/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; @InterfaceAudience.Private public class ThriftUtilities { private ThriftUtilities() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't initialize class"); } /** * Creates a {@link Get} (HBase) from a {@link TGet} (Thrift). * * This ignores any timestamps set on {@link TColumn} objects. * * @param in the <code>TGet</code> to convert * * @return <code>Get</code> object * * @throws IOException if an invalid time range or max version parameter is given */ public static Get getFromThrift(TGet in) throws IOException { Get out = new Get(in.getRow()); // Timestamp overwrites time range if both are set if (in.isSetTimestamp()) { out.setTimeStamp(in.getTimestamp()); } else if (in.isSetTimeRange()) { out.setTimeRange(in.getTimeRange().getMinStamp(), in.getTimeRange().getMaxStamp()); } if (in.isSetMaxVersions()) { out.setMaxVersions(in.getMaxVersions()); } if (!in.isSetColumns()) { return out; } for (TColumn column : in.getColumns()) { if (column.isSetQualifier()) { out.addColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()); } else { out.addFamily(column.getFamily()); } } return out; } /** * Converts multiple {@link TGet}s (Thrift) into a list of {@link Get}s (HBase). * * @param in list of <code>TGet</code>s to convert * * @return list of <code>Get</code> objects * * @throws IOException if an invalid time range or max version parameter is given * @see #getFromThrift(TGet) */ public static List<Get> getsFromThrift(List<TGet> in) throws IOException { List<Get> out = new ArrayList<Get>(in.size()); for (TGet get : in) { out.add(getFromThrift(get)); } return out; } /** * Creates a {@link TResult} (Thrift) from a {@link Result} (HBase). * * @param in the <code>Result</code> to convert * * @return converted result, returns an empty result if the input is <code>null</code> */ public static TResult resultFromHBase(Result in) { KeyValue[] raw = in.raw(); TResult out = new TResult(); byte[] row = in.getRow(); if (row != null) { out.setRow(in.getRow()); } List<TColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<TColumnValue>(); for (KeyValue kv : raw) { TColumnValue col = new TColumnValue(); col.setFamily(kv.getFamily()); col.setQualifier(kv.getQualifier()); col.setTimestamp(kv.getTimestamp()); col.setValue(kv.getValue()); columnValues.add(col); } out.setColumnValues(columnValues); return out; } /** * Converts multiple {@link Result}s (HBase) into a list of {@link TResult}s (Thrift). * * @param in array of <code>Result</code>s to convert * * @return list of converted <code>TResult</code>s * * @see #resultFromHBase(Result) */ public static List<TResult> resultsFromHBase(Result[] in) { List<TResult> out = new ArrayList<TResult>(in.length); for (Result result : in) { out.add(resultFromHBase(result)); } return out; } /** * Creates a {@link Put} (HBase) from a {@link TPut} (Thrift) * * @param in the <code>TPut</code> to convert * * @return converted <code>Put</code> */ public static Put putFromThrift(TPut in) { Put out; if (in.isSetTimestamp()) { out = new Put(in.getRow(), in.getTimestamp()); } else { out = new Put(in.getRow()); } out.setWriteToWAL(in.isWriteToWal()); for (TColumnValue columnValue : in.getColumnValues()) { if (columnValue.isSetTimestamp()) { out.add(columnValue.getFamily(), columnValue.getQualifier(), columnValue.getTimestamp(), columnValue.getValue()); } else { out.add(columnValue.getFamily(), columnValue.getQualifier(), columnValue.getValue()); } } return out; } /** * Converts multiple {@link TPut}s (Thrift) into a list of {@link Put}s (HBase). * * @param in list of <code>TPut</code>s to convert * * @return list of converted <code>Put</code>s * * @see #putFromThrift(TPut) */ public static List<Put> putsFromThrift(List<TPut> in) { List<Put> out = new ArrayList<Put>(in.size()); for (TPut put : in) { out.add(putFromThrift(put)); } return out; } /** * Creates a {@link Delete} (HBase) from a {@link TDelete} (Thrift). * * @param in the <code>TDelete</code> to convert * * @return converted <code>Delete</code> */ public static Delete deleteFromThrift(TDelete in) { Delete out; if (in.isSetColumns()) { out = new Delete(in.getRow()); for (TColumn column : in.getColumns()) { if (column.isSetQualifier()) { if (column.isSetTimestamp()) { if (in.isSetDeleteType() && in.getDeleteType().equals(TDeleteType.DELETE_COLUMNS)) out.deleteColumns(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), column.getTimestamp()); else out.deleteColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), column.getTimestamp()); } else { if (in.isSetDeleteType() && in.getDeleteType().equals(TDeleteType.DELETE_COLUMNS)) out.deleteColumns(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()); else out.deleteColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()); } } else { if (column.isSetTimestamp()) { out.deleteFamily(column.getFamily(), column.getTimestamp()); } else { out.deleteFamily(column.getFamily()); } } } } else { if (in.isSetTimestamp()) { out = new Delete(in.getRow(), in.getTimestamp()); } else { out = new Delete(in.getRow()); } } out.setWriteToWAL(in.isWriteToWal()); return out; } /** * Converts multiple {@link TDelete}s (Thrift) into a list of {@link Delete}s (HBase). * * @param in list of <code>TDelete</code>s to convert * * @return list of converted <code>Delete</code>s * * @see #deleteFromThrift(TDelete) */ public static List<Delete> deletesFromThrift(List<TDelete> in) { List<Delete> out = new ArrayList<Delete>(in.size()); for (TDelete delete : in) { out.add(deleteFromThrift(delete)); } return out; } public static TDelete deleteFromHBase(Delete in) { TDelete out = new TDelete(ByteBuffer.wrap(in.getRow())); List<TColumn> columns = new ArrayList<TColumn>(); long rowTimestamp = in.getTimeStamp(); if (rowTimestamp != HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) { out.setTimestamp(rowTimestamp); } // Map<family, List<KeyValue>> for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<KeyValue>> familyEntry : in.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { TColumn column = new TColumn(ByteBuffer.wrap(familyEntry.getKey())); for (KeyValue keyValue : familyEntry.getValue()) { byte[] family = keyValue.getFamily(); byte[] qualifier = keyValue.getQualifier(); long timestamp = keyValue.getTimestamp(); if (family != null) { column.setFamily(family); } if (qualifier != null) { column.setQualifier(qualifier); } if (timestamp != HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) { column.setTimestamp(keyValue.getTimestamp()); } } columns.add(column); } out.setColumns(columns); return out; } public static Scan scanFromThrift(TScan in) throws IOException { Scan out = new Scan(); if (in.isSetStartRow()) out.setStartRow(in.getStartRow()); if (in.isSetStopRow()) out.setStopRow(in.getStopRow()); if (in.isSetCaching()) out.setCaching(in.getCaching()); if (in.isSetMaxVersions()) { out.setMaxVersions(in.getMaxVersions()); } if (in.isSetColumns()) { for (TColumn column : in.getColumns()) { if (column.isSetQualifier()) { out.addColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier()); } else { out.addFamily(column.getFamily()); } } } TTimeRange timeRange = in.getTimeRange(); if (timeRange != null && timeRange.isSetMinStamp() && timeRange.isSetMaxStamp()) { out.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMinStamp(), timeRange.getMaxStamp()); } return out; } public static Increment incrementFromThrift(TIncrement in) throws IOException { Increment out = new Increment(in.getRow()); for (TColumnIncrement column : in.getColumns()) { out.addColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), column.getAmount()); } out.setWriteToWAL(in.isWriteToWal()); return out; } }