package no.priv.garshol.duke.matchers; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collection; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Record; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Property; /** * Match listener which prints events to standard out. Used by the * command-line client. Also contains utility methods for printing * records nicely. */ public class PrintMatchListener extends AbstractMatchListener { private int matches; private int records; private int nonmatches; // only counted in record linkage mode private boolean showmaybe; private boolean showmatches; private boolean progress; private boolean linkage; // means there's a separate indexing step private boolean pretty; private List<Property> properties; /** * Creates a new listener. * @param showmatches Whether to display matches. (On cmd-line: --showmatches) * @param showmaybe Whether to display maybe-matches. --showmaybe * @param progress Whether to display progress reports. --progress * @param linkage True iff in record linkage mode. * @param pretty Whether to pretty-print records (not compact). */ public PrintMatchListener(boolean showmatches, boolean showmaybe, boolean progress, boolean linkage, List<Property> properties, boolean pretty) { this.matches = 0; this.records = 0; this.showmatches = showmatches; this.showmaybe = showmaybe; this.progress = progress; this.linkage = linkage; = properties; this.pretty = pretty; } public int getMatchCount() { return matches; } public void batchReady(int size) { if (progress) System.out.println("Records: " + records); records += size; } public void matches(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence) { matches++; if (showmatches) { if (pretty) prettyCompare(r1, r2, confidence, "\nMATCH", properties); else show(r1, r2, confidence, "\nMATCH", properties); } if (matches % 1000 == 0 && progress) System.out.println("" + matches + " matches"); } public void matchesPerhaps(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence) { if (showmaybe) { if (pretty) prettyCompare(r1, r2, confidence, "\nMAYBE MATCH", properties); else show(r1, r2, confidence, "\nMAYBE MATCH", properties); } } public void endProcessing() { if (progress) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Total records: " + records); System.out.println("Total matches: " + matches); System.out.println("Total non-matches: " + nonmatches); } } public void noMatchFor(Record record) { nonmatches++; if (showmatches && linkage) System.out.println("\nNO MATCH FOR:\n" + toString(record, properties)); } // ===== public static void show(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence, String heading, List<Property> props) { System.out.println(heading + " " + confidence); System.out.println(toString(r1, props)); System.out.println(toString(r2, props)); } public static void show(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence, String heading, List<Property> props, boolean pretty) { if (pretty) prettyCompare(r1, r2, confidence, heading, props); else show(r1, r2, confidence, heading, props); } // mostly used in error messages public static String toString(Record r) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (String p : r.getProperties()) { Collection<String> vs = r.getValues(p); if (vs == null || vs.isEmpty()) continue; buf.append(p + ": "); for (String v : vs) buf.append("'" + v + "', "); } //buf.append(";;; " + r); return buf.toString(); } public static String toString(Record r, List<Property> props) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (Property p : props) { Collection<String> vs = r.getValues(p.getName()); if (vs == null || vs.isEmpty()) continue; buf.append(p.getName() + ": "); for (String v : vs) buf.append("'" + v + "', "); } //buf.append(";;; " + r); return buf.toString(); } public static void prettyCompare(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence, String heading, List<Property> props) { System.out.println(heading + " " + confidence); for (Property p : props) { String prop = p.getName(); if ((r1.getValues(prop) == null || r1.getValues(prop).isEmpty()) && (r2.getValues(prop) == null || r2.getValues(prop).isEmpty())) continue; System.out.println(prop); System.out.println(" " + value(r1, prop)); System.out.println(" " + value(r2, prop)); } } public static void prettyPrint(Record r, List<Property> props) { for (Property p : props) { String prop = p.getName(); if (r.getValues(prop) == null || r.getValues(prop).isEmpty()) continue; System.out.println(prop + ": " + value(r, prop)); } } public static void htmlCompare(Record r1, Record r2, double confidence, String heading, List<Property> props) { System.out.println("<p>" + heading + " " + confidence + "</p>"); System.out.println("<table>"); for (Property p : props) { String prop = p.getName(); if ((r1.getValues(prop) == null || r1.getValues(prop).isEmpty()) && (r2.getValues(prop) == null || r2.getValues(prop).isEmpty())) continue; System.out.println("<tr><td>" + prop); System.out.println("<td>" + value(r1, prop)); System.out.println("<td>" + value(r2, prop)); } System.out.println("</table>"); } private static String value(Record r, String p) { Collection<String> vs = r.getValues(p); if (vs == null) return "<null>"; if (vs.isEmpty()) return "<null>"; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (String v : vs) { buf.append("'"); buf.append(v); buf.append("', "); } return buf.toString(); } }