* Copyright 2005-2010 Ignis Software Tools Ltd. All rights reserved.
package jsystem.treeui.utilities;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter;
import jsystem.framework.FrameworkOptions;
import jsystem.framework.JSystemProperties;
import jsystem.framework.TestRunnerFrame;
import jsystem.framework.common.CommonResources;
import jsystem.guiMapping.JsystemMapping;
import jsystem.treeui.TestRunner;
import jsystem.treeui.images.ImageCenter;
import jsystem.utils.StringUtils;
public class ApplicationUtilities {
public static String invalidClassesDirectoryMessage =
"The given workspace is missing required sut and scenarion libraries. \n" +
"These libraries are needed for runner execution. \n" +
"Please select a different workspace or create necessary folders.";
* chooseClassesDirectory() method can be invoke for two different cases:
* 1 - During runner loading - Call this method with the classes path exists in jsystem.properties file
* 2 - When the user chooses to switch project - Call this method with the classes path = null.
* At first stage we check if the path parameter is valid. in case this method has been called during Runner loading, and the
* jsystem.properties already had a valid path, we return this path and exit the method.
* If path=null (the user pressed the changeProject button), or the path in the jsystem.properties is invalid,
* We open the file chooser dialog inside a loop until one of the following:
* 1 - The user choose a valid classes directory
* 2 - The user chooses to exit
* If the user choose an invalid directory, a pop up error message inform the user that the selected directory is invalid.
* If the user chooses to exit the system then:
* If this method was called during Runner loading, the runner cannot be loaded and therefore we exit with error code = 1
* If this method was called from "Switch Project" - We return null (which ends closing the change directory dialog.
* @param path
* path contain the value of the test.dir property from the jsystem.properties file (in case we call this method during Runner loading)
* path = null if the user pressed the "Change Project" button
* @param mustChooseProject:
* If we call this method during Runner loading mustChooseProject = true.
* If we call this method from the switch project button, mustChooseProject = false
* @return null if path is incorrect or cancel was selected
public static String chooseClassesDirectory(String path, boolean mustChooseProject) {
if (verifyClassesDirectory(path)){
return path;
String newPath = null;
String testDirectory = JSystemProperties.getInstance().getPreference(FrameworkOptions.TESTS_CLASS_FOLDER);
String currentDir = (StringUtils.isEmpty(testDirectory))? System.getProperty("user.dir") : testDirectory;
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(currentDir);
File f = new File(currentDir);
String exitString = mustChooseProject? "Exit" : "Continue with current Project";
boolean validDirectory = false;
while (! validDirectory) {
if (fc.showDialog(TestRunnerFrame.guiMainFrame,JsystemMapping.getInstance().getSwitchProjectSaveButton()) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ) {
// handle cancel on file chooser
if (!mustChooseProject){ // runner is already active
return null;
// runner is starting
"A project must be selected. Please restart the runner and select a project. \nYou can set tests.dir property manualy In the jsystem.properties file",
"Setting tests directory",
throw new RuntimeException("Project was not selected");
} else { // a directory was chosen in the file chooser
newPath = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath();
newPath = findClassesFolder(newPath);
validDirectory = verifyClassesDirectory(newPath);
if (! validDirectory) {
ImageIcon icon = ImageCenter.getInstance().getImage(ImageCenter.ICON_WARNING);
String title = "Invalid Classes Directory";
String[] options = new String[]{"Choose a different directory","Continue",exitString};
String message = "The given workspace is missing required sut and scenarion libraries. \n" +
"These libraries are needed for runner execution. \n" +
"Please select a different workspace or create necessary folders.";
int res = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(fc,message, title,
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, icon, options , "Choose a different directory");
if (res == 1){
validDirectory = true;
} else if (res == 2) {
if (mustChooseProject){
return null;
} // while
return newPath;
* Find the classes folder in the given folder name or in one of the sub
* folder.
* @param classesFolderName
* @return classes actual folder or null if not found
private static String findClassesFolder(String classesFolderName) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(classesFolderName)) {
return null;
File potentialClassesFolder = new File(classesFolderName);
if (!potentialClassesFolder.exists() || !potentialClassesFolder.isDirectory()) {
return null;
Collection<File> files = org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.listFilesAndDirs(potentialClassesFolder,
new IOFileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return false;
public boolean accept(File file) {
return false;
}, new IOFileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return false;
public boolean accept(File file) {
if (file.getName().equals("classes") || file.getName().equals("target")) {
return true;
return false;
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().equals("classes")) {
return file.getAbsolutePath();
return null;
public static boolean verifyClassesDirectory(String path) {
if (path == null){
return false;
boolean sutFolderExists, scenariosFolderExists;
File selectedDirectory = new File(path);
String[] list = selectedDirectory.list();
sutFolderExists = searchFor(list, "sut");
scenariosFolderExists = searchFor(list, "scenarios");
return sutFolderExists && scenariosFolderExists;
private static boolean searchFor(String[] list, String item) {
boolean result = false;
if (list == null){
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ( list[i].equals(item) ) {
result = true;
return result;
public static boolean isNumric(String strValue) {
boolean isNumeric = true;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
isNumeric = false;
return isNumeric;
* This method receive a long string that contain a list of email addresses separated by ';'
* and verify all mail addresses are valid
* @param value - the mail list entered by the user
* @return: true - if all mail addresses are valid. false - otherwise
public static boolean isEmailList(String value) {
String[] addresses = value.split(CommonResources.DELIMITER);
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
if (! isEmailAddress(addresses[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* This method verify that the given string parameter contain a valid email address
* @param value - the email address that was entered by the user
* @return true if the given string is a valid email address, false - otherwise.
public static boolean isEmailAddress(String value) {
Character lastChar = value.charAt(value.length()-1);
Character firstChar = value.charAt(0);
// Verify the string contain only letters, "@" and "." (No other characters
if (value.length() < 5) {
return false;
// check that no other characters then letters numbers and the following special characters: {'@', '.', '_', '-'}
for (int index = 0; index < value.length(); index++) {
if (validateCharacter(value.charAt(index)) == false) {
return false;
// Check that "." appear in the string
if ( ! value.contains(".") ) {
return false;
// Check that "@" appear in the string
if ( ! value.contains("@") ) {
return false;
// Check that "@" appear only once
int atIndex = value.indexOf("@");
if (atIndex != value.lastIndexOf("@")) {
return false; // more then one appearance of "@"
// check that the "@" comes before the last "." and that there is at list one letter between them
if (value.lastIndexOf(".") - atIndex < 2) {
return false;
// Check that the first character is a letter
if (! Character.isLetter(firstChar)) {
return false;
// Check that the last character is a letter
if (! Character.isLetter(lastChar)) {
return false;
// If we arrive here it means that the string is a legal Email address
return true;
* This method receive a character and verify it is a valid Email character
* @param currentChar
* @return true if the received character can be part of an Email address, false - otherwise
private static boolean validateCharacter(Character currentChar){
Character[] allowCharacters = new Character[]{'@', '.', '_', '-'};
boolean validCharacter = false;
if ( Character.isLetter(currentChar) || Character.isDigit(currentChar) ) {
validCharacter = true;
} else {
for (int index = 0; index < allowCharacters.length; index++) {
if (currentChar == allowCharacters[index]) {
validCharacter = true;
return validCharacter;