/* * Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package jsystem.extensions.analyzers.tabletext; import java.util.ArrayList; import jsystem.framework.analyzer.AnalyzerParameterImpl; /** * The same as TableCellValue but is able to check multi celles. * * @author guy.arieli Example: For this table: Index Source IP Destination IP 18 * Use: new TableMultiCellValue("Index", 18, new * String[] {"Source IP", "Destination IP"}, new String[] {"", * ""}) * */ public class GetMultiCellValue extends AnalyzerParameterImpl { String keyHeader; String[] valueHeaders; String[] expectedValues; protected TTable table; private String foundValue = null; public GetMultiCellValue(String keyHeader, String[] valueHeaders, String[] expectedValues) throws Exception { this.keyHeader = keyHeader; this.valueHeaders = valueHeaders; this.expectedValues = expectedValues; } @Override public void analyze() { title = "GetMultiCellValue"; if (valueHeaders.length != expectedValues.length) { message = "GetMultiCellValue: keys and expected arrays should be in the same size"; status = false; return; } try { if (testAgainst instanceof TableRepository) { table = ((TableRepository) testAgainst).getTable(); } else { table = new Table((String) testAgainst); } } catch (Exception e) { message = "GetMultiCellValue: unable to init table: " + e.getMessage(); status = false; return; } int rowCount = table.getNumberOfRows(); ArrayList<Integer> optionalRows = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { optionalRows.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } try { for (int i = 0; i < valueHeaders.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < optionalRows.size(); j++) { if (!table.getCell(((Integer) optionalRows.get(j)).intValue(), table.getHeaderFieldIndex(valueHeaders[i])).equals(expectedValues[i])) { optionalRows.remove(j); j--; } } } } catch (Exception e) { message = "GetMultiCellValue: unable to init table: " + e.getMessage(); return; } if (optionalRows.size() == 0) { message = "GetMultiCellValue: The expected value was not found! "; return; } try { foundValue = table.getCell(optionalRows.get(0).intValue(), table.getHeaderFieldIndex(keyHeader)); message = "GetMultiCellValue: Cell Value: " + foundValue + "\n"; status = true; } catch (Exception e) { title = "GetMultiCellValue: The expected value was not found! "; } } public String getFoundValue() { return foundValue; } }