package no.priv.garshol.duke.matchers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import no.priv.garshol.duke.*; import no.priv.garshol.duke.utils.TestUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; public class LinkDatabaseMatchListenerTest { private LinkDatabase linkdb; private LinkDatabaseMatchListener listener; @Before public void setup() { List<Property> props = new ArrayList(); props.add(new PropertyImpl("id")); ConfigurationImpl config = new ConfigurationImpl(); config.setProperties(props); config.setThreshold(0.45); linkdb = makeDatabase(); if (linkdb instanceof JDBCLinkDatabase) // creates the schema automatically, if necessary ((JDBCLinkDatabase) linkdb).init(); listener = new LinkDatabaseMatchListener(config, linkdb); } protected LinkDatabase makeDatabase() { return new JDBCLinkDatabase("org.h2.Driver", "jdbc:h2:mem:", "h2", new Properties()); } @After public void cleanup() { linkdb.clear(); linkdb.close(); } @Test public void testEmpty() { // nothing's happened, so there should be no links assertTrue(linkdb.getAllLinks().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testEmptyRecord() { Record r1 = makeRecord(); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); try { listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 1.0); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); fail("accepted match with empty record"); } catch (DukeException e) { // fails because we cannot capture a match with an empty record, // since it has no ID } } @Test public void testSingleRecord() { Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 0.95); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 0.95), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testSingleRecordRetract() { testSingleRecord(); // now we've asserted they're equal. then let's retract pause(); // ensure timestamps are different Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(0); listener.noMatchFor(r1); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.RETRACTED, LinkKind.SAME, 0.0), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testSingleRecordPerhaps() { Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matchesPerhaps(r1, r2, 0.7); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.MAYBESAME, 0.7), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testUpgradeFromPerhaps() { testSingleRecordPerhaps(); pause(); // ensure timestamps are different Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 1.0); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 1.0), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testOverride() { Link l1 = new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.ASSERTED, LinkKind.SAME, 1.0); linkdb.assertLink(l1); Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 1.0); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.ASSERTED, LinkKind.SAME, 1.0), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testOverride2() { Link l1 = new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.ASSERTED, LinkKind.DIFFERENT, 1.0); linkdb.assertLink(l1); Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 1.0); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.ASSERTED, LinkKind.DIFFERENT, 1.0), all.iterator().next()); } @Test public void testNoMatchFor() { Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); Record r3 = makeRecord("id", "3"); Record r4 = makeRecord("id", "4"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(3); listener.matches(r1, r3, 1.0); listener.noMatchFor(r2); listener.matches(r3, r1, 1.0); // need to repeat this one listener.matches(r3, r4, 1.0); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Link l1 = new Link("1", "3", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 1.0); Link l2 = new Link("3", "4", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 1.0); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(2, all.size()); assertTrue(all.contains(l1)); assertTrue(all.contains(l2)); } @Test public void testEmptyBatch() { // when running as a server there are often empty batches listener.startProcessing(); listener.endProcessing(); // nothing's happened, so there should be no links assertTrue(linkdb.getAllLinks().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testSingleRecordIdempotent() { // we want to verify that seeing the same link twice doesn't cause // the timestamp to be updated in the link database Record r1 = makeRecord("id", "1"); Record r2 = makeRecord("id", "2"); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 0.95); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); Collection<Link> all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); Link original = all.iterator().next(); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 0.95), original); listener.startProcessing(); listener.batchReady(1); listener.matches(r1, r2, 0.947); listener.batchDone(); listener.endProcessing(); all = linkdb.getAllLinks(); assertEquals(1, all.size()); Link newlink = all.iterator().next(); TestUtils.verifySame(new Link("1", "2", LinkStatus.INFERRED, LinkKind.SAME, 0.95), newlink); assertEquals(original.getTimestamp(), newlink.getTimestamp()); } // ===== UTILITIES private void pause() { try { Thread.sleep(5); // ensure that timestamps are different } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } private Record makeRecord() { return new RecordImpl(new HashMap()); } private Record makeRecord(String prop, String val) { Map<String, Collection<String>> data = new HashMap(); data.put(prop, Collections.singleton(val)); return new RecordImpl(data); } }