* Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved.
package jsystem.treeui.threads;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import jsystem.framework.FrameworkOptions;
import jsystem.framework.JSystemProperties;
import jsystem.treeui.actionItems.SaveScenarioAction;
import jsystem.treeui.interfaces.JsystemPropertiesChangeListener;
import jsystem.treeui.properties.JSystemPropertiesDialog;
import jsystem.utils.StringUtils;
* @author Dan Hirsch
* A class to manage the activity of auto save scenario in the jsystem.
public class AutoSaveThread implements JsystemPropertiesChangeListener{
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AutoSaveThread.class.getName());
private static AutoSaveThread INSTANCE = null;
private TimerTask task;
private Timer timer;
//in first creation start with current jsystem.properties value.
int autoSaveInterval;
* will read the jsystem.properties file value for interval time set by user.
* will crate a task to run the saveScenarioAction
* and schedule it to run in fixed intervals that were set.
* if value is set to 0 - the default value, then automatic save will be disabled.
public void startThread(){
autoSaveInterval = Integer.parseInt(JSystemProperties.getInstance().getPreferenceOrDefault(FrameworkOptions.AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL));
autoSaveInterval = autoSaveInterval * 1000;
if(autoSaveInterval> 0){
task = new TimerTask(){
public void run(){
}catch (Exception e){
timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(task, (long)autoSaveInterval, (long)autoSaveInterval);
if(timer != null){
timer = null;
* will return an instance only if the interval property is set to
* a positive number.
* number.
* @return
public static AutoSaveThread getInstance()throws Exception{
int intervalProperty = Integer.parseInt(JSystemProperties.getInstance().getPreferenceOrDefault(FrameworkOptions.AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL));
intervalProperty = intervalProperty * 1000;
if(INSTANCE == null){
INSTANCE = new AutoSaveThread();
return INSTANCE;
* in the event of a GUI change in jsystem.properties,
* if the change is related to the interval property itself, reset the interval
* value, and reschedule the task to run every new interval cycle.
public void jsystemPropertiesChanged(){
int tempInterval = Integer.parseInt(JSystemProperties.getInstance().getPreferenceOrDefault(FrameworkOptions.AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL));
tempInterval = tempInterval * 1000;
if(tempInterval == autoSaveInterval){
if(timer != null){
timer.cancel();//cancel previous task
timer.purge();//remove previous task