package no.priv.garshol.duke.utils; import; import; import no.priv.garshol.duke.DukeException; public class CSVReader { private Reader in; private char[] buf; private int pos; // where we are in the buffer private int len; private String[] tmp; private char separator; private String file; // for error messages, can be null public CSVReader(Reader in) throws IOException { this(in, 65386, null); } public CSVReader(Reader in, int buflen, String file) throws IOException { this.buf = new char[buflen]; this.pos = 0; this.len =, 0, buf.length); this.tmp = new String[1000]; = in; this.separator = ','; // default this.file = file; } public void setSeparator(char separator) { this.separator = separator; } public String[] next() throws IOException { if (len == -1 || pos >= len) return null; int colno = 0; int rowstart = pos; // used for rebuffering at end int prev = pos - 1; boolean escaped_quote = false; // did we find an escaped quote? boolean startquote = false; while (pos < len) { startquote = false; if (buf[pos] == '"') { startquote = true; prev++; pos++; } // scan forward, looking for end of string while (true) { while (pos < len && (startquote || buf[pos] != separator) && (startquote || (buf[pos] != '\n' && buf[pos] != '\r')) && !(startquote && buf[pos] == '"')) pos++; if (pos + 1 >= len || (!(buf[pos] == '"' && buf[pos+1] == '"'))) break; // we found the end of this value, so stop else { // found a "". carry on escaped_quote = true; pos += 2; // step to character after next } } if (escaped_quote) tmp[colno++] = unescape(new String(buf, prev + 1, pos - prev - 1)); else tmp[colno++] = new String(buf, prev + 1, pos - prev - 1); if (startquote) pos++; // step over the '"' prev = pos; if (pos >= len) break; // jump out of the loop to rebuffer and try again if (buf[pos] == '\r' || buf[pos] == '\n') { pos++; // step over the \r or \n if (pos >= len) break; // jump out of the loop to rebuffer and try again if (buf[pos] == '\n') pos++; // step over this, too break; // we're done } pos++; // step over either separator or \n } if (pos >= len) { // this means we've exhausted the buffer. that again means either we've // read the entire stream, or we need to fill up the buffer. if (rowstart == 0 && len == buf.length) throw new DukeException("Row length bigger than buffer size (" + buf.length + "); unbalanced quotes? in " + file); System.arraycopy(buf, rowstart, buf, 0, len - rowstart); len = len - rowstart; int read =, len, buf.length - len); if (read != -1) { len += read; pos = 0; return next(); } else { len = -1; if (startquote) { // did we ever see the corresponding end quote? if ((buf[pos - 1] != '"') && (buf[pos - 1] != '\n' && buf[pos - 2] != '"')) throw new DukeException("Unbalanced quote in CSV file: " + file); } } } String[] row = new String[colno]; for (int ix = 0; ix < colno; ix++) row[ix] = tmp[ix]; return row; } public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } private String unescape(String val) { return val.replace("\"\"", "\""); } }