package org.rrd4j.core; import org.rrd4j.DsType; import; /** * <p>Class to represent single datasource within RRD. Each datasource object holds the * following information: datasource definition (once set, never changed) and * datasource state variables (changed whenever RRD gets updated).</p> * <p>Normally, you don't need to manipulate Datasource objects directly, it's up to * Rrd4j framework to do it for you.</p> * * @author Sasa Markovic */ public class Datasource implements RrdUpdater { private static final double MAX_32_BIT = Math.pow(2, 32); private static final double MAX_64_BIT = Math.pow(2, 64); private static final String INVALID_MIN_MAX_VALUES = "Invalid min/max values: "; private final RrdDb parentDb; // definition private final RrdString dsName, dsType; private final RrdLong heartbeat; private final RrdDouble minValue, maxValue; // state variables private RrdDouble lastValue; private RrdLong nanSeconds; private RrdDouble accumValue; Datasource(RrdDb parentDb, DsDef dsDef) throws IOException { boolean shouldInitialize = dsDef != null; this.parentDb = parentDb; dsName = new RrdString(this); dsType = new RrdString(this); heartbeat = new RrdLong(this); minValue = new RrdDouble(this); maxValue = new RrdDouble(this); lastValue = new RrdDouble(this); accumValue = new RrdDouble(this); nanSeconds = new RrdLong(this); if (shouldInitialize) { dsName.set(dsDef.getDsName()); dsType.set(dsDef.getDsType().name()); heartbeat.set(dsDef.getHeartbeat()); minValue.set(dsDef.getMinValue()); maxValue.set(dsDef.getMaxValue()); lastValue.set(Double.NaN); accumValue.set(0.0); Header header = parentDb.getHeader(); nanSeconds.set(header.getLastUpdateTime() % header.getStep()); } } Datasource(RrdDb parentDb, DataImporter reader, int dsIndex) throws IOException { this(parentDb, null); dsName.set(reader.getDsName(dsIndex)); dsType.set(reader.getDsType(dsIndex)); heartbeat.set(reader.getHeartbeat(dsIndex)); minValue.set(reader.getMinValue(dsIndex)); maxValue.set(reader.getMaxValue(dsIndex)); lastValue.set(reader.getLastValue(dsIndex)); accumValue.set(reader.getAccumValue(dsIndex)); nanSeconds.set(reader.getNanSeconds(dsIndex)); } String dump() throws IOException { return "== DATASOURCE ==\n" + "DS:" + dsName.get() + ":" + dsType.get() + ":" + heartbeat.get() + ":" + minValue.get() + ":" + maxValue.get() + "\nlastValue:" + lastValue.get() + " nanSeconds:" + nanSeconds.get() + " accumValue:" + accumValue.get() + "\n"; } /** * Returns datasource name. * * @return Datasource name * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public String getName() throws IOException { return dsName.get(); } /** * Returns datasource type (GAUGE, COUNTER, DERIVE, ABSOLUTE). * * @return Datasource type. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public DsType getType() throws IOException { return DsType.valueOf(dsType.get()); } /** * Returns datasource heartbeat * * @return Datasource heartbeat * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public long getHeartbeat() throws IOException { return heartbeat.get(); } /** * Returns minimal allowed value for this datasource. * * @return Minimal value allowed. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public double getMinValue() throws IOException { return minValue.get(); } /** * Returns maximal allowed value for this datasource. * * @return Maximal value allowed. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public double getMaxValue() throws IOException { return maxValue.get(); } /** * Returns last known value of the datasource. * * @return Last datasource value. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public double getLastValue() throws IOException { return lastValue.get(); } /** * Returns value this datasource accumulated so far. * * @return Accumulated datasource value. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public double getAccumValue() throws IOException { return accumValue.get(); } /** * Returns the number of accumulated NaN seconds. * * @return Accumulated NaN seconds. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public long getNanSeconds() throws IOException { return nanSeconds.get(); } final void process(long newTime, double newValue) throws IOException { Header header = parentDb.getHeader(); long step = header.getStep(); long oldTime = header.getLastUpdateTime(); long startTime = Util.normalize(oldTime, step); long endTime = startTime + step; double oldValue = lastValue.get(); double updateValue = calculateUpdateValue(oldTime, oldValue, newTime, newValue); if (newTime < endTime) { accumulate(oldTime, newTime, updateValue); } else { // should store something long boundaryTime = Util.normalize(newTime, step); accumulate(oldTime, boundaryTime, updateValue); double value = calculateTotal(startTime, boundaryTime); // how many updates? long numSteps = (boundaryTime - endTime) / step + 1L; // ACTION! parentDb.archive(this, value, numSteps); // cleanup nanSeconds.set(0); accumValue.set(0.0); accumulate(boundaryTime, newTime, updateValue); } } private double calculateUpdateValue(long oldTime, double oldValue, long newTime, double newValue) throws IOException { double updateValue = Double.NaN; if (newTime - oldTime <= heartbeat.get()) { DsType type = DsType.valueOf(dsType.get()); if (type == DsType.GAUGE) { updateValue = newValue; } else if (type == DsType.COUNTER) { if (!Double.isNaN(newValue) && !Double.isNaN(oldValue)) { double diff = newValue - oldValue; if (diff < 0) { diff += MAX_32_BIT; } if (diff < 0) { diff += MAX_64_BIT - MAX_32_BIT; } if (diff >= 0) { updateValue = diff / (newTime - oldTime); } } } else if (type == DsType.ABSOLUTE) { if (!Double.isNaN(newValue)) { updateValue = newValue / (newTime - oldTime); } } else if (type == DsType.DERIVE) { if (!Double.isNaN(newValue) && !Double.isNaN(oldValue)) { updateValue = (newValue - oldValue) / (newTime - oldTime); } } if (!Double.isNaN(updateValue)) { double minVal = minValue.get(); double maxVal = maxValue.get(); if (!Double.isNaN(minVal) && updateValue < minVal) { updateValue = Double.NaN; } if (!Double.isNaN(maxVal) && updateValue > maxVal) { updateValue = Double.NaN; } } } lastValue.set(newValue); return updateValue; } private void accumulate(long oldTime, long newTime, double updateValue) throws IOException { if (Double.isNaN(updateValue)) { nanSeconds.set(nanSeconds.get() + (newTime - oldTime)); } else { accumValue.set(accumValue.get() + updateValue * (newTime - oldTime)); } } private double calculateTotal(long startTime, long boundaryTime) throws IOException { double totalValue = Double.NaN; long validSeconds = boundaryTime - startTime - nanSeconds.get(); if (nanSeconds.get() <= heartbeat.get() && validSeconds > 0) { totalValue = accumValue.get() / validSeconds; } // IMPORTANT: // if datasource name ends with "!", we'll send zeros instead of NaNs // this might be handy from time to time if (Double.isNaN(totalValue) && dsName.get().endsWith(DsDef.FORCE_ZEROS_FOR_NANS_SUFFIX)) { totalValue = 0D; } return totalValue; } void appendXml(XmlWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.startTag("ds"); writer.writeTag("name", dsName.get()); writer.writeTag("type", dsType.get()); writer.writeTag("minimal_heartbeat", heartbeat.get()); writer.writeTag("min", minValue.get()); writer.writeTag("max", maxValue.get()); writer.writeComment("PDP Status"); writer.writeTag("last_ds", lastValue.get(), "UNKN"); writer.writeTag("value", accumValue.get()); writer.writeTag("unknown_sec", nanSeconds.get()); writer.closeTag(); // ds } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Copies object's internal state to another Datasource object. */ public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other) throws IOException { if (!(other instanceof Datasource)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot copy Datasource object to " + other.getClass().getName()); } Datasource datasource = (Datasource) other; if (!datasource.dsName.get().equals(dsName.get())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible datasource names"); } if (!datasource.dsType.get().equals(dsType.get())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible datasource types"); } datasource.lastValue.set(lastValue.get()); datasource.nanSeconds.set(nanSeconds.get()); datasource.accumValue.set(accumValue.get()); } /** * Returns index of this Datasource object in the RRD. * * @return Datasource index in the RRD. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public int getDsIndex() throws IOException { try { return parentDb.getDsIndex(dsName.get()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return -1; } } /** * Sets datasource heartbeat to a new value. * * @param heartbeat New heartbeat value * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid (non-positive) heartbeat value is specified. */ public void setHeartbeat(long heartbeat) throws IOException { if (heartbeat < 1L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid heartbeat specified: " + heartbeat); } this.heartbeat.set(heartbeat); } /** * Sets datasource name to a new value * * @param newDsName New datasource name * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public void setDsName(String newDsName) throws IOException { if (parentDb.containsDs(newDsName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Datasource already defined in this RRD: " + newDsName); } this.dsName.set(newDsName); } /** * <p>Setter for the field <code>dsType</code>.</p> * * @param newDsType a {@link org.rrd4j.DsType} object. * @throws if any. */ public void setDsType(DsType newDsType) throws IOException { // set datasource type this.dsType.set(; // reset datasource status lastValue.set(Double.NaN); accumValue.set(0.0); // reset archive status int dsIndex = parentDb.getDsIndex(dsName.get()); Archive[] archives = parentDb.getArchives(); for (Archive archive : archives) { archive.getArcState(dsIndex).setAccumValue(Double.NaN); } } /** * Sets minimum allowed value for this datasource. If <code>filterArchivedValues</code> * argument is set to true, all archived values less then <code>minValue</code> will * be fixed to NaN. * * @param minValue New minimal value. Specify <code>Double.NaN</code> if no minimal * value should be set * @param filterArchivedValues true, if archived datasource values should be fixed; * false, otherwise. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid minValue was supplied (not less then maxValue) */ public void setMinValue(double minValue, boolean filterArchivedValues) throws IOException { double maxValue = this.maxValue.get(); if (!Double.isNaN(minValue) && !Double.isNaN(maxValue) && minValue >= maxValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_MIN_MAX_VALUES + minValue + "/" + maxValue); } this.minValue.set(minValue); if (!Double.isNaN(minValue) && filterArchivedValues) { int dsIndex = getDsIndex(); Archive[] archives = parentDb.getArchives(); for (Archive archive : archives) { archive.getRobin(dsIndex).filterValues(minValue, Double.NaN); } } } /** * Sets maximum allowed value for this datasource. If <code>filterArchivedValues</code> * argument is set to true, all archived values greater then <code>maxValue</code> will * be fixed to NaN. * * @param maxValue New maximal value. Specify <code>Double.NaN</code> if no max * value should be set. * @param filterArchivedValues true, if archived datasource values should be fixed; * false, otherwise. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid maxValue was supplied (not greater then minValue) */ public void setMaxValue(double maxValue, boolean filterArchivedValues) throws IOException { double minValue = this.minValue.get(); if (!Double.isNaN(minValue) && !Double.isNaN(maxValue) && minValue >= maxValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_MIN_MAX_VALUES + minValue + "/" + maxValue); } this.maxValue.set(maxValue); if (!Double.isNaN(maxValue) && filterArchivedValues) { int dsIndex = getDsIndex(); Archive[] archives = parentDb.getArchives(); for (Archive archive : archives) { archive.getRobin(dsIndex).filterValues(Double.NaN, maxValue); } } } /** * Sets min/max values allowed for this datasource. If <code>filterArchivedValues</code> * argument is set to true, all archived values less then <code>minValue</code> or * greater then <code>maxValue</code> will be fixed to NaN. * * @param minValue New minimal value. Specify <code>Double.NaN</code> if no min * value should be set. * @param maxValue New maximal value. Specify <code>Double.NaN</code> if no max * value should be set. * @param filterArchivedValues true, if archived datasource values should be fixed; * false, otherwise. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Thrown if invalid min/max values were supplied */ public void setMinMaxValue(double minValue, double maxValue, boolean filterArchivedValues) throws IOException { if (!Double.isNaN(minValue) && !Double.isNaN(maxValue) && minValue >= maxValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_MIN_MAX_VALUES + minValue + "/" + maxValue); } this.minValue.set(minValue); this.maxValue.set(maxValue); if (!(Double.isNaN(minValue) && Double.isNaN(maxValue)) && filterArchivedValues) { int dsIndex = getDsIndex(); Archive[] archives = parentDb.getArchives(); for (Archive archive : archives) { archive.getRobin(dsIndex).filterValues(minValue, maxValue); } } } /** * Returns the underlying storage (backend) object which actually performs all * I/O operations. * * @return I/O backend object */ public RrdBackend getRrdBackend() { return parentDb.getRrdBackend(); } /** * Required to implement RrdUpdater interface. You should never call this method directly. * * @return Allocator object */ public RrdAllocator getRrdAllocator() { return parentDb.getRrdAllocator(); } }