package org.rrd4j.core.jrrd; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Instances of this class model an archive section of an RRD file. * * @author <a href="">Ciaran Treanor</a> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public class Archive { private static enum rra_par_en {RRA_cdp_xff_val, RRA_hw_alpha}; final RRDatabase db; /** Header offset within file in bytes */ final long headerOffset; /** Header size in bytes */ private final long headerSize; /** Data offset within file in bytes */ long dataOffset; private final ConsolidationFunctionType type; /** Data row count */ final int rowCount; final int pdpCount; final double xff; /// Following fields are initialized during RRDatabase construction /// and in fact immutable /** Consolitation data points */ List<CDPStatusBlock> cdpStatusBlocks; /** Row for last modification time of database */ int currentRow; /** Cached content */ private double[][] values; Archive(RRDatabase db) throws IOException { this.db = db; RRDFile file = db.rrdFile; headerOffset = file.getFilePointer(); type = ConsolidationFunctionType.valueOf(file.readString(Constants.CF_NAM_SIZE).toUpperCase()); file.align(file.getBits() / 8); rowCount = file.readLong(); pdpCount = file.readLong(); UnivalArray par = file.getUnivalArray(10); xff = par.getDouble(rra_par_en.RRA_cdp_xff_val); headerSize = file.getFilePointer() - headerOffset; } /** * Returns the type of function used to calculate the consolidated data point. * * @return the type of function used to calculate the consolidated data point. */ public ConsolidationFunctionType getType() { return type; } void loadCDPStatusBlocks(RRDFile file, int numBlocks) throws IOException { cdpStatusBlocks = new ArrayList<CDPStatusBlock>(); for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { cdpStatusBlocks.add(new CDPStatusBlock(file)); } } /** * Returns the <code>CDPStatusBlock</code> at the specified position in this archive. * * @param index index of <code>CDPStatusBlock</code> to return. * @return the <code>CDPStatusBlock</code> at the specified position in this archive. */ public CDPStatusBlock getCDPStatusBlock(int index) { return cdpStatusBlocks.get(index); } /** * Returns an iterator over the CDP status blocks in this archive in proper sequence. * * @return an iterator over the CDP status blocks in this archive in proper sequence. * @see CDPStatusBlock */ public Iterator<CDPStatusBlock> getCDPStatusBlocks() { return cdpStatusBlocks.iterator(); } void loadCurrentRow(RRDFile file) throws IOException { currentRow = file.readLong(); } void loadData(RRDFile file, int dsCount) throws IOException { dataOffset = file.getFilePointer(); // Skip over the data to position ourselves at the start of the next archive file.skipBytes(Constants.SIZE_OF_DOUBLE * rowCount * dsCount); } void loadData(DataChunk chunk) throws IOException { long rowIndexPointer; if (chunk.startOffset < 0) { rowIndexPointer = currentRow + 1; } else { rowIndexPointer = currentRow + chunk.startOffset + 1; } if (rowIndexPointer < rowCount) { + (chunk.dsCount * rowIndexPointer * Constants.SIZE_OF_DOUBLE))); } else { // Safety net: prevent from reading random portions of file // if something went wrong db.rrdFile.seekToEndOfFile(); } double[][] data =; /* * This is also terrible - cleanup - CT */ int row = 0; for (int i = chunk.startOffset; i < rowCount - chunk.endOffset; i++, row++) { if (i < 0) { // no valid data yet Arrays.fill(data[row], Double.NaN); } else if (i >= rowCount) { // past valid data area Arrays.fill(data[row], Double.NaN); } else { // inside the valid are but the pointer has to be wrapped if (rowIndexPointer >= rowCount) { rowIndexPointer -= rowCount; + (chunk.dsCount * rowIndexPointer * Constants.SIZE_OF_DOUBLE)); } for (int ii = 0; ii < chunk.dsCount; ii++) { data[row][ii] = db.rrdFile.readDouble(); } rowIndexPointer++; } } } void printInfo(PrintStream s, NumberFormat numberFormat, int index) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("rra["); sb.append(index); s.print(sb); s.print("].cf = \""); s.print(type); s.println("\""); s.print(sb); s.print("].rows = "); s.println(rowCount); s.print(sb); s.print("].pdp_per_row = "); s.println(pdpCount); s.print(sb); s.print("].xff = "); s.println(xff); sb.append("].cdp_prep["); int cdpIndex = 0; for (Iterator<CDPStatusBlock> i = cdpStatusBlocks.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { CDPStatusBlock cdp =; s.print(sb); s.print(cdpIndex); s.print("].value = "); double value = cdp.value; s.println(Double.isNaN(value) ? "NaN" : numberFormat.format(value)); s.print(sb); s.print(cdpIndex++); s.print("].unknown_datapoints = "); s.println(cdp.unknownDatapoints); } } void toXml(PrintStream s) { try { s.println("\t<rra>"); s.print("\t\t<cf> "); s.print(type); s.println(" </cf>"); s.print("\t\t<pdp_per_row> "); s.print(pdpCount); s.print(" </pdp_per_row> <!-- "); s.print(db.header.pdpStep * pdpCount); s.println(" seconds -->"); s.print("\t\t<xff> "); s.print(xff); s.println(" </xff>"); s.println(); s.println("\t\t<cdp_prep>"); for (int i = 0; i < cdpStatusBlocks.size(); i++) { cdpStatusBlocks.get(i).toXml(s); } s.println("\t\t</cdp_prep>"); s.println("\t\t<database>"); long timer = -(rowCount - 1); int counter = 0; int row = currentRow; + (row + 1) * db.header.dsCount * Constants.SIZE_OF_DOUBLE); long lastUpdate = db.lastUpdate.getTime() / 1000; int pdpStep = db.header.pdpStep; NumberFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.0000000000E0", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US)); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"); while (counter++ < rowCount) { row++; if (row == rowCount) { row = 0;; } long now = (lastUpdate - lastUpdate % (pdpCount * pdpStep)) + (timer * pdpCount * pdpStep); timer++; s.print("\t\t\t<!-- "); s.print(dateFormat.format(new Date(now * 1000))); s.print(" / "); s.print(now); s.print(" --> "); s.println("<row>"); for (int col = 0; col < db.header.dsCount; col++) { s.print("<v> "); double value = db.rrdFile.readDouble(); // NumberFormat doesn't know how to handle NaN if (Double.isNaN(value)) { s.print("NaN"); } else { s.print(numberFormat.format(value)); } s.print(" </v>"); } s.println("</row>"); } s.println("\t\t</database>"); s.println("\t</rra>"); } catch (IOException e) { // Is the best thing to do here? throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * <p>Getter for the field <code>values</code>.</p> * * @return an array of double. * @throws if any. */ public double[][] getValues() throws IOException { if (values != null) { return values; } values = new double[db.header.dsCount][rowCount]; int row = currentRow; + (row + 1) * db.header.dsCount * Constants.SIZE_OF_DOUBLE); for (int counter = 0; counter < rowCount; counter++) { row++; if (row == rowCount) { row = 0;; } for (int col = 0; col < db.header.dsCount; col++) { double value = db.rrdFile.readDouble(); values[col][counter] = value; } } return values; } /** * Returns the number of primary data points required for a consolidated * data point in this archive. * * @return the number of primary data points required for a consolidated * data point in this archive. */ public int getPdpCount() { return pdpCount; } /** * Returns the number of entries in this archive. * * @return the number of entries in this archive. */ public int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } /** * Returns the X-Files Factor for this archive. * * @return the X-Files Factor for this archive. */ public double getXff() { return xff; } /** * Returns a summary the contents of this archive. * * @return a summary of the information contained in this archive. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[Archive: OFFSET=0x"); sb.append(Long.toHexString(headerOffset)) .append(", SIZE=0x") .append(Long.toHexString(headerSize)) .append(", type=") .append(type) .append(", rowCount=") .append(rowCount) .append(", pdpCount=") .append(pdpCount) .append(", xff=") .append(xff) .append(", currentRow=") .append(currentRow) .append("]"); for(CDPStatusBlock cdp: cdpStatusBlocks) { sb.append("\n\t\t"); sb.append(cdp.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } }