package org.rrd4j.core; import; /** * Class to represent archive values for a single datasource. Robin class is the heart of * the so-called "round robin database" concept. Basically, each Robin object is a * fixed length array of double values. Each double value represents consolidated, archived * value for the specific timestamp. When the underlying array of double values gets completely * filled, new values will replace the oldest ones.<p> * <p/> * Robin object does not hold values in memory - such object could be quite large. * Instead of it, Robin reads them from the backend I/O only when necessary. * * @author Sasa Markovic */ class RobinArray implements Robin { private final Archive parentArc; private final RrdInt pointer; private final RrdDoubleArray values; private int rows; RobinArray(Archive parentArc, int rows, boolean shouldInitialize) throws IOException { this.parentArc = parentArc; this.pointer = new RrdInt(this); this.values = new RrdDoubleArray(this, rows); this.rows = rows; if (shouldInitialize) { pointer.set(0); values.set(0, Double.NaN, rows); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getValues() */ /** * <p>Getter for the field <code>values</code>.</p> * * @return an array of double. * @throws if any. */ public double[] getValues() throws IOException { return getValues(0, rows); } // stores single value /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void store(double newValue) throws IOException { int position = pointer.get(); values.set(position, newValue); pointer.set((position + 1) % rows); } // stores the same value several times /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void bulkStore(double newValue, int bulkCount) throws IOException { assert bulkCount <= rows: "Invalid number of bulk updates: " + bulkCount + " rows=" + rows; int position = pointer.get(); // update tail int tailUpdateCount = Math.min(rows - position, bulkCount); values.set(position, newValue, tailUpdateCount); pointer.set((position + tailUpdateCount) % rows); // do we need to update from the start? int headUpdateCount = bulkCount - tailUpdateCount; if (headUpdateCount > 0) { values.set(0, newValue, headUpdateCount); pointer.set(headUpdateCount); } } /** * <p>update.</p> * * @param newValues an array of double. * @throws if any. */ public void update(double[] newValues) throws IOException { assert rows == newValues.length: "Invalid number of robin values supplied (" + newValues.length + "), exactly " + rows + " needed"; pointer.set(0); values.writeDouble(0, newValues); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#setValues(double) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setValues(double... newValues) throws IOException { if (rows != newValues.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of robin values supplied (" + newValues.length + "), exactly " + rows + " needed"); } update(newValues); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#setValues(double) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setValues(double newValue) throws IOException { double[] values = new double[rows]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = newValue; } update(values); } /** * <p>dump.</p> * * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @throws if any. */ public String dump() throws IOException { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("Robin " + pointer.get() + "/" + rows + ": "); double[] values = getValues(); for (double value : values) { buffer.append(Util.formatDouble(value, true)).append(" "); } buffer.append("\n"); return buffer.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getValue(int) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public double getValue(int index) throws IOException { int arrayIndex = (pointer.get() + index) % rows; return values.get(arrayIndex); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#setValue(int, double) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setValue(int index, double value) throws IOException { int arrayIndex = (pointer.get() + index) % rows; values.set(arrayIndex, value); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public double[] getValues(int index, int count) throws IOException { assert count <= rows: "Too many values requested: " + count + " rows=" + rows; int startIndex = (pointer.get() + index) % rows; int tailReadCount = Math.min(rows - startIndex, count); double[] tailValues = values.get(startIndex, tailReadCount); if (tailReadCount < count) { int headReadCount = count - tailReadCount; double[] headValues = values.get(0, headReadCount); double[] values = new double[count]; int k = 0; for (double tailValue : tailValues) { values[k++] = tailValue; } for (double headValue : headValues) { values[k++] = headValue; } return values; } else { return tailValues; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getParent() */ /** * <p>getParent.</p> * * @return a {@link org.rrd4j.core.Archive} object. */ public Archive getParent() { return parentArc; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getSize() */ /** * <p>getSize.</p> * * @return a int. */ public int getSize() { return rows; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#copyStateTo(org.rrd4j.core.RrdUpdater) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other) throws IOException { if (!(other instanceof Robin)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot copy Robin object to " + other.getClass().getName()); } Robin robin = (Robin) other; int rowsDiff = rows - robin.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < robin.getSize(); i++) { int j = i + rowsDiff; >= 0 ? getValue(j) : Double.NaN); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#filterValues(double, double) */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void filterValues(double minValue, double maxValue) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { double value = values.get(i); if (!Double.isNaN(minValue) && !Double.isNaN(value) && minValue > value) { values.set(i, Double.NaN); } if (!Double.isNaN(maxValue) && !Double.isNaN(value) && maxValue < value) { values.set(i, Double.NaN); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getRrdBackend() */ /** * <p>getRrdBackend.</p> * * @return a {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdBackend} object. */ public RrdBackend getRrdBackend() { return parentArc.getRrdBackend(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.rrd4j.core.Robin#getRrdAllocator() */ /** * <p>getRrdAllocator.</p> * * @return a {@link org.rrd4j.core.RrdAllocator} object. */ public RrdAllocator getRrdAllocator() { return parentArc.getRrdAllocator(); } }