package no.priv.garshol.duke.databases; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Configuration; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Database; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Property; import no.priv.garshol.duke.Record; /** * An abstract database using blocking to find candidate records. It * has different concrete implementations depending on where the * actual data is stored. * @since 1.2 */ public abstract class AbstractBlockingDatabase implements Database { protected Configuration config; protected Collection<KeyFunction> functions; protected Map<String, Record> idmap; protected Map<KeyFunction, NavigableMap> func_to_map; // config protected int window_size; public AbstractBlockingDatabase() { this.functions = new ArrayList(); this.func_to_map = new HashMap(); this.window_size = 5; } public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite) { } /** * Sets the minimum number of records to gather from blocks on each * side of the start block. If the start block has more records than * twice the window size no neighbouring blocks are searched. * Setting window_size = 0 disables searching of neighbouring * blocks. */ public void setWindowSize(int window_size) { this.window_size = window_size; } /** * Sets the key functions used for blocking. */ public void setKeyFunctions(Collection<KeyFunction> functions) { this.functions = functions; } public Collection<KeyFunction> getKeyFunctions() { return functions; } protected void indexById(Record record) { for (Property idprop : config.getIdentityProperties()) for (String id : record.getValues(idprop.getName())) idmap.put(id, record); } public Record findRecordById(String id) { return idmap.get(id); } public Collection<Record> findCandidateMatches(Record record) { Collection<Record> candidates = new HashSet(); //ArrayList(); for (KeyFunction keyfunc : functions) { NavigableMap<String, Object> blocks = getBlocks(keyfunc); String key = keyfunc.makeKey(record); // System.out.println("key: '" + key + "'"); // look up the first block Map.Entry<String, Object> start = blocks.ceilingEntry(key); Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = start; if (start == null) continue; // add all records from this block int added = addBlock(candidates, start); // System.out.println("entry '" + entry.getKey() + "' " + added); // System.out.println("start: " + start.getValue() + " " + added); if (added > window_size * 2) continue; // we can't add more candidates from this key function // then we navigate downwards from the key int added_this_way = added / 2; entry = blocks.lowerEntry(entry.getKey()); while (entry != null && added_this_way < window_size) { // System.out.println("entry low: " + entry.getValue() + " " + added_this_way); added_this_way += addBlock(candidates, entry); // System.out.println("entry '" + entry.getKey() + "' " + entry.getValue().size()); entry = blocks.lowerEntry(entry.getKey()); } // then we navigate upwards from the key added_this_way = added / 2; entry = blocks.higherEntry(start.getKey()); while (entry != null && added_this_way < window_size) { // System.out.println("entry high: " + entry.getValue() + " " + added_this_way); added_this_way += addBlock(candidates, entry); // System.out.println("entry '" + entry.getKey() + "' " + entry.getValue().size()); entry = blocks.higherEntry(entry.getKey()); } } return candidates; } public void commit() { } public void close() { } public NavigableMap getBlocks(KeyFunction keyfunc) { NavigableMap map = func_to_map.get(keyfunc); if (map == null) { map = makeMap(keyfunc); func_to_map.put(keyfunc, map); } return map; } // --- extension points // must also implement index(Record) // returns number of records added protected abstract int addBlock(Collection<Record> candidates, Map.Entry block); protected abstract NavigableMap makeMap(KeyFunction keyfunc); // --- BLOCK CONTAINER public static class Block implements Serializable { private int free; private String[] ids; public Block() { this.ids = new String[10]; } public Block(int free, String[] ids) { = free; this.ids = ids; } public String[] getIds() { return ids; } public void add(String id) { if (free >= ids.length) { String[] newids = new String[ids.length * 2]; for (int ix = 0; ix < ids.length; ix++) newids[ix] = ids[ix]; ids = newids; } ids[free++] = id; } public void remove(String id) { for (int ix = 0; ix < free; ix++) { if (ids[ix].equals(id)) { free--; ids[ix] = ids[free]; // we don't need to null out the free cell in the array. // reducing 'free' is sufficient. return; } } // FIXME: if we get here something's wrong. add a check? } public int size() { return free; } } }