/* * Created on Jan 28, 2006 * * Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package jsystem.framework.sut; import java.util.Vector; import jsystem.framework.ParameterProperties; import jsystem.framework.system.SystemManagerImpl; import junit.framework.SystemTestCase; /** * * @author guy.arieli * */ public class ChangeSutTest extends SystemTestCase { String sut = null; /** * Change the SUT file the next tests in the scenario will be using. * */ public void changeSut() throws Exception { report.report("Close all SystemObjects"); SystemManagerImpl.getInstance().closeAllObjects(); SutFactory.getInstance().setSut(sut); } public String getSut() { return sut; } @ParameterProperties(description="Choose SUT file from the list") public void setSut(String sut) { this.sut = sut; } public String[] getSutOptions(){ Vector<String> v = SutFactory.getInstance().getOptionalSuts(); v.removeElement("Create a new SUT file..."); String[] suts = new String[v.size()]; v.toArray(suts); return suts; } }