package org.rrd4j.core; import org.rrd4j.ConsolFun; import; /** * Class to represent single RRD archive in a RRD with its internal state. * Normally, you don't need methods to manipulate archive objects directly * because Rrd4j framework does it automatically for you. * <p> * Each archive object consists of three parts: archive definition, archive state objects * (one state object for each datasource) and round robin archives (one round robin for * each datasource). API (read-only) is provided to access each of these parts. * * @author Sasa Markovic */ public class Archive implements RrdUpdater { private final RrdDb parentDb; // definition protected final RrdString consolFun; protected final RrdDouble xff; protected final RrdInt steps; protected final RrdInt rows; // state private final Robin[] robins; private final ArcState[] states; Archive(RrdDb parentDb, ArcDef arcDef) throws IOException { this.parentDb = parentDb; consolFun = new RrdString(this, true); // constant, may be cached xff = new RrdDouble(this); steps = new RrdInt(this, true); // constant, may be cached rows = new RrdInt(this, true); // constant, may be cached boolean shouldInitialize = arcDef != null; if (shouldInitialize) { consolFun.set(arcDef.getConsolFun().name()); xff.set(arcDef.getXff()); steps.set(arcDef.getSteps()); rows.set(arcDef.getRows()); } int n = parentDb.getHeader().getDsCount(); int numRows = rows.get(); states = new ArcState[n]; int version = parentDb.getHeader().getVersion(); if (version == 1) { robins = new RobinArray[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { states[i] = new ArcState(this, shouldInitialize); robins[i] = new RobinArray(this, numRows, shouldInitialize); } } else { RrdInt[] pointers = new RrdInt[n]; robins = new RobinMatrix[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pointers[i] = new RrdInt(this); //Purge old pointers content, avoid problems with file reuse if(shouldInitialize) { pointers[i].set(0); } states[i] = new ArcState(this, shouldInitialize); } RrdDoubleMatrix values = new RrdDoubleMatrix(this, numRows, n, shouldInitialize); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { robins[i] = new RobinMatrix(this, values, pointers[i], i); } } } // read from XML Archive(RrdDb parentDb, DataImporter reader, int arcIndex) throws IOException { this(parentDb, new ArcDef( reader.getConsolFun(arcIndex), reader.getXff(arcIndex), reader.getSteps(arcIndex), reader.getRows(arcIndex))); int n = parentDb.getHeader().getDsCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // restore state states[i].setAccumValue(reader.getStateAccumValue(arcIndex, i)); states[i].setNanSteps(reader.getStateNanSteps(arcIndex, i)); // restore robins double[] values = reader.getValues(arcIndex, i); robins[i].update(values); } } /** * Returns archive time step in seconds. Archive step is equal to RRD step * multiplied with the number of archive steps. * * @return Archive time step in seconds * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public long getArcStep() throws IOException { return parentDb.getHeader().getStep() * steps.get(); } String dump() throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("== ARCHIVE ==\n"); sb.append("RRA:") .append(consolFun.get()) .append(":") .append(xff.get()) .append(":") .append(steps.get()) .append(":") .append(rows.get()) .append("\n") .append("interval [") .append(getStartTime()) .append(", ") .append(getEndTime()) .append("]" + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < robins.length; i++) { sb.append(states[i].dump()); sb.append(robins[i].dump()); } return sb.toString(); } RrdDb getParentDb() { return parentDb; } void archive(int dsIndex, double value, long numUpdates) throws IOException { Robin robin = robins[dsIndex]; ArcState state = states[dsIndex]; long step = parentDb.getHeader().getStep(); long lastUpdateTime = parentDb.getHeader().getLastUpdateTime(); long updateTime = Util.normalize(lastUpdateTime, step) + step; long arcStep = getArcStep(); // finish current step while (numUpdates > 0) { accumulate(state, value); numUpdates--; if (updateTime % arcStep == 0) { finalizeStep(state, robin); break; } else { updateTime += step; } } // update robin in bulk int bulkUpdateCount = (int) Math.min(numUpdates / steps.get(), (long) rows.get()); robin.bulkStore(value, bulkUpdateCount); // update remaining steps long remainingUpdates = numUpdates % steps.get(); for (long i = 0; i < remainingUpdates; i++) { accumulate(state, value); } } private void accumulate(ArcState state, double value) throws IOException { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { state.setNanSteps(state.getNanSteps() + 1); } else { switch (ConsolFun.valueOf(consolFun.get())) { case MIN: state.setAccumValue(Util.min(state.getAccumValue(), value)); break; case MAX: state.setAccumValue(Util.max(state.getAccumValue(), value)); break; case FIRST: if (Double.isNaN(state.getAccumValue())) { state.setAccumValue(value); } break; case LAST: state.setAccumValue(value); break; case AVERAGE: case TOTAL: state.setAccumValue(Util.sum(state.getAccumValue(), value)); break; } } } private void finalizeStep(ArcState state, Robin robin) throws IOException { // should store long arcSteps = steps.get(); double arcXff = xff.get(); long nanSteps = state.getNanSteps(); //double nanPct = (double) nanSteps / (double) arcSteps; double accumValue = state.getAccumValue(); if (nanSteps <= arcXff * arcSteps && !Double.isNaN(accumValue)) { if (getConsolFun() == ConsolFun.AVERAGE) { accumValue /= (arcSteps - nanSteps); }; } else {; } state.setAccumValue(Double.NaN); state.setNanSteps(0); } /** * Returns archive consolidation function ("AVERAGE", "MIN", "MAX", "FIRST", "LAST" or "TOTAL"). * * @return Archive consolidation function. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public ConsolFun getConsolFun() throws IOException { return ConsolFun.valueOf(consolFun.get()); } /** * Returns archive X-files factor. * * @return Archive X-files factor (between 0 and 1). * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public double getXff() throws IOException { return xff.get(); } /** * Returns the number of archive steps. * * @return Number of archive steps. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public int getSteps() throws IOException { return steps.get(); } /** * Returns the number of archive rows. * * @return Number of archive rows. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public int getRows() throws IOException { return rows.get(); } /** * Returns current starting timestamp. This value is not constant. * * @return Timestamp corresponding to the first archive row * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public long getStartTime() throws IOException { long endTime = getEndTime(); long arcStep = getArcStep(); long numRows = rows.get(); return endTime - (numRows - 1) * arcStep; } /** * Returns current ending timestamp. This value is not constant. * * @return Timestamp corresponding to the last archive row * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error. */ public long getEndTime() throws IOException { long arcStep = getArcStep(); long lastUpdateTime = parentDb.getHeader().getLastUpdateTime(); return Util.normalize(lastUpdateTime, arcStep); } /** * Returns the underlying archive state object. Each datasource has its * corresponding ArcState object (archive states are managed independently * for each RRD datasource). * * @param dsIndex Datasource index * @return Underlying archive state object */ public ArcState getArcState(int dsIndex) { return states[dsIndex]; } /** * Returns the underlying round robin archive. Robins are used to store actual * archive values on a per-datasource basis. * * @param dsIndex Index of the datasource in the RRD. * @return Underlying round robin archive for the given datasource. */ public Robin getRobin(int dsIndex) { return robins[dsIndex]; } FetchData fetchData(FetchRequest request) throws IOException { long arcStep = getArcStep(); long fetchStart = Util.normalize(request.getFetchStart(), arcStep); long fetchEnd = Util.normalize(request.getFetchEnd(), arcStep); if (fetchEnd < request.getFetchEnd()) { fetchEnd += arcStep; } long startTime = getStartTime(); long endTime = getEndTime(); String[] dsToFetch = request.getFilter(); if (dsToFetch == null) { dsToFetch = parentDb.getDsNames(); } int dsCount = dsToFetch.length; int ptsCount = (int) ((fetchEnd - fetchStart) / arcStep + 1); long[] timestamps = new long[ptsCount]; double[][] values = new double[dsCount][ptsCount]; long matchStartTime = Math.max(fetchStart, startTime); long matchEndTime = Math.min(fetchEnd, endTime); double[][] robinValues = null; if (matchStartTime <= matchEndTime) { // preload robin values int matchCount = (int) ((matchEndTime - matchStartTime) / arcStep + 1); int matchStartIndex = (int) ((matchStartTime - startTime) / arcStep); robinValues = new double[dsCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < dsCount; i++) { int dsIndex = parentDb.getDsIndex(dsToFetch[i]); robinValues[i] = robins[dsIndex].getValues(matchStartIndex, matchCount); } } for (int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < ptsCount; ptIndex++) { long time = fetchStart + ptIndex * arcStep; timestamps[ptIndex] = time; for (int i = 0; i < dsCount; i++) { double value = Double.NaN; if (time >= matchStartTime && time <= matchEndTime) { // inbound time int robinValueIndex = (int) ((time - matchStartTime) / arcStep); assert robinValues != null; value = robinValues[i][robinValueIndex]; } values[i][ptIndex] = value; } } FetchData fetchData = new FetchData(this, request); fetchData.setTimestamps(timestamps); fetchData.setValues(values); return fetchData; } void appendXml(XmlWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.startTag("rra"); writer.writeTag("cf", consolFun.get()); writer.writeComment(getArcStep() + " seconds"); writer.writeTag("pdp_per_row", steps.get()); writer.startTag("params"); writer.writeTag("xff", xff.get()); writer.closeTag(); // params writer.startTag("cdp_prep"); for (ArcState state : states) { state.appendXml(writer); } writer.closeTag(); // cdp_prep writer.startTag("database"); long startTime = getStartTime(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.get(); i++) { long time = startTime + i * getArcStep(); writer.writeComment(Util.getDate(time) + " / " + time); writer.startTag("row"); for (Robin robin : robins) { writer.writeTag("v", robin.getValue(i)); } writer.closeTag(); // row } writer.closeTag(); // database writer.closeTag(); // rra } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Copies object's internal state to another Archive object. */ public void copyStateTo(RrdUpdater other) throws IOException { if (!(other instanceof Archive)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot copy Archive object to " + other.getClass().getName()); } Archive arc = (Archive) other; if (!arc.consolFun.get().equals(consolFun.get())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible consolidation functions"); } if (arc.steps.get() != steps.get()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible number of steps"); } int count = parentDb.getHeader().getDsCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int j = Util.getMatchingDatasourceIndex(parentDb, i, arc.parentDb); if (j >= 0) { states[i].copyStateTo(arc.states[j]); robins[i].copyStateTo(arc.robins[j]); } } } /** * Sets X-files factor to a new value. * * @param xff New X-files factor value. Must be >= 0 and < 1. * @throws Thrown in case of I/O error */ public void setXff(double xff) throws IOException { if (xff < 0D || xff >= 1D) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid xff supplied (" + xff + "), must be >= 0 and < 1"); } this.xff.set(xff); } /** * Returns the underlying storage (backend) object which actually performs all * I/O operations. * * @return I/O backend object */ public RrdBackend getRrdBackend() { return parentDb.getRrdBackend(); } /** * Required to implement RrdUpdater interface. You should never call this method directly. * * @return Allocator object */ public RrdAllocator getRrdAllocator() { return parentDb.getRrdAllocator(); } }