package org.rrd4j.core; import; /** * Class to represent internal RRD archive state for a single datasource. Objects of this * class are never manipulated directly, it's up to Rrd4j to manage internal archive states. * * @author Sasa Markovic */ public class ArcState implements RrdUpdater { private Archive parentArc; private RrdDouble accumValue; private RrdLong nanSteps; ArcState(Archive parentArc, boolean shouldInitialize) throws IOException { this.parentArc = parentArc; accumValue = new RrdDouble(this); nanSteps = new RrdLong(this); if (shouldInitialize) { Header header = parentArc.getParentDb().getHeader(); long step = header.getStep(); long lastUpdateTime = header.getLastUpdateTime(); long arcStep = parentArc.getArcStep(); long initNanSteps = (Util.normalize(lastUpdateTime, step) - Util.normalize(lastUpdateTime, arcStep)) / step; accumValue.set(Double.NaN); nanSteps.set(initNanSteps); } } String dump() throws IOException { return "accumValue:" + accumValue.get() + " nanSteps:" + nanSteps.get() + "\n"; } void setNanSteps(long value) throws IOException { nanSteps.set(value); } /** * Returns the number of currently accumulated NaN steps. * * @return Number of currently accumulated NaN steps. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public long getNanSteps() throws IOException { return nanSteps.get(); } void setAccumValue(double value) throws IOException { accumValue.set(value); } /** * Returns the value accumulated so far. * * @return Accumulated value * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public double getAccumValue() throws IOException { return accumValue.get(); } /** * Returns the Archive object to which this ArcState object belongs. * * @return Parent Archive object. */ public Archive getParent() { return parentArc; } void appendXml(XmlWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.startTag("ds"); writer.writeTag("value", accumValue.get()); writer.writeTag("unknown_datapoints", nanSteps.get()); writer.closeTag(); // ds } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Copies object's internal state to another ArcState object. */ public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other) throws IOException { if (!(other instanceof ArcState)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot copy ArcState object to " + other.getClass().getName()); } ArcState arcState = (ArcState) other; arcState.accumValue.set(accumValue.get()); arcState.nanSteps.set(nanSteps.get()); } /** * Returns the underlying storage (backend) object which actually performs all * I/O operations. * * @return I/O backend object */ public RrdBackend getRrdBackend() { return parentArc.getRrdBackend(); } /** * Required to implement RrdUpdater interface. You should never call this method directly. * * @return Allocator object */ public RrdAllocator getRrdAllocator() { return parentArc.getRrdAllocator(); } }