package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jfree.util.Log; import; public class RemoteHtmlReporter extends AbstractHtmlReporter { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RemoteHtmlReporter.class.getName()); private static final int MAX_NUM_OF_ALLOWED_FAILURES = 10; private boolean enabled; private DifidoClient client; private int executionId; private int machineId; private int numOfFailures; private RemoteDifidoProperties difidoProps; private ExecutionDetails details; public RemoteHtmlReporter() { super(); } @Override public void initReporterManager() throws IOException { } @Override public String getName() { return "RemoteHtmlReporter"; } @Override public void init() { super.init(); // We are doing it because we need that the file of the Difido // properties to be created if it is not exists. new RemoteDifidoProperties(); } public void endRun() { super.endRun(); // We are not using shared execution, that means that we are the only // one that are using it and we just ended with it, so let's set it to // not active if (executionId > 0 && !difidoProps.getPropertyAsBoolean(RemoteDifidoOptions.USE_SHARED_EXECUTION)) { try { client.endExecution(executionId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn("Failed to close execution with id " + executionId); } executionId = -1; } } @Override public void startRun() { super.initModel(); super.startRun(); difidoProps = new RemoteDifidoProperties(); String host = null; int port = 0; try { enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(difidoProps.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.ENABLED)); if (!enabled) { return; } host = difidoProps.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.HOST); port = Integer.parseInt(difidoProps.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.PORT)); client = new DifidoClient(host, port); executionId = prepareExecution(); machineId = client.addMachine(executionId, getExecution().getLastMachine()); enabled = true; log.fine(RemoteHtmlReporter.class.getName() + " was initialized successfully"); } catch (Throwable t) { enabled = false; log.warning("Failed to init " + RemoteHtmlReporter.class.getName() + "connection with host '" + host + ":" + port + "' due to " + t.getMessage()); } } private int prepareExecution() throws Exception { // Fetching properties final boolean appendToExistingExecution = difidoProps .getPropertyAsBoolean(RemoteDifidoOptions.APPEND_TO_EXISTING_EXECUTION); final boolean useSharedExecution = difidoProps.getPropertyAsBoolean(RemoteDifidoOptions.USE_SHARED_EXECUTION); final String description = difidoProps.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.DESCRIPTION); final int id = difidoProps.getPropertyAsInt(RemoteDifidoOptions.EXISTING_EXECUTION_ID); final boolean forceNewExecution = difidoProps.getPropertyAsBoolean(RemoteDifidoOptions.FORCE_NEW_EXECUTION); final Map<String, String> properties = difidoProps.getPropertyAsMap(RemoteDifidoOptions.EXECUTION_PROPETIES); if (appendToExistingExecution && !forceNewExecution) { if (id >= 0) { return id; } if (executionId > 0) { return executionId; } } details = new ExecutionDetails(description, useSharedExecution); details.setForceNew(forceNewExecution); details.setExecutionProperties(properties); return client.addExecution(details); } /** * We want to add all the execution properties for each scenario. This will * eventually appear in the ElasticSearch * * @param scenario */ protected void addScenarioProperties(ScenarioNode scenario) { super.addScenarioProperties(scenario); // If the execution is shared, and we were not responsible for creating // the execution, the execution details in this stage will be null. if (details != null && details.getExecutionProperties() != null) { for (String key : details.getExecutionProperties().keySet()) { scenario.addScenarioProperty(key, details.getExecutionProperties().get(key)); } } } @Override protected void writeTestDetails(TestDetails testDetails) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { client.addTestDetails(executionId, testDetails); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Failed updating test details to remote server due to " + e.getMessage()); checkIfNeedsToDisable(); } } @Override protected void writeExecution(Execution execution) { if (!enabled) { return; } try { client.updateMachine(executionId, machineId, execution.getLastMachine()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Failed updating test details to remote server due to " + e.getMessage()); checkIfNeedsToDisable(); } } private void checkIfNeedsToDisable() { numOfFailures++; if (numOfFailures > MAX_NUM_OF_ALLOWED_FAILURES) { log.warning("Communication to server has failed more then " + MAX_NUM_OF_ALLOWED_FAILURES + ". Disabling report reporter"); enabled = false; } } @Override protected Execution readExecution() { return null; } @Override protected void filesWereAddedToReport(File[] files) { if (!enabled) { return; } if (files == null || files.length == 0) { return; } for (File file : files) { try { client.addFile(executionId, getTestDetails().getUid(), file); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Failed uploading file " + file.getName() + " to remote server due to " + e.getMessage()); } } } @Override protected void updateTestDirectory() { // Since we are not using the file system, there is no point in setting // the current test folder } }