package no.priv.garshol.duke.datasources; import; import java.util.Arrays; import com.mongodb.Bytes; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoCredential; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import no.priv.garshol.duke.ConfigWriter; import no.priv.garshol.duke.DukeException; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Record; import no.priv.garshol.duke.RecordIterator; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributeListImpl; // Implementation based on JDBCDataSource public class MongoDBDataSource extends ColumnarDataSource { // connection params private static int MIN_PORT = 1; private static int MAX_PORT = 65535; private String mongouri = "localhost"; // default server private int port = 27017; // default port // authentication params private static String AUTH_ON_ADMIN = "admin"; private static String AUTH_ON_DB = "true"; private static String AUTH_FALSE = "false"; private String auth = AUTH_FALSE; // default value private String username; private String password; private boolean noTimeOut = false; // by default we don't set that flag // query params private String dbname; private String collectionName; private String query = "{}"; // default: all documents private String projection; // optional public MongoDBDataSource() { super(); } // ---------- // Setters: bean properties (Note: are "-" separated, instead of cammelCase formatted) // ---------- public void setServerAddress(String addr) { if(!addr.equals("")){ this.mongouri = addr; } } public void setPortNumber(String port) { int parsedPort; try{ parsedPort = Integer.parseInt(port,10); if(parsedPort>=MIN_PORT && parsedPort<=MAX_PORT){ this.port = parsedPort; } } catch(NumberFormatException ex){ System.out.println("** Invalid port number: "+port); throw new DukeException(ex); } } public void setDbAuth(String authdb){ if(authdb.toLowerCase().equals(AUTH_ON_DB)){ this.auth = AUTH_ON_DB; } /* I hate your 2 space identation, Lars... makes the code a little less unreadable*/ else if(authdb.toLowerCase().equals(AUTH_ON_ADMIN)){ this.auth = AUTH_ON_ADMIN; } } public void setUserName(String username) { if(!username.equals("")){ this.username = username; } } public void setPassword(String password) { if(!password.equals("")){ this.password = password; } } public void setDatabase(String dbname) { if(!dbname.equals("")){ this.dbname = dbname; } } public void setCursorNotimeout(String timeout){ if(timeout.toLowerCase().equals("true")){ this.noTimeOut = true; } } public void setCollection(String collectionName) { if(!collectionName.equals("")){ this.collectionName = collectionName; } } public void setQuery(String query) { if(!query.equals("")){ this.query = query; } } public void setProjection(String projection) { if(!projection.equals("")){ this.projection = projection; } } // ---------- // Getters: we have to provide default values // ---------- public String getServerAddress() { return mongouri; } public String getPortNumber() { return Integer.toString(port); } public String getDbAuth(){ return auth; } public String getUserName() { if(this.username==null){ return ""; } return this.username; } public String getPassword() { if(this.password==null){ return ""; } return this.password; } public String getDatabase() { return this.dbname; } public String getCursorNotimeout(){ if(this.noTimeOut){ return "true"; } else{ return "false"; } } public String getCollection() { return this.collectionName; } public String getQuery() { return this.query; } public String getProjection() { if(this.projection==null){ return ""; } return this.projection; } // ---------- // Methods // ---------- public RecordIterator getRecords() { verifyProperty(dbname, "database"); verifyProperty(collectionName, "collection"); try { final MongoClient mongo; final DB database; final DBCollection collection; final DBCursor result; final DBObject queryDocument; final DBObject projectionDocument; // authentication mecanism via MONGODB-CR authentication if(auth.equals(AUTH_ON_DB)){ verifyProperty(username, "user-name"); verifyProperty(password, "password"); mongo = new MongoClient( new ServerAddress(mongouri, port), Arrays.asList(MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(username, dbname, password.toCharArray())) ); } else if(auth.equals(AUTH_ON_ADMIN)){ verifyProperty(username, "user-name"); verifyProperty(password, "password"); mongo = new MongoClient( new ServerAddress(mongouri, port), Arrays.asList(MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(username, AUTH_ON_ADMIN, password.toCharArray())) ); } else{ mongo = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(mongouri, port)); } // get db, collection database = mongo.getDB(dbname); collection = database.getCollection(collectionName); // execute query queryDocument = (DBObject)JSON.parse(query); if(projection==null){ result = collection.find(queryDocument); } else{ projectionDocument = (DBObject)JSON.parse(projection); result = collection.find(queryDocument, projectionDocument); } // See: // and if(noTimeOut){ result.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT); } return new MongoDBIterator(result, mongo); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (Exception ex){ throw new DukeException(ex); } } @Override public void writeConfig(ConfigWriter cw) { final String name = "data-source"; String klass = getClass().getName(); AttributeListImpl attribs = new AttributeListImpl(); attribs.addAttribute("class", "CDATA", klass); cw.writeStartElement(name, attribs); cw.writeParam("server-address", getServerAddress()); cw.writeParam("port-number", getPortNumber()); cw.writeParam("user-name", getUserName()); cw.writeParam("password", getPassword()); cw.writeParam("db-auth", getDbAuth()); cw.writeParam("database", getDatabase()); cw.writeParam("cursor-notimeout", getCursorNotimeout()); cw.writeParam("collection", getCollection()); cw.writeParam("query", getQuery()); cw.writeParam("projection", getProjection()); cw.writeEndElement(name); } protected String getSourceName() { return "MongoDB"; } // Nested class that will return the flattened MongoDB documents public class MongoDBIterator extends RecordIterator { private DBCursor cursor; private MongoClient mongoClient; private DBObject element; private boolean hasNext; private RecordBuilder builder; private static final String DOT = "."; public MongoDBIterator(DBCursor cursor, MongoClient mongoClient) throws MongoException{ this.mongoClient = mongoClient; this.cursor = cursor; this.hasNext = cursor.hasNext(); this.builder = new RecordBuilder(MongoDBDataSource.this); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return hasNext; } @Override public Record next() { try { element =; builder.newRecord(); for (Column col : getColumns()) { // TODO: identify arrays (containing values or DBObjects) in order to add multiple values String value = getStringValueFromCursorElement(element, col.getName()); builder.addValue(col, value); } hasNext = cursor.hasNext(); // step to next return builder.getRecord(); } catch (MongoException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Recursive function which iterates through [sub-sub-sub...]documents // NOTE: this assummes that DOT means field nesting // When the DOT is actually part of the field name, it does not work properly // If this is your case, one day you will have to update it: private String getStringValueFromCursorElement(DBObject elem, String propName){ int dotIndex = propName.indexOf(DOT); Object value; DBObject subValue; String subPropName; String propNameSuffix; if(dotIndex==-1){ value = elem.get(propName); if(value instanceof String){ return (String)value; } else if(value==null){ return null; } else{ return value.toString(); } } else{ propNameSuffix = propName.substring(0,dotIndex); subValue = (DBObject)elem.get(propNameSuffix); subPropName = propName.substring(dotIndex+1); return getStringValueFromCursorElement(subValue, subPropName); } } @Override // is this "Override" necessary? public void close(){ try { mongoClient.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DukeException(e); } } } }