package org.rrd4j.core; import; /** * Class to represent RRD header. Header information is mainly static (once set, it * cannot be changed), with the exception of last update time (this value is changed whenever * RRD gets updated). * <p> * * Normally, you don't need to manipulate the Header object directly - Rrd4j framework * does it for you. * <p> * * @author Sasa Markovic* */ public class Header implements RrdUpdater { static final int SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 5; static final String SIGNATURE = "RRD4J"; static final String DEFAULT_SIGNATURE = "RRD4J, version 0.1"; static final String RRDTOOL_VERSION1 = "0001"; static final String RRDTOOL_VERSION3 = "0003"; private static final String VERSIONS[] = {"version 0.1", "version 0.2"}; private RrdDb parentDb; private int version = -1; private RrdString signature; private RrdLong step; private RrdInt dsCount, arcCount; private RrdLong lastUpdateTime; Header(RrdDb parentDb, RrdDef rrdDef) throws IOException { this.parentDb = parentDb; String initSignature = null; if(rrdDef != null) { version = rrdDef.getVersion(); initSignature = SIGNATURE + ", " + VERSIONS[ version - 1]; } else { initSignature = DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; } signature = new RrdString(this); // NOT constant, may be cached step = new RrdLong(this, true); // constant, may be cached dsCount = new RrdInt(this, true); // constant, may be cached arcCount = new RrdInt(this, true); // constant, may be cached lastUpdateTime = new RrdLong(this); if (rrdDef != null) { signature.set(initSignature); step.set(rrdDef.getStep()); dsCount.set(rrdDef.getDsCount()); arcCount.set(rrdDef.getArcCount()); lastUpdateTime.set(rrdDef.getStartTime()); } } Header(RrdDb parentDb, DataImporter reader) throws IOException { this(parentDb, (RrdDef) null); String version = reader.getVersion(); if (!RRDTOOL_VERSION1.equals(version) && !RRDTOOL_VERSION3.equals(version) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not unserialize xml version " + version); } signature.set(DEFAULT_SIGNATURE); step.set(reader.getStep()); dsCount.set(reader.getDsCount()); arcCount.set(reader.getArcCount()); lastUpdateTime.set(reader.getLastUpdateTime()); } /** * Returns RRD signature. Initially, the returned string will be * of the form <b><i>Rrd4j, version x.x</i></b>. * * @return RRD signature * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public String getSignature() throws IOException { return signature.get(); } /** * <p>getInfo.</p> * * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws if any. */ public String getInfo() throws IOException { return getSignature().substring(SIGNATURE_LENGTH); } /** * <p>setInfo.</p> * * @param info a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws if any. */ public void setInfo(String info) throws IOException { if (info != null && info.length() > 0) { signature.set(SIGNATURE + info); } else { signature.set(SIGNATURE); } } /** * Returns the last update time of the RRD. * * @return Timestamp (Unix epoch, no milliseconds) corresponding to the last update time. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public long getLastUpdateTime() throws IOException { return lastUpdateTime.get(); } /** * Returns primary RRD time step. * * @return Primary time step in seconds * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public long getStep() throws IOException { return step.get(); } /** * Returns the number of datasources defined in the RRD. * * @return Number of datasources defined * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public int getDsCount() throws IOException { return dsCount.get(); } /** * Returns the number of archives defined in the RRD. * * @return Number of archives defined * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public int getArcCount() throws IOException { return arcCount.get(); } void setLastUpdateTime(long lastUpdateTime) throws IOException { this.lastUpdateTime.set(lastUpdateTime); } String dump() throws IOException { return "== HEADER ==\n" + "signature:" + getSignature() + " lastUpdateTime:" + getLastUpdateTime() + " step:" + getStep() + " dsCount:" + getDsCount() + " arcCount:" + getArcCount() + "\n"; } void appendXml(XmlWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.writeComment(signature.get()); writer.writeTag("version", RRDTOOL_VERSION3); writer.writeComment("Seconds"); writer.writeTag("step", step.get()); writer.writeComment(Util.getDate(lastUpdateTime.get())); writer.writeTag("lastupdate", lastUpdateTime.get()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Copies object's internal state to another Header object. */ public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other) throws IOException { if (!(other instanceof Header)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot copy Header object to " + other.getClass().getName()); } Header header = (Header) other; //header.signature.set(signature.get()); header.lastUpdateTime.set(lastUpdateTime.get()); } /** * Returns the underlying storage (backend) object which actually performs all * I/O operations. * * @return I/O backend object */ public RrdBackend getRrdBackend() { return parentDb.getRrdBackend(); } /** * Return the RRD version. * * @return RRD version * @throws if any. */ public int getVersion() throws IOException { if(version < 0) { for(int i=0; i < VERSIONS.length; i++) { if(signature.get().endsWith(VERSIONS[i])) { version = i + 1; break; } } } return version; } boolean isRrd4jHeader() throws IOException { return signature.get().startsWith(SIGNATURE) || signature.get().startsWith("JR"); // backwards compatible with JRobin } void validateHeader() throws IOException { if (!isRrd4jHeader()) { throw new IOException("Invalid file header. File [" + parentDb.getCanonicalPath() + "] is not a RRD4J RRD file"); } } /** * Required to implement RrdUpdater interface. You should never call this method directly. * * @return Allocator object */ public RrdAllocator getRrdAllocator() { return parentDb.getRrdAllocator(); } }