package systemobject.terminal; /* License * * Copyright 1994-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or intended * for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. */ //package net.mpowers.telnet; import; import; import; /** * A minimal telnet protocol filter that handles only * TERMINAL_TYPE and NAWS (window size) options. */ public class TelnetInputStream extends InOutInputStream { private OutputStream output; private int width, height; private String terminal; // used for replies private final byte[] reply = { IAC, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; /** * Constructor specifying the input stream to filter, * and the output stream with which the telnet protocol * is negotiated. */ public TelnetInputStream( InputStream inInput, OutputStream inOutput ) { this( inInput, inOutput, 0, 0, null ); } /** * Constructor specifying the input stream to filter, * the output stream with which the telnet protocol * is negotiated, and terminal emulation settings. */ public TelnetInputStream( InputStream inInput, OutputStream inOutput, int inWidth, int inHeight, String inTermType ) { setInputStream(inInput); output = inOutput; width = inWidth; height = inHeight; terminal = inTermType; if ( terminal == null ) terminal = "dumb"; } public int read() throws IOException { byte b; b = (byte); if ( b != IAC ) return b; // not an IAC, skip. b = (byte); if ( b == IAC ) return b; // two IACs isn't. if ( b != SB ) // handle command { switch ( b ) { // basic commands case GA: case NOP: case DAT: case BRK: case IP: case AO: case AYT: case EC: case EL: // not implemented: ignore for now /*System.err.println( "Ignored command: " + b + " : " + reply[2] );*/ if(available() > 0){ return read(); } else { return -1; } // option prefixes case DO: case DONT: case WILL: case WONT: // read next byte to determine option reply[2] = (byte); switch ( reply[2] ) { case TERMINAL_TYPE: // do allow terminal type subnegotiation if ( b == DO ) { reply[1] = WILL; write( reply ); break; } case WINDOW_SIZE: // do allow and reply with window size if ( b == DO && width > 0 && height > 0 ) { reply[1] = WILL; write( reply ); reply[1] = SB; write( reply ); byte[] bytes = new byte[6]; bytes[0] = (byte) (width >> 8); bytes[1] = (byte) (width & 0xff); bytes[2] = (byte) (height >> 8); bytes[3] = (byte) (height & 0xff); bytes[4] = IAC; bytes[5] = SE; write( bytes ); break; } default: // unsupported option: refuse and break /*System.err.println( "Unsupported option: " + b + " : " + reply[2] );*/ reply[1] = WONT; if ( b == WILL ) { //reply[1] = DONT; reply[1] = DO; } write( reply ); break; } break; default: // unsupported option: suppress and exit //System.err.println( "Unsupported command: " + b ); } } else // handle begin-sub { b = (byte); reply[2] = b; switch ( b ) { case TERMINAL_TYPE: if ( (b = (byte) != TERMINAL_SEND ) return b; if ( (b = (byte) != IAC ) return b; if ( (b = (byte) != SE ) return b; reply[1] = SB; write( reply ); char[] c = terminal.toCharArray(); byte[] bytes = new byte[c.length+3]; int i = 0; bytes[i++] = TERMINAL_IS; for ( ; i < c.length+1; i++ ) bytes[i] = (byte) c[i-1]; bytes[i++] = IAC; bytes[i++] = SE; write( bytes ); break; default: reply[1] = WONT; write( reply ); } } if(available() > 0){ return read(); } else { return -1; } } public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } private void write( byte inByte ) throws IOException { output.write( inByte ); output.flush(); } private void write( byte[] inBytes ) throws IOException { output.write( inBytes ); output.flush(); } public int available() throws IOException { return in.available(); } // iac commands private final static byte SE = (byte) 240; // -16 private final static byte NOP = (byte) 241; private final static byte DAT = (byte) 242; private final static byte BRK = (byte) 243; private final static byte IP = (byte) 244; private final static byte AO = (byte) 245; private final static byte AYT = (byte) 246; private final static byte EC = (byte) 247; private final static byte EL = (byte) 248; private final static byte GA = (byte) 249; private final static byte SB = (byte) 250; // -6 private final static byte WILL = (byte) 251; // -5 private final static byte WONT = (byte) 252; // -4 private final static byte DO = (byte) 253; // -3 private final static byte DONT = (byte) 254; // -2 private final static byte IAC = (byte) 255; // -1 // options private final static byte TRANSMIT_BINARY = (byte) 0; private final static byte ECHO = (byte) 1; private final static byte SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD = (byte) 3; private final static byte STATUS = (byte) 5; private final static byte TIMING_MARK = (byte) 6; private final static byte TERMINAL_TYPE = (byte) 24; private final static byte END_OF_RECORD = (byte) 25; private final static byte WINDOW_SIZE = (byte) 31; // used with END_OF_RECORD private final static byte EOR = (byte) 239; // used with TERMINAL_TYPE private final static byte TERMINAL_IS = (byte) 0; private final static byte TERMINAL_SEND = (byte) 1; }