package org.rrd4j.core; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.rrd4j.ConsolFun; import org.rrd4j.DsType; /** * <p>Class to represent definition of new Round Robin Database (RRD). * Object of this class is used to create * new RRD from scratch - pass its reference as a <code>RrdDb</code> constructor * argument (see documentation for {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb RrdDb} class). <code>RrdDef</code> * object <b>does not</b> actually create new RRD. It just holds all necessary * information which will be used during the actual creation process.</p> * * <p>RRD definition (RrdDef object) consists of the following elements:</p> * * <ul> * <li> path to RRD that will be created * <li> starting timestamp * <li> step * <li> version, 1 for linear disposition of archives, 2 for matrix disposition * <li> one or more datasource definitions * <li> one or more archive definitions * </ul> * <p>RrdDef provides API to set all these elements. For the complete explanation of all * RRD definition parameters, see RRDTool's * <a href="../../../../man/rrdcreate.html" target="man">rrdcreate man page</a>.</p> * * @author Sasa Markovic */ public class RrdDef { /** * Default RRD step to be used if not specified in constructor (300 seconds). */ public static final long DEFAULT_STEP = 300L; /** * If not specified in constructor, starting timestamp will be set to the * current timestamp plus DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT seconds (-10). */ public static final long DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT = -10L; /** Constant <code>DEFAULTVERSION=2</code> */ public static final int DEFAULTVERSION = 2; private URI uri; private long startTime = Util.getTime() + DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT; private long step = DEFAULT_STEP; private int version = DEFAULTVERSION; private List<DsDef> dsDefs = new ArrayList<DsDef>(); private List<ArcDef> arcDefs = new ArrayList<ArcDef>(); /** * <p>Creates new RRD definition object with the given path. * When this object is passed to * <code>RrdDb</code> constructor, new RRD will be created using the * specified path.<p> * <p>The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.</p> * * @param rrdpath Path to new RRD. */ public RrdDef(String rrdpath) { if (rrdpath == null || rrdpath.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No path specified"); } this.uri = RrdBackendFactory.buildGenericUri(rrdpath); } /** * Creates new RRD definition object with the given path. * When this object is passed to * <code>RrdDb</code> constructor, new RRD will be created using the * specified path. * * @param uri URI to the new RRD. */ public RrdDef(URI uri) { this.uri = uri; } /** * <p>Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step.</p> * <p>The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.</p> * * @param path URI to new RRD. * @param step RRD step. */ public RrdDef(String path, long step) { this(path); if (step <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD step specified: " + step); } this.step = step; } /** * Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step. * * @param uri URI to new RRD. * @param step RRD step. */ public RrdDef(URI uri, long step) { this(uri); if (step <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD step specified: " + step); } this.step = step; } /** * <p>Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp * and step.</p> * <p>The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.</p> * * @param path Path to new RRD. * @param startTime RRD starting timestamp. * @param step RRD step. */ public RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step) { this(path, step); if (startTime < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD start time specified: " + startTime); } this.startTime = startTime; } /** * Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp * and step. * * @param uri URI to new RRD. * @param startTime RRD starting timestamp. * @param step RRD step. */ public RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step) { this(uri, step); if (startTime < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD start time specified: " + startTime); } this.startTime = startTime; } /** * <p>Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, * step and version.</p> * <p>The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.</p> * * @param path Path to new RRD. * @param startTime RRD starting timestamp. * @param step RRD step. * @param version RRD's file version. */ public RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step, int version) { this(path, startTime, step); if(startTime < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD start time specified: " + startTime); } this.version = version; } /** * Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, * step and version. * * @param uri URI to new RRD. * @param startTime RRD starting timestamp. * @param step RRD step. * @param version RRD's file version. */ public RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step, int version) { this(uri, startTime, step); if(startTime < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid RRD start time specified: " + startTime); } this.version = version; } /** * Returns path for the new RRD. It's extracted from the URI. If it's an opaque URI, it return the scheme specific part. * * @return path to the new RRD which should be created */ public String getPath() { if (uri.isOpaque()) { return uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(); } else { return uri.getPath(); } } /** * Returns URI for the new RRD * * @return URI to the new RRD which should be created */ public URI getUri() { return uri; } /** * Returns starting time stamp for the RRD that should be created. * * @return RRD starting time stamp */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** * Returns time step for the RRD that will be created. * * @return RRD step */ public long getStep() { return step; } /** * Returns the RRD file version * * @return the version */ public int getVersion() { return version; } /** * <p>Sets path to RRD.</p> * <p>The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.</p> * * @param path path to new RRD. */ public void setPath(String path) { this.uri = RrdBackendFactory.getDefaultFactory().getUri(path); } /** * Sets URI to RRD. * * @param uri URI to new RRD. */ public void setPath(URI uri) { this.uri = uri; } /** * Sets RRD's starting timestamp. * * @param startTime Starting timestamp. */ public void setStartTime(long startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } /** * Sets RRD's starting timestamp. * * @param date starting date */ public void setStartTime(Date date) { this.startTime = Util.getTimestamp(date); } /** * Sets RRD's starting timestamp. * * @param gc starting date */ public void setStartTime(Calendar gc) { this.startTime = Util.getTimestamp(gc); } /** * Sets RRD's time step. * * @param step RRD time step. */ public void setStep(long step) { this.step = step; } /** * Sets RRD's file version. * * @param version the version to set */ public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } /** * Adds single datasource definition represented with object of class <code>DsDef</code>. * * @param dsDef Datasource definition. */ public void addDatasource(DsDef dsDef) { if (dsDefs.contains(dsDef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Datasource already defined: " + dsDef.dump()); } dsDefs.add(dsDef); } /** * <p>Adds single datasource to RRD definition by specifying its data source name, source type, * heartbeat, minimal and maximal value. For the complete explanation of all data * source definition parameters see RRDTool's * <a href="../../../../man/rrdcreate.html" target="man">rrdcreate man page</a>.</p> * <p><b>IMPORTANT NOTE:</b> If datasource name ends with '!', corresponding archives will never * store NaNs as datasource values. In that case, NaN datasource values will be silently * replaced with zeros by the framework.</p> * * @param dsName Data source name. * @param dsType Data source type. Valid types are "COUNTER", * "GAUGE", "DERIVE" and "ABSOLUTE" (these string constants are conveniently defined in * the {@link org.rrd4j.DsType} class). * @param heartbeat Data source heartbeat. * @param minValue Minimal acceptable value. Use <code>Double.NaN</code> if unknown. * @param maxValue Maximal acceptable value. Use <code>Double.NaN</code> if unknown. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if new datasource definition uses already used data * source name. */ public void addDatasource(String dsName, DsType dsType, long heartbeat, double minValue, double maxValue) { addDatasource(new DsDef(dsName, dsType, heartbeat, minValue, maxValue)); } /** * <p>Adds single datasource to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like * datasource definition string. The string must have six elements separated with colons * (:) in the following order:</p> * <pre> * DS:name:type:heartbeat:minValue:maxValue * </pre> * <p>For example:</p> * <pre> * DS:input:COUNTER:600:0:U * </pre> * <p>For more information on datasource definition parameters see <code>rrdcreate</code> * man page.</p> * * @param rrdToolDsDef Datasource definition string with the syntax borrowed from RRDTool. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid string is supplied. */ public void addDatasource(String rrdToolDsDef) { IllegalArgumentException illArgException = new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong rrdtool-like datasource definition: " + rrdToolDsDef); if (rrdToolDsDef == null) throw illArgException; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rrdToolDsDef, ":"); if (tokenizer.countTokens() != 6) { throw illArgException; } String[] tokens = new String[6]; for (int curTok = 0; tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); curTok++) { tokens[curTok] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } if (!"DS".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[0])) { throw illArgException; } String dsName = tokens[1]; DsType dsType = DsType.valueOf(tokens[2]); long dsHeartbeat; try { dsHeartbeat = Long.parseLong(tokens[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } double minValue = Double.NaN; if (!"U".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[4])) { try { minValue = Double.parseDouble(tokens[4]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } } double maxValue = Double.NaN; if (!"U".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[5])) { try { maxValue = Double.parseDouble(tokens[5]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } } addDatasource(new DsDef(dsName, dsType, dsHeartbeat, minValue, maxValue)); } /** * Adds data source definitions to RRD definition in bulk. * * @param dsDefs Array of data source definition objects. */ public void addDatasource(DsDef... dsDefs) { for (DsDef dsDef : dsDefs) { addDatasource(dsDef); } } /** * Adds single archive definition represented with object of class <code>ArcDef</code>. * * @param arcDef Archive definition. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if archive with the same consolidation function * and the same number of steps is already added. */ public void addArchive(ArcDef arcDef) { if (arcDefs.contains(arcDef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Archive already defined: " + arcDef.dump()); } arcDefs.add(arcDef); } /** * Adds archive definitions to RRD definition in bulk. * * @param arcDefs Array of archive definition objects * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if RRD definition already contains archive with * the same consolidation function and the same number of steps. */ public void addArchive(ArcDef... arcDefs) { for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { addArchive(arcDef); } } /** * Adds single archive definition by specifying its consolidation function, X-files factor, * number of steps and rows. For the complete explanation of all archive * definition parameters see RRDTool's * <a href="../../../../man/rrdcreate.html" target="man">rrdcreate man page</a>. * * @param consolFun Consolidation function. * @param xff X-files factor. Valid values are between 0 and 1. * @param steps Number of archive steps * @param rows Number of archive rows * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if archive with the same consolidation function * and the same number of steps is already added. */ public void addArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, double xff, int steps, int rows) { addArchive(new ArcDef(consolFun, xff, steps, rows)); } /** * <p>Adds single archive to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like * archive definition string. The string must have five elements separated with colons * (:) in the following order:</p> * <pre> * RRA:consolidationFunction:XFilesFactor:steps:rows * </pre> * <p>For example:</p> * <pre> * RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1000 * </pre> * <p>For more information on archive definition parameters see <code>rrdcreate</code> * man page.</p> * * @param rrdToolArcDef Archive definition string with the syntax borrowed from RRDTool. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid string is supplied. */ public void addArchive(String rrdToolArcDef) { IllegalArgumentException illArgException = new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong rrdtool-like archive definition: " + rrdToolArcDef); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rrdToolArcDef, ":"); if (tokenizer.countTokens() != 5) { throw illArgException; } String[] tokens = new String[5]; for (int curTok = 0; tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); curTok++) { tokens[curTok] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } if (!"RRA".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[0])) { throw illArgException; } ConsolFun consolFun = ConsolFun.valueOf(tokens[1]); double xff; try { xff = Double.parseDouble(tokens[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } int steps; try { steps = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } int rows; try { rows = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw illArgException; } addArchive(new ArcDef(consolFun, xff, steps, rows)); } /** * Returns all data source definition objects specified so far. * * @return Array of data source definition objects */ public DsDef[] getDsDefs() { return dsDefs.toArray(new DsDef[dsDefs.size()]); } /** * Returns all archive definition objects specified so far. * * @return Array of archive definition objects. */ public ArcDef[] getArcDefs() { return arcDefs.toArray(new ArcDef[0]); } /** * Returns number of defined datasources. * * @return Number of defined datasources. */ public int getDsCount() { return dsDefs.size(); } /** * Returns number of defined archives. * * @return Number of defined archives. */ public int getArcCount() { return arcDefs.size(); } /** * Returns string that represents all specified RRD creation parameters. Returned string * has the syntax of RRDTool's <code>create</code> command. * * @return Dumped content of <code>RrdDb</code> object. */ public String dump() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("create \""); sb.append(uri) .append("\"") .append(" --version ").append(getVersion()) .append(" --start ").append(getStartTime()) .append(" --step ").append(getStep()).append(" "); for (DsDef dsDef : dsDefs) { sb.append(dsDef.dump()).append(" "); } for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { sb.append(arcDef.dump()).append(" "); } return sb.toString().trim(); } String getRrdToolCommand() { return dump(); } void removeDatasource(String dsName) { for (int i = 0; i < dsDefs.size(); i++) { DsDef dsDef = dsDefs.get(i); if (dsDef.getDsName().equals(dsName)) { dsDefs.remove(i); return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find datasource named '" + dsName + "'"); } void saveSingleDatasource(String dsName) { Iterator<DsDef> it = dsDefs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DsDef dsDef =; if (!dsDef.getDsName().equals(dsName)) { it.remove(); } } } void removeArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps) { ArcDef arcDef = findArchive(consolFun, steps); if (!arcDefs.remove(arcDef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not remove archive " + consolFun + "/" + steps); } } ArcDef findArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps) { for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { if (arcDef.getConsolFun() == consolFun && arcDef.getSteps() == steps) { return arcDef; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find archive " + consolFun + "/" + steps); } /** * <p>Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class.</p> * <p>It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * @param out Output stream */ public void exportXmlTemplate(OutputStream out) { exportXmlTemplate(out, true); } /** * Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class. * <p>If <code>compatible</code> is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J's versions, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * @param out Output stream * @param compatible Compatible with previous versions. */ public void exportXmlTemplate(OutputStream out, boolean compatible) { XmlWriter xml = new XmlWriter(out); xml.startTag("rrd_def"); if (compatible) { xml.writeTag("path", getPath()); } else { xml.writeTag("uri", getUri()); } xml.writeTag("step", getStep()); xml.writeTag("start", getStartTime()); // datasources DsDef[] dsDefs = getDsDefs(); for (DsDef dsDef : dsDefs) { xml.startTag("datasource"); xml.writeTag("name", dsDef.getDsName()); xml.writeTag("type", dsDef.getDsType()); xml.writeTag("heartbeat", dsDef.getHeartbeat()); xml.writeTag("min", dsDef.getMinValue(), "U"); xml.writeTag("max", dsDef.getMaxValue(), "U"); xml.closeTag(); // datasource } ArcDef[] arcDefs = getArcDefs(); for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { xml.startTag("archive"); xml.writeTag("cf", arcDef.getConsolFun()); xml.writeTag("xff", arcDef.getXff()); xml.writeTag("steps", arcDef.getSteps()); xml.writeTag("rows", arcDef.getRows()); xml.closeTag(); // archive } xml.closeTag(); // rrd_def xml.flush(); } /** * <p>Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format. Generated XML string can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class.</p> * <p>If <code>compatible</code> is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J's versions, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * * @param compatible Compatible with previous versions. * @return XML formatted string representing this RrdDef object */ public String exportXmlTemplate(boolean compatible) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); exportXmlTemplate(out, compatible); return out.toString(); } /** * <p>Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format. Generated XML string can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class.</p> * <p>It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * @return XML formatted string representing this RrdDef object */ public String exportXmlTemplate() { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); exportXmlTemplate(out); return out.toString(); } /** * <p>Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class.</p> * <p>It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * @param filePath Path to the file * @throws if any. */ public void exportXmlTemplate(String filePath) throws IOException { exportXmlTemplate(filePath, true); } /** * <p>Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed * with {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdDefTemplate} class.</p> * <p>If <code>compatible</code> is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J versions, using * a path, instead of an URI.</p> * * @param filePath Path to the file * @param compatible Compatible with previous versions. * @throws if any. */ public void exportXmlTemplate(String filePath, boolean compatible) throws IOException { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filePath, false); exportXmlTemplate(out, compatible); out.close(); } /** * Returns the number of storage bytes required to create RRD from this * RrdDef object. * * @return Estimated byte count of the underlying RRD storage. */ public long getEstimatedSize() { int dsCount = dsDefs.size(); int arcCount = arcDefs.size(); int rowsCount = 0; for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { rowsCount += arcDef.getRows(); } String[] dsNames = new String[dsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < dsNames.length ; i++) { dsNames[i] = dsDefs.get(i).getDsName(); } return calculateSize(dsCount, arcCount, rowsCount, dsNames); } static long calculateSize(int dsCount, int arcCount, int rowsCount, String[] dsNames) { int postStorePayload = 0; for(String n: dsNames) { if (n.length() > RrdPrimitive.STRING_LENGTH) { postStorePayload += n.length() * 2 + Short.SIZE / 8; } } return (24L + 48L * dsCount + 16L * arcCount + 20L * dsCount * arcCount + 8L * dsCount * rowsCount) + (1L + 2L * dsCount + arcCount) * 2L * RrdPrimitive.STRING_LENGTH + postStorePayload; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>Compares the current RrdDef with another. RrdDefs are considered equal if:</p> * <ul> * <li>RRD steps match * <li>all datasources have exactly the same definition in both RrdDef objects (datasource names, * types, heartbeat, min and max values must match) * <li>all archives have exactly the same definition in both RrdDef objects (archive consolidation * functions, X-file factors, step and row counts must match) * </ul> */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof RrdDef)) { return false; } RrdDef rrdDef2 = (RrdDef) obj; // check primary RRD step if (step != rrdDef2.step) { return false; } // check datasources DsDef[] dsDefs = getDsDefs(), dsDefs2 = rrdDef2.getDsDefs(); if (dsDefs.length != dsDefs2.length) { return false; } for (DsDef dsDef : dsDefs) { boolean matched = false; for (DsDef aDsDefs2 : dsDefs2) { if (dsDef.exactlyEqual(aDsDefs2)) { matched = true; break; } } // this datasource could not be matched if (!matched) { return false; } } // check archives ArcDef[] arcDefs = getArcDefs(), arcDefs2 = rrdDef2.getArcDefs(); if (arcDefs.length != arcDefs2.length) { return false; } for (ArcDef arcDef : arcDefs) { boolean matched = false; for (ArcDef anArcDefs2 : arcDefs2) { if (arcDef.exactlyEqual(anArcDefs2)) { matched = true; break; } } // this archive could not be matched if (!matched) { return false; } } // everything matches return true; } /** * <p>hasDatasources.</p> * * @return a boolean. */ public boolean hasDatasources() { return !dsDefs.isEmpty(); } /** * <p>hasArchives.</p> * * @return a boolean. */ public boolean hasArchives() { return !arcDefs.isEmpty(); } /** * Removes all datasource definitions. */ public void removeDatasources() { dsDefs.clear(); } /** * Removes all RRA archive definitions. */ public void removeArchives() { arcDefs.clear(); } }