package; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.rrd4j.core.Util; /** * An abstract class to help extract single value from a set of value (VDEF in rrdtool) * * It can be used to add new fancy statistical calculation with rrd values * */ public abstract class Variable { /** * This class store both the value and the time stamp * It will be used by graph rendering legend */ public static final class Value { public final double value; public final long timestamp; Value(long timestamp, double value) { this.value = value; this.timestamp = timestamp; } }; public static final Value INVALIDVALUE = new Value(0, Double.NaN); private Value val = null; /** * Used to calculate the needed value from a source, this method call fill. * @param s * @param start * @param end */ void calculate(Source s, long start, long end) { long step = s.timestamps[1] - s.timestamps[0]; int first = -1; int last = -1; // Iterate over array, stop then end cursor reach start or when both start and end has been found // It also stop if cursor cross other side boundary for(int i = 0, j = s.timestamps.length - 1 ; ( last == -1 && j > first ) || ( first == -1 && ( last == -1 || i < last ) ) ; i++, j--) { if(first == -1) { long leftdown = Math.max(s.timestamps[i] - step, start); long rightdown = Math.min(s.timestamps[i], end); if(rightdown > leftdown) { first = i; } } if(last == -1) { long leftup = Math.max(s.timestamps[j] - step, start); long rightup = Math.min(s.timestamps[j], end); if(rightup > leftup ) { last = j; } } } if( first == -1 || last == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid range"); } if(s instanceof VDef) { // Already a variable, just check if it fits Value v = ((VDef) s).getValue(); // No time stamp, or not time stamped value, keep it if(v.timestamp == 0) { val = v; } else { if(v.timestamp < end && v.timestamp > start) { val = v; } else { val = new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } } else { long[] timestamps = new long[ last - first + 1]; System.arraycopy(s.timestamps, first, timestamps, 0, timestamps.length); double[] values = new double[ last - first + 1]; System.arraycopy(s.getValues(), first, values, 0, values.length); val = fill(timestamps, values, start, end); } } public Value getValue() { assert val != null : "Used before calculation"; return val; } /** * This method is call with the needed values, extracted from the datasource to do the calculation. * * Value is to be filled with both the double value and a possible timestamp, when it's used to find * a specific point * * @param timestamps the timestamps for the value * @param values the actual values * @param start the start of the period * @param end the end of the period * @return a filled Value object */ protected abstract Value fill(long timestamps[], double[] values, long start, long end); /** * Find the first valid data point and it's timestamp * */ public static class FIRST extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if( timestamps[i] > start && timestamps[i] < end && ! Double.isNaN(values[i])) { return new Value(timestamps[i], values[i]); } } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } /** * Find the first last valid point and it's timestamp * */ public static class LAST extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { for(int i = values.length - 1 ; i >=0 ; i--) { if( ! Double.isNaN(values[i]) ) { return new Value(timestamps[i], values[i]); } } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } /** * The smallest of the data points and it's time stamp (the first one) is stored. * */ public static class MIN extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { long timestamp = 0; double value = Double.NaN; for(int i = values.length -1 ; i >=0 ; i--) { if(! Double.isNaN(values[i]) && Double.isNaN(value)) { timestamp = timestamps[i]; value = values[i]; } else if( ! Double.isNaN(values[i]) && value > values[i]) { timestamp = timestamps[i]; value = values[i]; } } return new Value(timestamp, value); } } /** * The biggest of the data points and it's time stamp (the first one) is stored. * */ public static class MAX extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { long timestamp = 0; double value = Double.NaN; for(int i = values.length -1 ; i >=0 ; i--) { if(! Double.isNaN(values[i]) && Double.isNaN(value)) { timestamp = timestamps[i]; value = values[i]; } else if(!Double.isNaN(values[i]) && value < values[i]) { timestamp = timestamps[i]; value = values[i]; } } return new Value(timestamp, value); } } /** * Calculate the sum of the data points. * */ public static class TOTAL extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { double value = Double.NaN; for(double tempVal: values) { value = Util.sum(value, tempVal); } return new Value(0, value * (timestamps[1] - timestamps[0]) ); } } /** * Calculate the average of the data points. * */ public static class AVERAGE extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { double value = 0; int count = 0; for(int i = values.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { if( !Double.isNaN(values[i]) ) { count++; value = Double.isNaN(value) ? values[i] : values[i] + value; } } if(! Double.isNaN(value)) { value = value / count; } else { value = Double.NaN; } return new Value(0, value); } } /** * Calculate the standard deviation for the data point. * */ public static class STDDEV extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { double value = Double.NaN; int count = 0; double M = 0.0; double S = 0.0; // See Knuth TAOCP vol 2, 3rd edition, page 232 and for(double cursVal: values) { if(Double.isNaN(cursVal)) continue; count++; if(count == 1) { M = cursVal; S = 0; } else { double dM = cursVal - M; M += dM/count; S += dM * (cursVal - M); } } if(count > 1) { value = Math.sqrt( S/(count - 1) ); } return new Value(0, value); } } /** * Store all the informations about a datasource point, for predictive and consistent sorting * */ static final class PercentElem { long timestamp; double value; PercentElem(int pos, long timestamp, double value) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.value = value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PercentElem other = (PercentElem) obj; if (timestamp != other.timestamp) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Long.valueOf(timestamp).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[%d, %f]", timestamp, value); } } /** * The sort used by rrdtool for percent, where NaN < -INF < finite values < INF * */ static final class ComparPercentElemen implements Comparator<PercentElem>, Serializable { @Override public final int compare(PercentElem arg0, PercentElem arg1) { if(Double.isNaN(arg0.value) && Double.isNaN(arg1.value)) return Long.signum(arg0.timestamp - arg1.timestamp); else if(Double.isNaN(arg0.value)) return -1; else if (Double.isNaN(arg1.value)) return +1; else { int compared =, arg1.value); if (compared == 0) { compared = Long.signum(arg0.timestamp - arg1.timestamp); } return compared; } } } /** * Find the point at the n-th percentile. * */ public static class PERCENTILE extends Variable { private final float percentile; private final boolean withNaN; protected PERCENTILE(float percentile, boolean withNaN) { this.percentile = percentile; this.withNaN = withNaN; } public PERCENTILE(double percentile) { this((float) percentile, true); } public PERCENTILE(float percentile) { this(percentile, true); } @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { // valuesSet will be a set with NaN packet at the start SortedSet<PercentElem> valuesSet = new TreeSet<PercentElem>(new ComparPercentElemen()); for(int i = 0 ; i < values.length ; i++) { valuesSet.add(new PercentElem(i, timestamps[i], values[i])); } //If not with nan, just drop all nan (inferior to min value) if( ! withNaN) { valuesSet = valuesSet.tailSet(new PercentElem(0, 0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY )); } PercentElem[] element = (PercentElem[]) valuesSet.toArray(new PercentElem[valuesSet.size()]); int pos = Math.round(percentile * (element.length - 1) / 100); // if we have anything left... if (pos >= 0) { double value = element[pos].value; long timestamp = element[pos].timestamp; return new Value(timestamp, value); } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } public static class PERCENTILENAN extends PERCENTILE { public PERCENTILENAN(float percentile) { super(percentile, false); } public PERCENTILENAN(double percentile) { super((float)percentile, false); } } /** * Calculate the slop of the least squares line. * */ public static class LSLSLOPE extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { int cnt = 0; int lslstep = 0; double SUMx = 0.0; double SUMy = 0.0; double SUMxy = 0.0; double SUMxx = 0.0; double lslslope; for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { double value = values[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { cnt++; SUMx += lslstep; SUMxx += lslstep * lslstep; SUMy += value; SUMxy += lslstep * value; } lslstep++; } if(cnt > 0) { /* Bestfit line by linear least squares method */ lslslope = (SUMx * SUMy - cnt * SUMxy) / (SUMx * SUMx - cnt * SUMxx); return new Value(0, lslslope); } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } /** * Calculate the y-intercept of the least squares line. * */ public static class LSLINT extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { int cnt = 0; int lslstep = 0; double SUMx = 0.0; double SUMy = 0.0; double SUMxy = 0.0; double SUMxx = 0.0; double lslslope; double lslint; for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { double value = values[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { cnt++; SUMx += lslstep; SUMxx += lslstep * lslstep; SUMy += value; SUMxy += lslstep * value; } lslstep++; } if(cnt > 0) { /* Bestfit line by linear least squares method */ lslslope = (SUMx * SUMy - cnt * SUMxy) / (SUMx * SUMx - cnt * SUMxx); lslint = (SUMy - lslslope * SUMx) / cnt; return new Value(0, lslint); } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } /** * Calculate the correlation coefficient of the least squares line. * */ public static class LSLCORREL extends Variable { @Override protected Value fill(long[] timestamps, double[] values, long start, long end) { int cnt = 0; int lslstep = 0; double SUMx = 0.0; double SUMy = 0.0; double SUMxy = 0.0; double SUMxx = 0.0; double SUMyy = 0.0; double lslcorrel; for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { double value = values[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { cnt++; SUMx += lslstep; SUMxx += lslstep * lslstep; SUMy += value; SUMxy += lslstep * value; SUMyy += value * value; } lslstep++; } if(cnt > 0) { /* Bestfit line by linear least squares method */ lslcorrel = (SUMxy - (SUMx * SUMy) / cnt) / Math.sqrt((SUMxx - (SUMx * SUMx) / cnt) * (SUMyy - (SUMy * SUMy) / cnt)); return new Value(0, lslcorrel); } return new Value(0, Double.NaN); } } }