/* * Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package com.aqua.cli.tests; import com.aqua.sysobj.conn.CliCommand; import com.aqua.sysobj.conn.CmdConnection; import jsystem.extensions.analyzers.text.FindText; import junit.framework.SystemTestCase; /** * Example for connection with the Windows CMD console */ public class CmdConnectionTest extends SystemTestCase { private CmdConnection cliConnection; private boolean isClone = false; public void setUp() throws Exception{ cliConnection = new CmdConnection(); cliConnection.init(); } public void tearDown() throws Exception{ cliConnection.close(); } /** * run a <I>dir</I> command and search for <I>"Directory of"</I> String in result * * @throws Exception */ public void testSimpleCmdConnection() throws Exception { report.step("Signal that CMD should be cloned on each operation"); cliConnection.setCloneOnEveryOperation(isClone()); CliCommand command = new CliCommand("dir"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("performed dir", command); cliConnection.analyze(new FindText("Directory of")); } /** * run a <I>dir</I> command and search for <I>"Directory of"</I> String in result<br> * do it twice * @throws Exception */ public void testCmdConnectionOneAfterAnother() throws Exception { testSimpleCmdConnection(); testSimpleCmdConnection(); } public void testCmdConnectionWithCommandThatRequiersClose() throws Exception { cliConnection.setCloneOnEveryOperation(true); CliCommand command = new CliCommand("wmic os get buildnumber"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("performed wmi operation", command); cliConnection.analyze(new FindText("BuildNumber")); } /** * run several commands and search for expected strings in the result * * @throws Exception */ public void testCmdConnectionWithMixedCommands() throws Exception { CliCommand command = new CliCommand("wmic os get buildnumber"); command.setClone(true); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("performed wmi operation", command); cliConnection.analyze(new FindText("BuildNumber")); command = new CliCommand("dir"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("performed dir", command); cliConnection.analyze(new FindText("Directory of")); command = new CliCommand("dir"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("performed dir", command); cliConnection.analyze(new FindText("Directory of")); } /** * open a telnet connection * * @throws Exception */ public void testCmdConnectionWithTelnet() throws Exception { CliCommand command = new CliCommand("telnet"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("", command); command = new CliCommand("open"); cliConnection.handleCliCommand("", command); } public boolean isClone() { return isClone; } public void setClone(boolean isClone) { this.isClone = isClone; } }