/* * Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package com.aqua.cli.tests; import java.util.Properties; import jsystem.extensions.analyzers.text.FindText; import jsystem.extensions.analyzers.text.TextNotFound; import junit.framework.SystemTestCase; import com.aqua.cli.objects.Station; import com.aqua.sysobj.conn.CliApplication; /** * @author Denis.Malinovtsev * * This class implements the tests for CliApplication SystemObject (infra) * for Windows/Linux based platform * */ public class LinuxCliCommandsTest extends SystemTestCase{ Station station; Station station2; String hostToPing = "localhost"; String fileToFind = ""; public void setUp() throws Exception { station = (Station)system.getSystemObject("linuxStation"); } public void testBufferExecution() throws Exception{ station2 = (Station)system.getSystemObject("linuxStation2"); ((CliApplication)station).setBufferCommands(true); ((CliApplication)station2).setBufferCommands(true); station.ipConfig(); station2.ipConfig(); station.ping(""); station2.ping(""); ((CliApplication)station).executeBuffer(); ((CliApplication)station2).executeBuffer(); ((CliApplication)station).waitForBufferExecution(30000); ((CliApplication)station2).waitForBufferExecution(30000); } /** * Test executing the "dir" command and find file/folder in that directory * */ public void testExecuteDir() throws Exception { report.step("Running dir/ls command"); station.dir(""); report.step("Searching file/folder"); station.analyze(new FindText(fileToFind)); } /** * Test "ipconfig" command and check if the comand putted result * */ public void testIpConfig() throws Exception { report.step("Running ipconfig/ifconfig command"); station.ipConfig(); //station.analyze(new FindText("eth0")); } /** * Test ping command to any host and check if the ping wass successeful * Test using and checking analyzer also * */ public void testPing() throws Exception { report.step("Running ping command"); station.ping(hostToPing); report.step("Checking if ping was successeful"); station.analyze(new FindText("0% packet loss")); } /** * Send an Array of Commands through * CLI and check that they are successfully activated * */ public void testCommandsArray() throws Exception { report.step("Running several commands"); station.runCommandsArray(); } public String getHostToPing() { return hostToPing; } /** * * Testing noEnter parameter by sending the command without enter , * in addition testing the timeout parameter */ public void testCommandsNoEnter() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands..."); station.runCommandsNoEnter(); } /** * * Testing the sending with delay feature (letter by letter) * */ public void testCommandsWithDelay() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting command..."); station.runCommandsWithDelay(); } /** * * Testing the silent command feature * */ public void testSilentCommand() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting silent command ..."); station.runSilentCommand(); } /** * * Test errors of the commands * */ public void testErrorCommand() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands with errors expected..."); report.setFailToPass(true); try { station.runCommand(new String[] {"ls","ls ababab","ps aux"}, new String[] {"No such file or directory"}); report.setFailToPass(false); report.report("No Error was thrown, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t){ report.setFailToPass(false); assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "The text <No such file or directory> was found", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } } /** * * Test analyzers * FindText analyzer - will fail the test if text was not found * * TextNotFound analizer - will fail the test if text was found * */ public void testAnalyzers() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands..."); station.runCommand(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, new String[] {"No such file or directory", "command not found"}); report.step("Testing success analyzers..."); // FindText analyzer will fail the test if text was not found // TextNotFound analizer will fail the test if text was found station.analyze(new FindText("Ethernet")); station.analyze(new TextNotFound("-Ethernet-")); report.step("Testing failed TextNotFound analyzer..."); try{ report.setFailToPass(true); station.analyze(new TextNotFound("Ethernet")); report.report("Analizer passed successefully, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t) { assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "The text <Ethernet> was found", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } report.step("Testing failed FindText analyzer..."); try{ report.setFailToPass(true); station.analyze(new FindText("-Ethernet-")); report.report("Analizer passed successefully, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t) { assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "The text <-Ethernet-> wasn't found", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } } /** * * Test musts - the strings that have to be in the result to pass the test * */ public void testMusts() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands with musts implemented , shoul'd pass..."); station.runCommand(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, new String[] {"No such file or directory", "command not found"}, new String[] {"Ethernet", "CPU"}); report.step("Now one of the musts will not be found , failed musts ..."); report.setFailToPass(true); try { station.runCommand(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, new String[] {"No such file or directory", "command not found"}, new String[] {"Ethernet", "Linux"}); report.setFailToPass(false); report.report("No Error was thrown, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t){ report.setFailToPass(false); assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "The text <Linux> wasn't found", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } } /** * * Test retries - test retries with default values * */ public void testRetriesDefault() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands , retry string will not be found, shouldn't retry "); station.runCommandWithRetryString(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, "-Ethernet-"); report.step("The test should retry 5 times with 10 sec. delay this time... "); report.setFailToPass(true); try { station.runCommandWithRetryString(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, "Ethernet"); report.setFailToPass(false); report.report("No retry string was found, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t){ report.setFailToPass(false); assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "Cli command failed", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } } /** * * Test retries - test retries with new values * */ public void testRetriesWithParameters() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands with retry string implemented , shouldn't retry "); station.runCommandWithRetryParameters(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, "-Ethernet-", 2,5000); report.step("The test should retry 5 times with 10 sec. delay this time..."); report.setFailToPass(true); try { station.runCommandWithRetryParameters(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, "Ethernet", 2,5000); report.setFailToPass(false); report.report("No retry string was found, test failed", false); } catch (Throwable t){ report.setFailToPass(false); assertEquals("Wrong exception message" , "Cli command failed", t.getMessage()); } finally { report.setFailToPass(false); } } /** * * Test prompt change * */ public void testPromptChange() throws Exception { report.step("Changing prompt to unexpected , should fail"); station.runCommandWithNewPrompt(new String[] {"ls","ifconfig","ps aux"}, "&&&"); } /** * Testing timeout */ public void testCommandTimeout() throws Exception { report.step("Inserting commands..."); station.runCommandsNoEnter(); } /** * Testing parameters table */ public void testProperties() throws Exception { Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("value1", "ps"); p.setProperty("value2", "aux"); report.step("Inserting commands..."); station.runCommandsWithProperties(new String[] {"<value1> <value2>"},p); } //* --- Getters/Setters ---*/ /** * Hostname/IP Address to ping */ public void setHostToPing(String hostToPing) { this.hostToPing = hostToPing; } public String getFileToFind() { return fileToFind; } /** * Filename of the file/folder to find */ public void setFileToFind(String fileToFind) { this.fileToFind = fileToFind; } }