/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.cleaner; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SmallTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Stoppable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.StoppableImplementation; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; @Category(SmallTests.class) public class TestCleanerChore { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestCleanerChore.class); private static final HBaseTestingUtility UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(); @After public void cleanup() throws Exception { // delete and recreate the test directory, ensuring a clean test dir between tests UTIL.cleanupTestDir(); } @Test public void testSavesFilesOnRequest() throws Exception { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration(); Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, NeverDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // create the directory layout in the directory to clean Path parent = new Path(testDir, "parent"); Path file = new Path(parent, "someFile"); fs.mkdirs(parent); // touch a new file fs.create(file).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(file)); // run the chore chore.chore(); // verify all the files got deleted assertTrue("File didn't get deleted", fs.exists(file)); assertTrue("Empty directory didn't get deleted", fs.exists(parent)); } @Test public void testDeletesEmptyDirectories() throws Exception { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration(); Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, AlwaysDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // create the directory layout in the directory to clean Path parent = new Path(testDir, "parent"); Path child = new Path(parent, "child"); Path emptyChild = new Path(parent, "emptyChild"); Path file = new Path(child, "someFile"); fs.mkdirs(child); fs.mkdirs(emptyChild); // touch a new file fs.create(file).close(); // also create a file in the top level directory Path topFile = new Path(testDir, "topFile"); fs.create(topFile).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(file)); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(topFile)); // run the chore chore.chore(); // verify all the files got deleted assertFalse("File didn't get deleted", fs.exists(topFile)); assertFalse("File didn't get deleted", fs.exists(file)); assertFalse("Empty directory didn't get deleted", fs.exists(child)); assertFalse("Empty directory didn't get deleted", fs.exists(parent)); } /** * Test to make sure that we don't attempt to ask the delegate whether or not we should preserve a * directory. * @throws Exception on failure */ @Test public void testDoesNotCheckDirectories() throws Exception { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration(); Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, AlwaysDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // spy on the delegate to ensure that we don't check for directories AlwaysDelete delegate = (AlwaysDelete) chore.cleanersChain.get(0); AlwaysDelete spy = Mockito.spy(delegate); chore.cleanersChain.set(0, spy); // create the directory layout in the directory to clean Path parent = new Path(testDir, "parent"); Path file = new Path(parent, "someFile"); fs.mkdirs(parent); // touch a new file fs.create(file).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(file)); chore.chore(); // make sure we never checked the directory Mockito.verify(spy, Mockito.never()).isFileDeletable(parent); Mockito.reset(spy); } @Test public void testStoppedCleanerDoesNotDeleteFiles() throws Exception { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration(); Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, AlwaysDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // also create a file in the top level directory Path topFile = new Path(testDir, "topFile"); fs.create(topFile).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(topFile)); // stop the chore stop.stop("testing stop"); // run the chore chore.chore(); // test that the file still exists assertTrue("File got deleted while chore was stopped", fs.exists(topFile)); } /** * While cleaning a directory, all the files in the directory may be deleted, but there may be * another file added, in which case the directory shouldn't be deleted. * @throws IOException on failure */ @Test public void testCleanerDoesNotDeleteDirectoryWithLateAddedFiles() throws IOException { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration(); final Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); final FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, AlwaysDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // spy on the delegate to ensure that we don't check for directories AlwaysDelete delegate = (AlwaysDelete) chore.cleanersChain.get(0); AlwaysDelete spy = Mockito.spy(delegate); chore.cleanersChain.set(0, spy); // create the directory layout in the directory to clean final Path parent = new Path(testDir, "parent"); Path file = new Path(parent, "someFile"); fs.mkdirs(parent); // touch a new file fs.create(file).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(file)); final Path addedFile = new Path(parent, "addedFile"); // when we attempt to delete the original file, add another file in the same directory Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { fs.create(addedFile).close(); FSUtils.logFileSystemState(fs, testDir, LOG); return (Boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); } }).when(spy).isFileDeletable(Mockito.any(Path.class)); // run the chore chore.chore(); // make sure all the directories + added file exist, but the original file is deleted assertTrue("Added file unexpectedly deleted", fs.exists(addedFile)); assertTrue("Parent directory deleted unexpectedly", fs.exists(parent)); assertFalse("Original file unexpectedly retained", fs.exists(file)); Mockito.verify(spy, Mockito.times(1)).isFileDeletable(Mockito.any(Path.class)); Mockito.reset(spy); } /** * The cleaner runs in a loop, where it first checks to see all the files under a directory can be * deleted. If they all can, then we try to delete the directory. However, a file may be added * that directory to after the original check. This ensures that we don't accidentally delete that * directory on and don't get spurious IOExceptions. * <p> * This was from HBASE-7465. * @throws Exception on failure */ @Test public void testNoExceptionFromDirectoryWithRacyChildren() throws Exception { Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation(); // need to use a localutil to not break the rest of the test that runs on the local FS, which // gets hosed when we start to use a minicluster. HBaseTestingUtility localUtil = new HBaseTestingUtility(); Configuration conf = localUtil.getConfiguration(); final Path testDir = UTIL.getDataTestDir(); final FileSystem fs = UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); LOG.debug("Writing test data to: " + testDir); String confKey = "hbase.test.cleaner.delegates"; conf.set(confKey, AlwaysDelete.class.getName()); AllValidPaths chore = new AllValidPaths("test-file-cleaner", stop, conf, fs, testDir, confKey); // spy on the delegate to ensure that we don't check for directories AlwaysDelete delegate = (AlwaysDelete) chore.cleanersChain.get(0); AlwaysDelete spy = Mockito.spy(delegate); chore.cleanersChain.set(0, spy); // create the directory layout in the directory to clean final Path parent = new Path(testDir, "parent"); Path file = new Path(parent, "someFile"); fs.mkdirs(parent); // touch a new file fs.create(file).close(); assertTrue("Test file didn't get created.", fs.exists(file)); final Path racyFile = new Path(parent, "addedFile"); // when we attempt to delete the original file, add another file in the same directory Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { fs.create(racyFile).close(); FSUtils.logFileSystemState(fs, testDir, LOG); return (Boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); } }).when(spy).isFileDeletable(Mockito.any(Path.class)); // attempt to delete the directory, which if (chore.checkAndDeleteDirectory(parent)) { throw new Exception( "Reported success deleting directory, should have failed when adding file mid-iteration"); } // make sure all the directories + added file exist, but the original file is deleted assertTrue("Added file unexpectedly deleted", fs.exists(racyFile)); assertTrue("Parent directory deleted unexpectedly", fs.exists(parent)); assertFalse("Original file unexpectedly retained", fs.exists(file)); Mockito.verify(spy, Mockito.times(1)).isFileDeletable(Mockito.any(Path.class)); } private static class AllValidPaths extends CleanerChore<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> { public AllValidPaths(String name, Stoppable s, Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path oldFileDir, String confkey) { super(name, Integer.MAX_VALUE, s, conf, fs, oldFileDir, confkey); } // all paths are valid @Override protected boolean validate(Path file) { return true; } }; public static class AlwaysDelete extends BaseHFileCleanerDelegate { @Override public boolean isFileDeletable(Path file) { return true; } } public static class NeverDelete extends BaseHFileCleanerDelegate { @Override public boolean isFileDeletable(Path file) { return false; } } }