package; import org.rrd4j.core.Util; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; /** * <p>Class used to interpolate datasource values from the collection of (timestamp, values) * points. This class is suitable for linear interpolation only.</p> * * <p>Interpolation algorithm returns different values based on the value passed to * {@link #setInterpolationMethod(int) setInterpolationMethod()}. If not set, interpolation * method defaults to standard linear interpolation ({@link #INTERPOLATE_LINEAR}). * Interpolation method handles NaN datasource * values gracefully.</p> */ public class LinearInterpolator extends Plottable { /** * constant used to specify LEFT interpolation. * See {@link #setInterpolationMethod(int) setInterpolationMethod()} for explanation. */ public static final int INTERPOLATE_LEFT = 0; /** * constant used to specify RIGHT interpolation. * See {@link #setInterpolationMethod(int) setInterpolationMethod()} for explanation. */ public static final int INTERPOLATE_RIGHT = 1; /** * constant used to specify LINEAR interpolation (default interpolation method). * See {@link #setInterpolationMethod(int) setInterpolationMethod()} for explanation. */ public static final int INTERPOLATE_LINEAR = 2; /** * constant used to specify LINEAR REGRESSION as interpolation method. * See {@link #setInterpolationMethod(int) setInterpolationMethod()} for explanation. */ public static final int INTERPOLATE_REGRESSION = 3; private int lastIndexUsed = 0; private int interpolationMethod = INTERPOLATE_LINEAR; private long[] timestamps; private double[] values; // used only if INTERPOLATE_BESTFIT is specified double b0 = Double.NaN, b1 = Double.NaN; /** * Creates LinearInterpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding datasource values. * * @param timestamps timestamps in seconds * @param values corresponding datasource values * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least two values, or if * timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal. */ public LinearInterpolator(long[] timestamps, double[] values) { this.timestamps = timestamps; this.values = values; validate(); } /** * Creates LinearInterpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding datasource values. * * @param dates Array of Date objects * @param values corresponding datasource values * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least two values, or if * timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal. */ public LinearInterpolator(Date[] dates, double[] values) { this.values = values; timestamps = new long[dates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { timestamps[i] = Util.getTimestamp(dates[i]); } validate(); } /** * Creates LinearInterpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding datasource values. * * @param dates array of GregorianCalendar objects * @param values corresponding datasource values * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least two values, or if * timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal. */ public LinearInterpolator(Calendar[] dates, double[] values) { this.values = values; timestamps = new long[dates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { timestamps[i] = Util.getTimestamp(dates[i]); } validate(); } private void validate() { boolean ok = true; if (timestamps.length != values.length || timestamps.length < 2) { ok = false; } for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.length - 1 && ok; i++) { if (timestamps[i] >= timestamps[i + 1]) { ok = false; } } if (!ok) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plottable data supplied"); } } /** * <p>Sets interpolation method to be used. Suppose that we have two timestamp/value pairs:<br> * <code>(t, 100)</code> and <code>(t + 100, 300)</code>. Here are the results interpolator * returns for t + 50 seconds, for various <code>interpolationMethods</code>:</p> * * <ul> * <li><code>INTERPOLATE_LEFT: 100</code> * <li><code>INTERPOLATE_RIGHT: 300</code> * <li><code>INTERPOLATE_LINEAR: 200</code> * </ul> * <p>If not set, interpolation method defaults to <code>INTERPOLATE_LINEAR</code>.</p> * * <p>The fourth available interpolation method is INTERPOLATE_REGRESSION. This method uses * simple linear regression to interpolate supplied data with a simple straight line which does not * necessarily pass through all data points. The slope of the best-fit line will be chosen so that the * total square distance of real data points from from the best-fit line is at minimum.</p> * * <p>The full explanation of this interpolation method can be found * <a href="">here</a>.</p> * * @param interpolationMethod Should be <code>INTERPOLATE_LEFT</code>, * <code>INTERPOLATE_RIGHT</code>, <code>INTERPOLATE_LINEAR</code> or * <code>INTERPOLATE_REGRESSION</code>. Any other value will be interpreted as * INTERPOLATE_LINEAR (default). */ public void setInterpolationMethod(int interpolationMethod) { switch (interpolationMethod) { case INTERPOLATE_REGRESSION: calculateBestFitLine(); case INTERPOLATE_LEFT: case INTERPOLATE_RIGHT: case INTERPOLATE_LINEAR: this.interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod; break; default: this.interpolationMethod = INTERPOLATE_LINEAR; } } private void calculateBestFitLine() { int count = timestamps.length, validCount = 0; double ts = 0.0, vs = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!Double.isNaN(values[i])) { ts += timestamps[i]; vs += values[i]; validCount++; } } if (validCount <= 1) { // just one not-NaN point b0 = b1 = Double.NaN; return; } ts /= validCount; vs /= validCount; double s1 = 0, s2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!Double.isNaN(values[i])) { double dt = timestamps[i] - ts; double dv = values[i] - vs; s1 += dt * dv; s2 += dt * dt; } } b1 = s1 / s2; b0 = vs - b1 * ts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Method overridden from the base class. This method will be called by the framework. Call * this method only if you need interpolated values in your code. */ public double getValue(long timestamp) { if (interpolationMethod == INTERPOLATE_REGRESSION) { return b0 + b1 * timestamp; } int count = timestamps.length; // check if out of range if (timestamp < timestamps[0] || timestamp > timestamps[count - 1]) { return Double.NaN; } // find matching segment int startIndex = lastIndexUsed; if (timestamp < timestamps[lastIndexUsed]) { // backward reading, shift to the first timestamp startIndex = 0; } for (int i = startIndex; i < count; i++) { if (timestamps[i] == timestamp) { return values[i]; } if (i < count - 1 && timestamps[i] < timestamp && timestamp < timestamps[i + 1]) { // matching segment found lastIndexUsed = i; switch (interpolationMethod) { case INTERPOLATE_LEFT: return values[i]; case INTERPOLATE_RIGHT: return values[i + 1]; case INTERPOLATE_LINEAR: double slope = (values[i + 1] - values[i]) / (timestamps[i + 1] - timestamps[i]); return values[i] + slope * (timestamp - timestamps[i]); default: return Double.NaN; } } } // should not be here ever, but let's satisfy the compiler return Double.NaN; } }