package; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; /** * * @author Itai Agmon */ public class RenameParameterOptions { public static final Option OPT_HELP = new Option("h", "help", false, "print help and usage"); public static final Option OPT_MODE = new Option("m", "mode", true, "The refactor mode required"); public static final Option OPT_PROJECT_DIR = new Option("p", "projectDir", true, "List of directories and files that need to be processed."); public static final Option OPT_TEST_FULL_NAME = new Option("t", "test", true, "The full qualified name for a test including <package>.<className>.<methodName>"); public static final Option OPT_OLD_PARAM = new Option("op", "oldParam", true, "The current parameter name that should be renamed"); public static final Option OPT_NEW_PARAM = new Option("np", "newParam", true, "The new parameter name"); public static final Option OPT_OLD_TEST = new Option("ot", "oldTest", true, "The old test name"); public static final Option OPT_NEW_TEST = new Option("nt", "newTest", true, "The new test name"); public static final Option OPT_OLD_SCENARIO = new Option("os", "oldScenario", true, "The old scenario name"); public static final Option OPT_NEW_SCENARIO = new Option("ns", "newScenario", true, "The new scenario name"); public static final Option OPT_BEAN_FULL_NAME = new Option("b", "bean", true, "The full name for a bean including <package>.<className>"); static { OPT_HELP.setRequired(false); OPT_MODE.setRequired(false); OPT_MODE.setArgName("scenario,test,paramter,bean,multi"); OPT_PROJECT_DIR.setRequired(false); OPT_PROJECT_DIR .setArgName("JSystem Project Directory or the full path of multiple scenario suite execution XML file"); String projectOptionDescription = new StringBuilder().append( "The root directory for JSystem project(Not the 'classes' directory ).\n").toString(); OPT_PROJECT_DIR.setDescription(projectOptionDescription); OPT_TEST_FULL_NAME.setRequired(false); OPT_TEST_FULL_NAME.setArgName("Full qualified name of a test"); OPT_OLD_PARAM.setRequired(false); OPT_OLD_PARAM.setArgName("The current name of the parameter as it appears in the source code"); OPT_NEW_PARAM.setRequired(false); OPT_NEW_PARAM.setArgName("New name that will be assigned to the paramter"); OPT_BEAN_FULL_NAME.setRequired(false); OPT_BEAN_FULL_NAME.setArgName("Full name of a bean class"); OPT_OLD_TEST.setRequired(false); OPT_OLD_TEST.setArgName("The current full name of the test"); OPT_NEW_TEST.setRequired(false); OPT_NEW_TEST.setArgName("The target name of the test."); OPT_OLD_SCENARIO.setRequired(false); OPT_OLD_SCENARIO.setArgName("The current scenario name"); OPT_NEW_SCENARIO.setRequired(false); OPT_NEW_SCENARIO.setArgName("The new scenario name to assign"); } }