package no.priv.garshol.duke.comparators; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; public class LevenshteinTest { private Levenshtein comp; @Before public void setup() { this.comp = new Levenshtein(); } // tests for the comparator @Test public void testComparatorEqual() { assertEquals(1.0,"foo", "foo")); } @Test public void testComparatorTotallyDifferent() { assertTrue("foo", "bar") < 0.5); } @Test public void testComparatorOneInFour() { assertEquals(0.75,"fooz", "foos")); } // tests for the original algorithm @Test public void testEmpty() { assertEquals(0, Levenshtein.distance("", "")); } @Test public void testEmpty1() { assertEquals(1, Levenshtein.distance("", "1")); } @Test public void testEmpty2() { assertEquals(1, Levenshtein.distance("1", "")); } @Test public void testKitten() { assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.distance("kitten", "sitting")); assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.distance("sitting", "kitten")); } @Test public void testDays() { assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.distance("saturday", "sunday")); assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.distance("sunday", "saturday")); } @Test public void testGambol() { assertEquals(2, Levenshtein.distance("gambol", "gumbo")); assertEquals(2, Levenshtein.distance("gumbo", "gambol")); } @Test public void testTotallyUnlike() { assertEquals(4, Levenshtein.distance("abcd", "efgh")); } // tests for the compact version of the algorithm, with cutoff @Test public void testCEmpty() { assertEquals(0, Levenshtein.compactDistance("", "")); } @Test public void testCEmpty1() { assertEquals(1, Levenshtein.compactDistance("", "1")); } @Test public void testCEmpty2() { assertEquals(1, Levenshtein.compactDistance("1", "")); } @Test public void testCKitten() { assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.compactDistance("kitten", "sitting")); assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.compactDistance("sitting", "kitten")); } @Test public void testCDays() { assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.compactDistance("saturday", "sunday")); assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.compactDistance("sunday", "saturday")); } @Test public void testCGambol() { assertEquals(2, Levenshtein.compactDistance("gambol", "gumbo")); assertEquals(2, Levenshtein.compactDistance("gumbo", "gambol")); } @Test public void testCTotallyUnlike() { // the edit distance is 4, but we will return only 3, because of the cutoff assertEquals(3, Levenshtein.compactDistance("abcd", "efgh")); } }