/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.SplitKeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; /** * Single row result of a {@link Get} or {@link Scan} query.<p> * * This class is NOT THREAD SAFE.<p> * * Convenience methods are available that return various {@link Map} * structures and values directly.<p> * * To get a complete mapping of all cells in the Result, which can include * multiple families and multiple versions, use {@link #getMap()}.<p> * * To get a mapping of each family to its columns (qualifiers and values), * including only the latest version of each, use {@link #getNoVersionMap()}. * * To get a mapping of qualifiers to latest values for an individual family use * {@link #getFamilyMap(byte[])}.<p> * * To get the latest value for a specific family and qualifier use {@link #getValue(byte[], byte[])}. * * A Result is backed by an array of {@link KeyValue} objects, each representing * an HBase cell defined by the row, family, qualifier, timestamp, and value.<p> * * The underlying {@link KeyValue} objects can be accessed through the method {@link #list()}. * Each KeyValue can then be accessed through * {@link KeyValue#getRow()}, {@link KeyValue#getFamily()}, {@link KeyValue#getQualifier()}, * {@link KeyValue#getTimestamp()}, and {@link KeyValue#getValue()}.<p> * * If you need to overwrite a Result with another Result instance -- as in the old 'mapred' RecordReader next * invocations -- then create an empty Result with the null constructor and in then use {@link #copyFrom(Result)} */ @InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Stable public class Result { private KeyValue [] kvs; // We're not using java serialization. Transient here is just a marker to say // that this is where we cache row if we're ever asked for it. private transient byte [] row = null; // Ditto for familyMap. It can be composed on fly from passed in kvs. private transient NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> familyMap = null; // never use directly private static byte [] buffer = null; private static final int PAD_WIDTH = 128; /** * Creates an empty Result w/ no KeyValue payload; returns null if you call {@link #raw()}. * Use this to represent no results if <code>null</code> won't do or in old 'mapred' as oppposed to 'mapreduce' package * MapReduce where you need to overwrite a Result * instance with a {@link #copyFrom(Result)} call. */ public Result() { super(); } /** * Instantiate a Result with the specified array of KeyValues. * <br><strong>Note:</strong> You must ensure that the keyvalues * are already sorted * @param kvs array of KeyValues */ public Result(KeyValue [] kvs) { this.kvs = kvs; } /** * Instantiate a Result with the specified List of KeyValues. * <br><strong>Note:</strong> You must ensure that the keyvalues * are already sorted * @param kvs List of KeyValues */ public Result(List<KeyValue> kvs) { this(kvs.toArray(new KeyValue[kvs.size()])); } /** * Method for retrieving the row key that corresponds to * the row from which this Result was created. * @return row */ public byte [] getRow() { if (this.row == null) { this.row = this.kvs == null || this.kvs.length == 0? null: this.kvs[0].getRow(); } return this.row; } /** * Return the array of KeyValues backing this Result instance. * * The array is sorted from smallest -> largest using the * {@link KeyValue#COMPARATOR}. * * The array only contains what your Get or Scan specifies and no more. * For example if you request column "A" 1 version you will have at most 1 * KeyValue in the array. If you request column "A" with 2 version you will * have at most 2 KeyValues, with the first one being the newer timestamp and * the second being the older timestamp (this is the sort order defined by * {@link KeyValue#COMPARATOR}). If columns don't exist, they won't be * present in the result. Therefore if you ask for 1 version all columns, * it is safe to iterate over this array and expect to see 1 KeyValue for * each column and no more. * * This API is faster than using getFamilyMap() and getMap() * * @return array of KeyValues; can be null if nothing in the result */ public KeyValue[] raw() { return kvs; } /** * Create a sorted list of the KeyValue's in this result. * * Since HBase 0.20.5 this is equivalent to raw(). * * @return The sorted list of KeyValue's. */ public List<KeyValue> list() { return isEmpty()? null: Arrays.asList(raw()); } /** * Return the KeyValues for the specific column. The KeyValues are sorted in * the {@link KeyValue#COMPARATOR} order. That implies the first entry in * the list is the most recent column. If the query (Scan or Get) only * requested 1 version the list will contain at most 1 entry. If the column * did not exist in the result set (either the column does not exist * or the column was not selected in the query) the list will be empty. * * Also see getColumnLatest which returns just a KeyValue * * @param family the family * @param qualifier * @return a list of KeyValues for this column or empty list if the column * did not exist in the result set */ public List<KeyValue> getColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { List<KeyValue> result = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); KeyValue [] kvs = raw(); if (kvs == null || kvs.length == 0) { return result; } int pos = binarySearch(kvs, family, qualifier); if (pos == -1) { return result; // cant find it } for (int i = pos ; i < kvs.length ; i++ ) { KeyValue kv = kvs[i]; if (kv.matchingColumn(family,qualifier)) { result.add(kv); } else { break; } } return result; } protected int binarySearch(final KeyValue [] kvs, final byte [] family, final byte [] qualifier) { KeyValue searchTerm = KeyValue.createFirstOnRow(kvs[0].getRow(), family, qualifier); // pos === ( -(insertion point) - 1) int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(kvs, searchTerm, KeyValue.COMPARATOR); // never will exact match if (pos < 0) { pos = (pos+1) * -1; // pos is now insertion point } if (pos == kvs.length) { return -1; // doesn't exist } return pos; } /** * Searches for the latest value for the specified column. * * @param kvs the array to search * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return the index where the value was found, or -1 otherwise */ protected int binarySearch(final KeyValue [] kvs, final byte [] family, final int foffset, final int flength, final byte [] qualifier, final int qoffset, final int qlength) { double keyValueSize = (double) KeyValue.getKeyValueDataStructureSize(kvs[0].getRowLength(), flength, qlength, 0); if (buffer == null || keyValueSize > buffer.length) { // pad to the smallest multiple of the pad width buffer = new byte[(int) Math.ceil(keyValueSize / PAD_WIDTH) * PAD_WIDTH]; } KeyValue searchTerm = KeyValue.createFirstOnRow(buffer, 0, kvs[0].getBuffer(), kvs[0].getRowOffset(), kvs[0].getRowLength(), family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); // pos === ( -(insertion point) - 1) int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(kvs, searchTerm, KeyValue.COMPARATOR); // never will exact match if (pos < 0) { pos = (pos+1) * -1; // pos is now insertion point } if (pos == kvs.length) { return -1; // doesn't exist } return pos; } /** * The KeyValue for the most recent timestamp for a given column. * * @param family * @param qualifier * * @return the KeyValue for the column, or null if no value exists in the row or none have been * selected in the query (Get/Scan) */ public KeyValue getColumnLatest(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { KeyValue [] kvs = raw(); // side effect possibly. if (kvs == null || kvs.length == 0) { return null; } int pos = binarySearch(kvs, family, qualifier); if (pos == -1) { return null; } KeyValue kv = kvs[pos]; if (kv.matchingColumn(family, qualifier)) { return kv; } return null; } /** * The KeyValue for the most recent timestamp for a given column. * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return the KeyValue for the column, or null if no value exists in the row or none have been * selected in the query (Get/Scan) */ public KeyValue getColumnLatest(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength) { KeyValue [] kvs = raw(); // side effect possibly. if (kvs == null || kvs.length == 0) { return null; } int pos = binarySearch(kvs, family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); if (pos == -1) { return null; } KeyValue kv = kvs[pos]; if (kv.matchingColumn(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength)) { return kv; } return null; } /** * Get the latest version of the specified column. * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * @return value of latest version of column, null if none found */ public byte[] getValue(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, qualifier); if (kv == null) { return null; } return kv.getValue(); } /** * Returns the value wrapped in a new <code>ByteBuffer</code>. * * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * * @return the latest version of the column, or <code>null</code> if none found */ public ByteBuffer getValueAsByteBuffer(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, 0, family.length, qualifier, 0, qualifier.length); if (kv == null) { return null; } return kv.getValueAsByteBuffer(); } /** * Returns the value wrapped in a new <code>ByteBuffer</code>. * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return the latest version of the column, or <code>null</code> if none found */ public ByteBuffer getValueAsByteBuffer(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); if (kv == null) { return null; } return kv.getValueAsByteBuffer(); } /** * Loads the latest version of the specified column into the provided <code>ByteBuffer</code>. * <p> * Does not clear or flip the buffer. * * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param dst the buffer where to write the value * * @return <code>true</code> if a value was found, <code>false</code> otherwise * * @throws BufferOverflowException there is insufficient space remaining in the buffer */ public boolean loadValue(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, ByteBuffer dst) throws BufferOverflowException { return loadValue(family, 0, family.length, qualifier, 0, qualifier.length, dst); } /** * Loads the latest version of the specified column into the provided <code>ByteBuffer</code>. * <p> * Does not clear or flip the buffer. * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * @param dst the buffer where to write the value * * @return <code>true</code> if a value was found, <code>false</code> otherwise * * @throws BufferOverflowException there is insufficient space remaining in the buffer */ public boolean loadValue(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength, ByteBuffer dst) throws BufferOverflowException { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); if (kv == null) { return false; } kv.loadValue(dst); return true; } /** * Checks if the specified column contains a non-empty value (not a zero-length byte array). * * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * * @return whether or not a latest value exists and is not empty */ public boolean containsNonEmptyColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { return containsNonEmptyColumn(family, 0, family.length, qualifier, 0, qualifier.length); } /** * Checks if the specified column contains a non-empty value (not a zero-length byte array). * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return whether or not a latest value exists and is not empty */ public boolean containsNonEmptyColumn(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); return (kv != null) && (kv.getValueLength() > 0); } /** * Checks if the specified column contains an empty value (a zero-length byte array). * * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * * @return whether or not a latest value exists and is empty */ public boolean containsEmptyColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { return containsEmptyColumn(family, 0, family.length, qualifier, 0, qualifier.length); } /** * Checks if the specified column contains an empty value (a zero-length byte array). * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return whether or not a latest value exists and is empty */ public boolean containsEmptyColumn(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength); return (kv != null) && (kv.getValueLength() == 0); } /** * Checks for existence of a value for the specified column (empty or not). * * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * * @return true if at least one value exists in the result, false if not */ public boolean containsColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { KeyValue kv = getColumnLatest(family, qualifier); return kv != null; } /** * Checks for existence of a value for the specified column (empty or not). * * @param family family name * @param foffset family offset * @param flength family length * @param qualifier column qualifier * @param qoffset qualifier offset * @param qlength qualifier length * * @return true if at least one value exists in the result, false if not */ public boolean containsColumn(byte [] family, int foffset, int flength, byte [] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength) { return getColumnLatest(family, foffset, flength, qualifier, qoffset, qlength) != null; } /** * Map of families to all versions of its qualifiers and values. * <p> * Returns a three level Map of the form: * <code>Map&family,Map<qualifier,Map<timestamp,value>>></code> * <p> * Note: All other map returning methods make use of this map internally. * @return map from families to qualifiers to versions */ public NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> getMap() { if (this.familyMap != null) { return this.familyMap; } if(isEmpty()) { return null; } this.familyMap = new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); for(KeyValue kv : this.kvs) { SplitKeyValue splitKV = kv.split(); byte [] family = splitKV.getFamily(); NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> columnMap = familyMap.get(family); if(columnMap == null) { columnMap = new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> (Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); familyMap.put(family, columnMap); } byte [] qualifier = splitKV.getQualifier(); NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> versionMap = columnMap.get(qualifier); if(versionMap == null) { versionMap = new TreeMap<Long, byte[]>(new Comparator<Long>() { public int compare(Long l1, Long l2) { return l2.compareTo(l1); } }); columnMap.put(qualifier, versionMap); } Long timestamp = Bytes.toLong(splitKV.getTimestamp()); byte [] value = splitKV.getValue(); versionMap.put(timestamp, value); } return this.familyMap; } /** * Map of families to their most recent qualifiers and values. * <p> * Returns a two level Map of the form: <code>Map&family,Map<qualifier,value>></code> * <p> * The most recent version of each qualifier will be used. * @return map from families to qualifiers and value */ public NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]>> getNoVersionMap() { if(this.familyMap == null) { getMap(); } if(isEmpty()) { return null; } NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]>> returnMap = new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); for(Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> familyEntry : familyMap.entrySet()) { NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> qualifierMap = new TreeMap<byte[], byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); for(Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> qualifierEntry : familyEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { byte [] value = qualifierEntry.getValue().get(qualifierEntry.getValue().firstKey()); qualifierMap.put(qualifierEntry.getKey(), value); } returnMap.put(familyEntry.getKey(), qualifierMap); } return returnMap; } /** * Map of qualifiers to values. * <p> * Returns a Map of the form: <code>Map<qualifier,value></code> * @param family column family to get * @return map of qualifiers to values */ public NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> getFamilyMap(byte [] family) { if(this.familyMap == null) { getMap(); } if(isEmpty()) { return null; } NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> returnMap = new TreeMap<byte[], byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> qualifierMap = familyMap.get(family); if(qualifierMap == null) { return returnMap; } for(Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> entry : qualifierMap.entrySet()) { byte [] value = entry.getValue().get(entry.getValue().firstKey()); returnMap.put(entry.getKey(), value); } return returnMap; } /** * Returns the value of the first column in the Result. * @return value of the first column */ public byte [] value() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } return kvs[0].getValue(); } /** * Check if the underlying KeyValue [] is empty or not * @return true if empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.kvs == null || this.kvs.length == 0; } /** * @return the size of the underlying KeyValue [] */ public int size() { return this.kvs == null? 0: this.kvs.length; } /** * @return String */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("keyvalues="); if(isEmpty()) { sb.append("NONE"); return sb.toString(); } sb.append("{"); boolean moreThanOne = false; for(KeyValue kv : this.kvs) { if(moreThanOne) { sb.append(", "); } else { moreThanOne = true; } sb.append(kv.toString()); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Does a deep comparison of two Results, down to the byte arrays. * @param res1 first result to compare * @param res2 second result to compare * @throws Exception Every difference is throwing an exception */ public static void compareResults(Result res1, Result res2) throws Exception { if (res2 == null) { throw new Exception("There wasn't enough rows, we stopped at " + Bytes.toStringBinary(res1.getRow())); } if (res1.size() != res2.size()) { throw new Exception("This row doesn't have the same number of KVs: " + res1.toString() + " compared to " + res2.toString()); } KeyValue[] ourKVs = res1.raw(); KeyValue[] replicatedKVs = res2.raw(); for (int i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) { if (!ourKVs[i].equals(replicatedKVs[i]) || !Bytes.equals(ourKVs[i].getValue(), replicatedKVs[i].getValue())) { throw new Exception("This result was different: " + res1.toString() + " compared to " + res2.toString()); } } } /** * Copy another Result into this one. Needed for the old Mapred framework * @param other */ public void copyFrom(Result other) { this.row = null; this.familyMap = null; this.kvs = other.kvs; } }