package org.rrd4j.demo; import static org.rrd4j.ConsolFun.AVERAGE; import java.awt.Color; import; import org.rrd4j.DsType; import org.rrd4j.core.FetchData; import org.rrd4j.core.FetchRequest; import org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb; import org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef; import org.rrd4j.core.Sample; import org.rrd4j.core.Util; import org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraph; import org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef; /** * This class implements the example from the RRD tutorial using RRD4j: * * * This source file may be freely redistributed under the same terms as RRD4j. * * @author Chris Lott */ public class RrdTutorial { // Arbitrary start point: 7th of March, 1999 at noon in MET, // expressed in seconds since the unix Epoch. // I'm in a different timezone so this isn't right: // Util.getTimestamp(1999, 3, 7) + 12 * 60 * 60; static final long START = 920804400; // End is 80 minutes later static final long END = START + 80 * 60; private static final String SPEED = "speed"; // For graphs static final String FILE = SPEED; static final int IMG_WIDTH = 500; static final int IMG_HEIGHT = 300; static final String FILE_FORMAT = "png"; private static final String MYSPEED = "myspeed"; private static final String IMG_SRC_S_WIDTH_D_HEIGHT_D = "<img src='%s' width='%d' height = '%d'>"; private static final String REALSPEED = "realspeed"; /** * <p> * To run the tutorial code, use the following command: * </p> * * <pre> * java -cp rrd4j-{version}.jar org.rrd4j.demo.RrdTutorial * </pre> * * @param args not used * @throws IOException for many failure case */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.setProperty("java.awt.headless","true"); println("== Starting tutorial code"); final String rrdPath = Util.getRrd4jDemoPath(FILE + ".rrd"); final String speedSource = SPEED; // rrdtool create test.rrd \ // --start 920804400 \ // DS:speed:COUNTER:600:U:U \ // RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:24 \ // RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:10 println("== Creating RRD file " + rrdPath + " with initial time " + START); // Expect new data every 300 seconds RrdDef rrdDef = new RrdDef(rrdPath, START, 300); rrdDef.setVersion(2); // A counter for km: heartbeat is 600 sec; min val 0; no max val. // Heartbeat: after no update for the interval, declare value UNKNOWN rrdDef.addDatasource(speedSource, DsType.COUNTER, 600, 0, Double.NaN); // Add archive using fn AVERAGE, known:unkown ratio of 0.5, // use 1 data point, keep 24 rows. I.e., this archive keeps the latest // value, it's not actually an average. rrdDef.addArchive(AVERAGE, 0.5, 1, 24); // Add archive using fn AVERAGE, known:unkown ratio of 0.5, // use 6 data points, keep 10 rows. I.e., this keeps an average over // a 30 minute interval, and 10 * 30 = 300 minutes (5hrs) are kept. rrdDef.addArchive(AVERAGE, 0.5, 6, 10); // Create and check the database println(rrdDef.dump()); println("Estimated file size: " + rrdDef.getEstimatedSize()); try (RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdDef)){ println("== RRD file created."); if (rrdDb.getRrdDef().equals(rrdDef)) { println("Checking RRD file structure... OK"); } else { println("Invalid RRD file created. This is a serious bug, bailing out"); return; } } // Reopen and get ready to update RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdPath); Sample sample = rrdDb.createSample(); // Add these data points: // 12:05 12345 km // 12:10 12357 km // 12:15 12363 km // 12:20 12363 km // 12:25 12363 km // 12:30 12373 km // 12:35 12383 km // 12:40 12393 km // 12:45 12399 km // 12:50 12405 km // 12:55 12411 km // 13:00 12415 km // 13:05 12420 km // 13:10 12422 km // 13:15 12423 km final int[] odoData = { 12345, 12357, 12363, 12363, 12363, 12373, 12383, 12393, 12399, 12405, 12411, 12415, 12420, 12422, 12423 }; println("== Adding odometer data"); final int fiveMinutes = 5 * 60; for (int i = 0; i < odoData.length; ++i) { // First sample is 12:05, so use i + 1 sample.setTime(START + (i + 1) * fiveMinutes); sample.setValue(speedSource, odoData[i]); // Store the value sample.update(); } rrdDb.close(); println("== Finished. RRD file updated " + odoData.length + " times"); // test read-only access! rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdPath, true); println("File reopen in read-only mode"); println("== Last update time was: " + rrdDb.getLastUpdateTime()); println("== Last info was: " + rrdDb.getInfo()); // rrdtool fetch test.rrd AVERAGE --start 920804400 --end 920809200 // Fetch data at finest resolution (300 sec), which is the default. println("== Fetch request for the interval at default resolution:"); FetchRequest request = rrdDb.createFetchRequest(AVERAGE, START, END); println(request.dump()); println("== Fetching data at default resolution"); FetchData fetchData = request.fetchData(); println("== Data fetched, " + fetchData.getRowCount() + " points obtained"); // This output is different from the tutorial output from rrdtool; // it includes 920804400:nan but *not* 920809500:nan println(fetchData.toString()); long coarseRes = 1800; println("== Fetch request for the interval at coarse resolution:"); // START is before the first data point; END is after the last data // point; ensure start and end are even multiples of the resolution FetchRequest request2 = rrdDb.createFetchRequest(AVERAGE, START / coarseRes * coarseRes, END / coarseRes * coarseRes, 1800); println(request2.dump()); println("== Fetching data at coarse resolution"); FetchData fetchData2 = request2.fetchData(); println("== Data fetched, " + fetchData2.getRowCount() + " points obtained"); println(fetchData2.toString()); // Done with direct access rrdDb.close(); // Graph 1 has units in millis // rrdtool graph speed.png \ // --start 920804400 --end 920808000 \ // DEF:myspeed=test.rrd:speed:AVERAGE \ // LINE2:myspeed#FF0000 println("== Creating graph 1"); RrdGraphDef gDef1 = new RrdGraphDef(); gDef1.setWidth(IMG_WIDTH); gDef1.setHeight(IMG_HEIGHT); String img1Path = Util.getRrd4jDemoPath(FILE + "." + FILE_FORMAT); gDef1.setFilename(img1Path); gDef1.setStartTime(920804400); gDef1.setEndTime(920808000); gDef1.datasource(MYSPEED, rrdPath, SPEED, AVERAGE); gDef1.line(MYSPEED, new Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), SPEED); gDef1.comment("Graph 1\\r"); gDef1.setImageInfo(IMG_SRC_S_WIDTH_D_HEIGHT_D); gDef1.setImageFormat(FILE_FORMAT); println("Rendering graph 1"); RrdGraph graph1 = new RrdGraph(gDef1); println(graph1.getRrdGraphInfo().dump()); println("== Graph 1 created"); // Graph 2 adjusts the units etc. // rrdtool graph speed2.png \ // --start 920804400 --end 920808000 \ // --vertical-label m/s \ // DEF:myspeed=test.rrd:speed:AVERAGE \ // CDEF:realspeed=myspeed,1000,\* \ // LINE2:realspeed#FF0000 println("== Creating graph 2"); RrdGraphDef gDef2 = new RrdGraphDef(); gDef2.setWidth(IMG_WIDTH); gDef2.setHeight(IMG_HEIGHT); String img2Path = Util.getRrd4jDemoPath(FILE + "2" + "." + FILE_FORMAT); gDef2.setFilename(img2Path); gDef2.setStartTime(920804400); gDef2.setEndTime(920808000); gDef2.setVerticalLabel("m/s"); gDef2.datasource(MYSPEED, rrdPath, SPEED, AVERAGE); gDef2.datasource(REALSPEED, "myspeed,1000,*"); gDef2.line(REALSPEED, new Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), REALSPEED); gDef2.comment("Graph 2\\r"); gDef2.setImageInfo(IMG_SRC_S_WIDTH_D_HEIGHT_D); gDef2.setImageFormat(FILE_FORMAT); println("Rendering graph 2"); RrdGraph graph2 = new RrdGraph(gDef2); println(graph2.getRrdGraphInfo().dump()); println("== Graph 2 created"); // Graph 3 is fancier yet // rrdtool graph speed3.png \ // --start 920804400 --end 920808000 \ // --vertical-label km/h \ // DEF:myspeed=test.rrd:speed:AVERAGE \ // "CDEF:kmh=myspeed,3600,*" \ // CDEF:fast=kmh,100,GT,kmh,0,IF \ // CDEF:good=kmh,100,GT,0,kmh,IF \ // HRULE:100#0000FF:"Maximum allowed" \ // AREA:good#00FF00:"Good speed" \ // AREA:fast#FF0000:"Too fast" println("== Creating graph 3"); RrdGraphDef gDef3 = new RrdGraphDef(); gDef3.setWidth(IMG_WIDTH); gDef3.setHeight(IMG_HEIGHT); String img3Path = Util.getRrd4jDemoPath(FILE + "3" + "." + FILE_FORMAT); gDef3.setFilename(img3Path); gDef3.setStartTime(920804400); gDef3.setEndTime(920808000); gDef3.setVerticalLabel("km/h"); gDef3.datasource(MYSPEED, rrdPath, SPEED, AVERAGE); gDef3.datasource("kmh", "myspeed,3600,*"); gDef3.datasource("fast", "kmh,100,GT,kmh,0,IF"); gDef3.datasource("good", "kmh,100,GT,0,kmh,IF"); gDef3.hrule(100, new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), "Maximum allowed"); gDef3.area("good", new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00), "Good Speed"); gDef3.area("fast", new Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), "Too fast"); gDef3.comment("Graph 3\\r"); gDef3.setImageInfo(IMG_SRC_S_WIDTH_D_HEIGHT_D); gDef3.setImageFormat(FILE_FORMAT); println("Rendering graph 3"); RrdGraph graph3 = new RrdGraph(gDef3); println(graph3.getRrdGraphInfo().dump()); println("== Graph 3 created"); // Graph 4 is the fanciest // rrdtool graph speed4.png \ // --start 920804400 --end 920808000 \ // --vertical-label km/h \ // DEF:myspeed=test.rrd:speed:AVERAGE \ // CDEF:nonans=myspeed,UN,0,myspeed,IF \ // CDEF:kmh=nonans,3600,* \ // CDEF:fast=kmh,100,GT,100,0,IF \ // CDEF:over=kmh,100,GT,kmh,100,-,0,IF \ // CDEF:good=kmh,100,GT,0,kmh,IF \ // HRULE:100#0000FF:"Maximum allowed" \ // AREA:good#00FF00:"Good speed" \ // AREA:fast#550000:"Too fast" \ // STACK:over#FF0000:"Over speed" println("== Creating graph 4"); RrdGraphDef gDef4 = new RrdGraphDef(); gDef4.setWidth(IMG_WIDTH); gDef4.setHeight(IMG_HEIGHT); String img4Path = Util.getRrd4jDemoPath(FILE + "4" + "." + FILE_FORMAT); gDef4.setFilename(img4Path); gDef4.setStartTime(920804400); gDef4.setEndTime(920808000); gDef4.setVerticalLabel("km/h"); gDef4.datasource(MYSPEED, rrdPath, SPEED, AVERAGE); gDef4.datasource("nonans", "myspeed,UN,0,myspeed,IF"); gDef4.datasource("kmh", "nonans,3600,*"); gDef4.datasource("fast", "kmh,100,GT,100,0,IF"); gDef4.datasource("over", "kmh,100,GT,kmh,100,-,0,IF"); gDef4.datasource("good", "kmh,100,GT,0,kmh,IF"); gDef4.hrule(100, new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), "Maximum allowed"); gDef4.area("good", new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00), "Good Speed"); gDef4.area("fast", new Color(0x55, 00, 00), "Too fast"); gDef4.stack("over", new Color(0xff, 0x00, 0x00), "Over speed"); gDef4.comment("Graph 4\\r"); gDef4.setImageInfo(IMG_SRC_S_WIDTH_D_HEIGHT_D); gDef4.setImageFormat(FILE_FORMAT); println("Rendering graph 4"); RrdGraph graph4 = new RrdGraph(gDef4); println(graph4.getRrdGraphInfo().dump()); println("== Graph 4 created"); } static void println(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } static void print(String msg) { System.out.print(msg); } }