/* * Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package tests.jsystem.extensions.analyzers.text; import jsystem.extensions.analyzers.text.TextNotFound; import junit.framework.SystemTestCase; public class TextNotFoundTest extends SystemTestCase{ TextNotFound find = null; String text = "JSystem is a framework for writing and running automated tests, based on JUnit. Its main goal is to support automation of functional/system testing. See our home page for more information."; public void testSimpleFind(){ find = new TextNotFound("frameworkx"); find.setTestAgainst(text); find.analyze(); assertTrue("The text 'frameworkx' shouldn't be bound", find.getStatus()); } public void testSimpleFindNegative(){ find = new TextNotFound("framework"); find.setTestAgainst(text); find.analyze(); assertFalse("The text 'framework' should be bound", find.getStatus()); } }