProperties()) { String propname = p.getName(); for (String value : record.getValues(propname)) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(value); for (int ix = 0; ix < tokens.length; ix++) store.registerToken(id, propname, tokens[ix]); } } } /** * Look up record by identity. */ public Record findRecordById(String id) { return store.findRecordById(id); } /** * Look up potentially matching records. */ public Collection<Record> findCandidateMatches(Record record) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // do lookup on all tokens from all lookup properties // (we only identify the buckets for now. later we decide how to process // them) List<Bucket> buckets = lookup(record); // preprocess the list of buckets Collections.sort(buckets); double score_sum = 0.0; for (Bucket b : buckets) score_sum += b.getScore(); double score_so_far = 0.0; int threshold = buckets.size() - 1; for (; (score_so_far / score_sum) < min_relevance; threshold--) { score_so_far += buckets.get(threshold).getScore(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("score_so_far: " + (score_so_far/score_sum) + " (" + threshold + ")"); } // bucket.get(threshold) made us go over the limit, so we need to step // one back threshold++; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Threshold: " + threshold); // the collection of candidates Map<Long, Score> candidates = new HashMap(); // go through the buckets that we're going to collect candidates from int next_bucket = collectCandidates(candidates, buckets, threshold); // there might still be some buckets left below the threshold. for // these we go through the existing candidates and check if we can // find them in the buckets. bumpScores(candidates, buckets, next_bucket); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("candidates: " + candidates.size()); // if the cutoff properties are not set we can stop right here // FIXME: it's possible to make this a lot cleaner if (max_search_hits > candidates.size() && min_relevance == 0.0) { Collection<Record> cands = new ArrayList(candidates.size()); for (Long id : candidates.keySet()) cands.add(store.findRecordById(id)); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("final: " + cands.size()); return cands; } // flatten candidates into an array, prior to sorting etc int ix = 0; Score[] scores = new Score[candidates.size()]; double max_score = 0.0; for (Score s : candidates.values()) { scores[ix++] = s; if (s.score > max_score) max_score = s.score; if (DEBUG && false) System.out.println("" + + ": " + s.score); } // allow map to be GC-ed candidates = null; // filter candidates with min_relevance and max_search_hits. do // this by turning the scores[] array into a priority queue (on // .score), then retrieving the best candidates. (gives a big // performance improvement over sorting the array.) PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue(scores); int count = Math.min(scores.length, max_search_hits); Collection<Record> records = new ArrayList(count); for (ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { Score s =; if (s.score >= min_relevance) records.add(store.findRecordById(; } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("final: " + records.size()); return records; } /** * Flushes all changes to disk. For in-memory databases this is a * no-op. */ public void commit() { store.commit(); } /** * Stores state to disk and closes all open resources. */ public void close() { store.close(); } public String toString() { return "KeyValueDatabase(" + store + "), max_search_hits=" + max_search_hits + ", min_relevance=" + min_relevance; } /** * Goes through the buckets from ix and out, checking for each * candidate if it's in one of the buckets, and if so, increasing * its score accordingly. No new candidates are added. */ private void bumpScores(Map<Long, Score> candidates, List<Bucket> buckets, int ix) { for (; ix < buckets.size(); ix++) { Bucket b = buckets.get(ix); if (b.nextfree > CUTOFF_FACTOR_2 * candidates.size()) return; double score = b.getScore(); for (Score s : candidates.values()) if (b.contains( s.score += score; } } /** * Goes through the first buckets, picking out candidate records and * tallying up their scores. * @return the index of the first bucket we did not process */ private int collectCandidates(Map<Long, Score> candidates, List<Bucket> buckets, int threshold) { int ix; for (ix = 0; ix < threshold && candidates.size() < (CUTOFF_FACTOR_1 * max_search_hits); ix++) { Bucket b = buckets.get(ix); long[] ids = b.records; double score = b.getScore(); for (int ix2 = 0; ix2 < b.nextfree; ix2++) { Score s = candidates.get(ids[ix2]); if (s == null) { s = new Score(ids[ix2]); candidates.put(ids[ix2], s); } s.score += score; } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Bucket " + b.nextfree + " -> " + candidates.size()); } return ix; } /** * Tokenizes lookup fields and returns all matching buckets in the * index. */ private List<Bucket> lookup(Record record) { List<Bucket> buckets = new ArrayList(); for (Property p : config.getLookupProperties()) { String propname = p.getName(); Collection<String> values = record.getValues(propname); if (values == null) continue; for (String value : values) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(value); for (int ix = 0; ix < tokens.length; ix++) { Bucket b = store.lookupToken(propname, tokens[ix]); if (b == null || b.records == null) continue; long[] ids = b.records; if (DEBUG) System.out.println(propname + ", " + tokens[ix] + ": " + b.nextfree + " (" + b.getScore() + ")"); buckets.add(b); } } } return buckets; } // public so that we can test the priority queue public static class Score implements Comparable<Score> { public long id; public double score; public Score(long id) { = id; } public int compareTo(Score other) { if (other.score < score) return -1; else if (other.score > score) return 1; else return 0; } } // public so that we can test it public static class PriorityQueue { private Score[] scores; private int size; public PriorityQueue(Score[] scores) { this.scores = scores; this.size = scores.length; // heap is always full to begin with build_heap(); } /** * Turns the random array into a heap. */ private void build_heap() { for (int ix = (size / 2); ix >= 0; ix--) heapify(ix); } /** * Assuming binary trees rooted at left(ix) and right(ix) are * already heaped, but scores[ix] may not be heaped, rebalance so * that scores[ix] winds up in the right place, and subtree rooted * at ix is correctly heaped. */ private void heapify(int ix) { int left = (ix * 2) + 1; if (left >= size) return; // ix is a leaf, and there's nothing to be done int right = left + 1; int largest = ix; if (scores[left].score > scores[ix].score) largest = left; if (right < size && scores[right].score > scores[largest].score) largest = right; if (largest != ix) { Score tmp = scores[largest]; scores[largest] = scores[ix]; scores[ix] = tmp; heapify(largest); } } public Score next() { Score next = scores[0]; size--; if (size >= 0) { scores[0] = scores[size]; scores[size] = null; heapify(0); } return next; } } }