/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf; import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier.RegionSpecifierType.REGION_NAME; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DeserializationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterAdminProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Action; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AdminProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MultiAction; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MultiResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.metrics.ScanMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ByteArrayComparable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.AccessControlService; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.CloseRegionRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.CloseRegionResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetOnlineRegionRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetOnlineRegionResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetStoreFileRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetStoreFileResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.OpenRegionRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.ReplicateWALEntryRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.ServerInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.SplitRegionRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.UUID; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WALEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WALEntry.WALEdit.FamilyScope; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WALEntry.WALKey; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AuthenticationProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Column; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceCall; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.CoprocessorServiceResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MultiRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Mutate; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Mutate.ColumnValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Mutate.ColumnValue.QualifierValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Mutate.DeleteType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Mutate.MutateType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ComparatorProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.NameBytesPair; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionLoad; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier.RegionSpecifierType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MapReduceProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterAdminProtos.CreateTableRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterMonitorProtos.GetTableDescriptorsResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLogKey; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALEdit; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.Permission; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.TablePermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.UserPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token.AuthenticationTokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Methods; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token; import org.apache.hbase.Cell; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; import com.google.protobuf.Message; import com.google.protobuf.RpcChannel; import com.google.protobuf.Service; import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException; /** * Protobufs utility. */ public final class ProtobufUtil { private ProtobufUtil() { } /** * Primitive type to class mapping. */ private final static Map<String, Class<?>> PRIMITIVES = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); static { PRIMITIVES.put(Boolean.TYPE.getName(), Boolean.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Byte.TYPE.getName(), Byte.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Character.TYPE.getName(), Character.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Short.TYPE.getName(), Short.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Integer.TYPE.getName(), Integer.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Long.TYPE.getName(), Long.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Float.TYPE.getName(), Float.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Double.TYPE.getName(), Double.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Void.TYPE.getName(), Void.TYPE); } /** * Magic we put ahead of a serialized protobuf message. * For example, all znode content is protobuf messages with the below magic * for preamble. */ public static final byte [] PB_MAGIC = new byte [] {'P', 'B', 'U', 'F'}; private static final String PB_MAGIC_STR = Bytes.toString(PB_MAGIC); /** * Prepend the passed bytes with four bytes of magic, {@link #PB_MAGIC}, to flag what * follows as a protobuf in hbase. Prepend these bytes to all content written to znodes, etc. * @param bytes Bytes to decorate * @return The passed <code>bytes</codes> with magic prepended (Creates a new * byte array that is <code>bytes.length</code> plus {@link #PB_MAGIC}.length. */ public static byte [] prependPBMagic(final byte [] bytes) { return Bytes.add(PB_MAGIC, bytes); } /** * @param bytes Bytes to check. * @return True if passed <code>bytes</code> has {@link #PB_MAGIC} for a prefix. */ public static boolean isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.length < PB_MAGIC.length) return false; return Bytes.compareTo(PB_MAGIC, 0, PB_MAGIC.length, bytes, 0, PB_MAGIC.length) == 0; } /** * @param bytes * @throws DeserializationException if we are missing the pb magic prefix */ public static void expectPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) throws DeserializationException { if (!isPBMagicPrefix(bytes)) { throw new DeserializationException("Missing pb magic " + PB_MAGIC_STR + " prefix"); } } /** * @return Length of {@link #PB_MAGIC} */ public static int lengthOfPBMagic() { return PB_MAGIC.length; } /** * Return the IOException thrown by the remote server wrapped in * ServiceException as cause. * * @param se ServiceException that wraps IO exception thrown by the server * @return Exception wrapped in ServiceException or * a new IOException that wraps the unexpected ServiceException. */ public static IOException getRemoteException(ServiceException se) { Throwable e = se.getCause(); if (e == null) { return new IOException(se); } return e instanceof IOException ? (IOException) e : new IOException(se); } /** * Convert a ServerName to a protocol buffer ServerName * * @param serverName the ServerName to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer ServerName * @see #toServerName(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.ServerName) */ public static HBaseProtos.ServerName toServerName(final ServerName serverName) { if (serverName == null) return null; HBaseProtos.ServerName.Builder builder = HBaseProtos.ServerName.newBuilder(); builder.setHostName(serverName.getHostname()); if (serverName.getPort() >= 0) { builder.setPort(serverName.getPort()); } if (serverName.getStartcode() >= 0) { builder.setStartCode(serverName.getStartcode()); } return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer ServerName to a ServerName * * @param proto the protocol buffer ServerName to convert * @return the converted ServerName */ public static ServerName toServerName(final HBaseProtos.ServerName proto) { if (proto == null) return null; String hostName = proto.getHostName(); long startCode = -1; int port = -1; if (proto.hasPort()) { port = proto.getPort(); } if (proto.hasStartCode()) { startCode = proto.getStartCode(); } return new ServerName(hostName, port, startCode); } /** * Get HTableDescriptor[] from GetTableDescriptorsResponse protobuf * * @param proto the GetTableDescriptorsResponse * @return HTableDescriptor[] */ public static HTableDescriptor[] getHTableDescriptorArray(GetTableDescriptorsResponse proto) { if (proto == null) return null; HTableDescriptor[] ret = new HTableDescriptor[proto.getTableSchemaCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < proto.getTableSchemaCount(); ++i) { ret[i] = HTableDescriptor.convert(proto.getTableSchema(i)); } return ret; } /** * get the split keys in form "byte [][]" from a CreateTableRequest proto * * @param proto the CreateTableRequest * @return the split keys */ public static byte [][] getSplitKeysArray(final CreateTableRequest proto) { byte [][] splitKeys = new byte[proto.getSplitKeysCount()][]; for (int i = 0; i < proto.getSplitKeysCount(); ++i) { splitKeys[i] = proto.getSplitKeys(i).toByteArray(); } return splitKeys; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Get to a client Get * * @param proto the protocol buffer Get to convert * @return the converted client Get * @throws IOException */ public static Get toGet( final ClientProtos.Get proto) throws IOException { if (proto == null) return null; byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); Get get = new Get(row); if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) { get.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks()); } if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) { get.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions()); } if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) { get.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit()); } if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) { get.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset()); } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange = proto.getTimeRange(); long minStamp = 0; long maxStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (timeRange.hasFrom()) { minStamp = timeRange.getFrom(); } if (timeRange.hasTo()) { maxStamp = timeRange.getTo(); } get.setTimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp); } if (proto.hasFilter()) { HBaseProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter(); get.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter)); } for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { get.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) { for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) { for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) { get.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray()); } } else { get.addFamily(family); } } } if (proto.hasCustomId()) { get.setCustomId(proto.getCustomId()); } return get; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Put * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Put * @throws DoNotRetryIOException */ public static Put toPut( final Mutate proto) throws DoNotRetryIOException { MutateType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutateType.PUT : type.name(); byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); long timestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; if (proto.hasTimestamp()) { timestamp = proto.getTimestamp(); } Put put = new Put(row, timestamp); put.setWriteToWAL(proto.getWriteToWAL()); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { put.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Missing required field: qualifer value"); } byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray(); long ts = timestamp; if (qv.hasTimestamp()) { ts = qv.getTimestamp(); } put.add(family, qualifier, ts, value); } } return put; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Delete * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Delete */ public static Delete toDelete(final Mutate proto) { MutateType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutateType.DELETE : type.name(); byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); long timestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; if (proto.hasTimestamp()) { timestamp = proto.getTimestamp(); } Delete delete = new Delete(row, timestamp); delete.setWriteToWAL(proto.getWriteToWAL()); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { delete.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { DeleteType deleteType = qv.getDeleteType(); byte[] qualifier = null; if (qv.hasQualifier()) { qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); } long ts = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; if (qv.hasTimestamp()) { ts = qv.getTimestamp(); } if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION) { delete.deleteColumn(family, qualifier, ts); } else if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS) { delete.deleteColumns(family, qualifier, ts); } else { delete.deleteFamily(family, ts); } } } return delete; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Append * @throws DoNotRetryIOException */ public static Append toAppend( final Mutate proto) throws DoNotRetryIOException { MutateType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutateType.APPEND : type.name(); byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); Append append = new Append(row); append.setWriteToWAL(proto.getWriteToWAL()); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { append.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Missing required field: qualifer value"); } byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray(); append.add(family, qualifier, value); } } return append; } /** * Convert a MutateRequest to Mutation * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted Mutation * @throws IOException */ public static Mutation toMutation(final Mutate proto) throws IOException { MutateType type = proto.getMutateType(); if (type == MutateType.APPEND) { return toAppend(proto); } if (type == MutateType.DELETE) { return toDelete(proto); } if (type == MutateType.PUT) { return toPut(proto); } throw new IOException("Not an understood mutate type " + type); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Increment * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Increment * @throws IOException */ public static Increment toIncrement( final Mutate proto) throws IOException { MutateType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutateType.INCREMENT : type.name(); byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); Increment increment = new Increment(row); increment.setWriteToWAL(proto.getWriteToWAL()); if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange = proto.getTimeRange(); long minStamp = 0; long maxStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (timeRange.hasFrom()) { minStamp = timeRange.getFrom(); } if (timeRange.hasTo()) { maxStamp = timeRange.getTo(); } increment.setTimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp); } for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Missing required field: qualifer value"); } long value = Bytes.toLong(qv.getValue().toByteArray()); increment.addColumn(family, qualifier, value); } } return increment; } /** * Convert a client Scan to a protocol buffer Scan * * @param scan the client Scan to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Scan * @throws IOException */ public static ClientProtos.Scan toScan( final Scan scan) throws IOException { ClientProtos.Scan.Builder scanBuilder = ClientProtos.Scan.newBuilder(); scanBuilder.setCacheBlocks(scan.getCacheBlocks()); if (scan.getBatch() > 0) { scanBuilder.setBatchSize(scan.getBatch()); } if (scan.getMaxResultSize() > 0) { scanBuilder.setMaxResultSize(scan.getMaxResultSize()); } Boolean loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = scan.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemandValue(); if (loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand != null) { scanBuilder.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand.booleanValue()); } scanBuilder.setMaxVersions(scan.getMaxVersions()); TimeRange timeRange = scan.getTimeRange(); if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); scanBuilder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = scan.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(attribute.getValue())); scanBuilder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } byte[] startRow = scan.getStartRow(); if (startRow != null && startRow.length > 0) { scanBuilder.setStartRow(ByteString.copyFrom(startRow)); } byte[] stopRow = scan.getStopRow(); if (stopRow != null && stopRow.length > 0) { scanBuilder.setStopRow(ByteString.copyFrom(stopRow)); } if (scan.hasFilter()) { scanBuilder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(scan.getFilter())); } if (scan.hasFamilies()) { Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[],NavigableSet<byte []>> family: scan.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(family.getKey())); NavigableSet<byte []> qualifiers = family.getValue(); columnBuilder.clearQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) { for (byte [] qualifier: qualifiers) { columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(qualifier)); } } scanBuilder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build()); } } if (scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) { scanBuilder.setStoreLimit(scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily()); } if (scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) { scanBuilder.setStoreOffset(scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily()); } scanBuilder.setCustomId(scan.getCustomID()); return scanBuilder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Scan to a client Scan * * @param proto the protocol buffer Scan to convert * @return the converted client Scan * @throws IOException */ public static Scan toScan( final ClientProtos.Scan proto) throws IOException { byte [] startRow = HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW; byte [] stopRow = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW; if (proto.hasStartRow()) { startRow = proto.getStartRow().toByteArray(); } if (proto.hasStopRow()) { stopRow = proto.getStopRow().toByteArray(); } Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, stopRow); if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) { scan.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks()); } if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) { scan.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions()); } if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) { scan.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit()); } if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) { scan.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset()); } if (proto.hasLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()) { scan.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(proto.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()); } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange = proto.getTimeRange(); long minStamp = 0; long maxStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (timeRange.hasFrom()) { minStamp = timeRange.getFrom(); } if (timeRange.hasTo()) { maxStamp = timeRange.getTo(); } scan.setTimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp); } if (proto.hasFilter()) { HBaseProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter(); scan.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter)); } if (proto.hasBatchSize()) { scan.setBatch(proto.getBatchSize()); } if (proto.hasMaxResultSize()) { scan.setMaxResultSize(proto.getMaxResultSize()); } for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { scan.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) { for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) { for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) { scan.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray()); } } else { scan.addFamily(family); } } } if (proto.hasCustomId()) { scan.setCustomID(proto.getCustomId()); } return scan; } /** * Create a protocol buffer Get based on a client Get. * * @param get the client Get * @return a protocol buffer Get * @throws IOException */ public static ClientProtos.Get toGet( final Get get) throws IOException { ClientProtos.Get.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Get.newBuilder(); builder.setRow(ByteString.copyFrom(get.getRow())); builder.setCacheBlocks(get.getCacheBlocks()); builder.setMaxVersions(get.getMaxVersions()); if (get.getFilter() != null) { builder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(get.getFilter())); } TimeRange timeRange = get.getTimeRange(); if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = get.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(attribute.getValue())); builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } if (get.hasFamilies()) { Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder(); Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> families = get.getFamilyMap(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> family: families.entrySet()) { NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = family.getValue(); columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(family.getKey())); columnBuilder.clearQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) { for (byte[] qualifier: qualifiers) { columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(qualifier)); } } builder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build()); } } if (get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) { builder.setStoreLimit(get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily()); } if (get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) { builder.setStoreOffset(get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily()); } builder.setCustomId(get.getCustomId()); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a client Increment to a protobuf Mutate. * * @param increment * @return the converted mutate */ public static Mutate toMutate(final Increment increment) { Mutate.Builder builder = Mutate.newBuilder(); builder.setRow(ByteString.copyFrom(increment.getRow())); builder.setMutateType(MutateType.INCREMENT); builder.setWriteToWAL(increment.getWriteToWAL()); TimeRange timeRange = increment.getTimeRange(); if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder(); QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[],NavigableMap<byte[], Long>> family: increment.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(family.getKey())); columnBuilder.clearQualifierValue(); NavigableMap<byte[], Long> values = family.getValue(); if (values != null && values.size() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<byte[], Long> value: values.entrySet()) { valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(value.getKey())); valueBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom( Bytes.toBytes(value.getValue().longValue()))); columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build()); } } builder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build()); } return builder.build(); } /** * Create a protocol buffer Mutate based on a client Mutation * * @param mutateType * @param mutation * @return a mutate * @throws IOException */ public static Mutate toMutate(final MutateType mutateType, final Mutation mutation) throws IOException { Mutate.Builder mutateBuilder = Mutate.newBuilder(); mutateBuilder.setRow(ByteString.copyFrom(mutation.getRow())); mutateBuilder.setMutateType(mutateType); mutateBuilder.setWriteToWAL(mutation.getWriteToWAL()); mutateBuilder.setTimestamp(mutation.getTimeStamp()); Map<String, byte[]> attributes = mutation.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(attribute.getValue())); mutateBuilder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder(); QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[],List<KeyValue>> family: mutation.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(family.getKey())); columnBuilder.clearQualifierValue(); for (KeyValue value: family.getValue()) { valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(value.getQualifier())); valueBuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(value.getValue())); valueBuilder.setTimestamp(value.getTimestamp()); if (mutateType == MutateType.DELETE) { KeyValue.Type keyValueType = KeyValue.Type.codeToType(value.getType()); valueBuilder.setDeleteType(toDeleteType(keyValueType)); } columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build()); } mutateBuilder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build()); } return mutateBuilder.build(); } /** * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result * * @param result the client Result to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Result */ public static ClientProtos.Result toResult(final Result result) { ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); Cell [] cells = result.raw(); if (cells != null) { for (Cell c : cells) { builder.addKeyValue(toKeyValue(c)); } } return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result * * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert * @return the converted client Result */ public static Result toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto) { List<HBaseProtos.KeyValue> values = proto.getKeyValueList(); List<KeyValue> keyValues = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(values.size()); for (HBaseProtos.KeyValue kv: values) { keyValues.add(toKeyValue(kv)); } return new Result(keyValues); } /** * Convert a ByteArrayComparable to a protocol buffer Comparator * * @param comparator the ByteArrayComparable to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Comparator */ public static ComparatorProtos.Comparator toComparator(ByteArrayComparable comparator) { ComparatorProtos.Comparator.Builder builder = ComparatorProtos.Comparator.newBuilder(); builder.setName(comparator.getClass().getName()); builder.setSerializedComparator(ByteString.copyFrom(comparator.toByteArray())); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Comparator to a ByteArrayComparable * * @param proto the protocol buffer Comparator to convert * @return the converted ByteArrayComparable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ByteArrayComparable toComparator(ComparatorProtos.Comparator proto) throws IOException { String type = proto.getName(); String funcName = "parseFrom"; byte [] value = proto.getSerializedComparator().toByteArray(); try { Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable> c = (Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable>)(Class.forName(type)); Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class); if (parseFrom == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type); } return (ByteArrayComparable)parseFrom.invoke(null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Filter to a client Filter * * @param proto the protocol buffer Filter to convert * @return the converted Filter */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Filter toFilter(HBaseProtos.Filter proto) throws IOException { String type = proto.getName(); final byte [] value = proto.getSerializedFilter().toByteArray(); String funcName = "parseFrom"; try { Class<? extends Filter> c = (Class<? extends Filter>)Class.forName(type); Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class); if (parseFrom == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type); } return (Filter)parseFrom.invoke(c, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Convert a client Filter to a protocol buffer Filter * * @param filter the Filter to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Filter */ public static HBaseProtos.Filter toFilter(Filter filter) { HBaseProtos.Filter.Builder builder = HBaseProtos.Filter.newBuilder(); builder.setName(filter.getClass().getName()); builder.setSerializedFilter(ByteString.copyFrom(filter.toByteArray())); return builder.build(); } /** * Get the HLog entries from a list of protocol buffer WALEntry * * @param protoList the list of protocol buffer WALEntry * @return an array of HLog entries */ public static HLog.Entry[] toHLogEntries(final List<WALEntry> protoList) { List<HLog.Entry> entries = new ArrayList<HLog.Entry>(); for (WALEntry entry: protoList) { WALKey walKey = entry.getKey(); java.util.UUID clusterId = HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID; if (walKey.hasClusterId()) { UUID protoUuid = walKey.getClusterId(); clusterId = new java.util.UUID( protoUuid.getMostSigBits(), protoUuid.getLeastSigBits()); } HLogKey key = new HLogKey(walKey.getEncodedRegionName().toByteArray(), walKey.getTableName().toByteArray(), walKey.getLogSequenceNumber(), walKey.getWriteTime(), clusterId); WALEntry.WALEdit walEdit = entry.getEdit(); WALEdit edit = new WALEdit(); for (ByteString keyValue: walEdit.getKeyValueBytesList()) { edit.add(new KeyValue(keyValue.toByteArray())); } if (walEdit.getFamilyScopeCount() > 0) { TreeMap<byte[], Integer> scopes = new TreeMap<byte[], Integer>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); for (FamilyScope scope: walEdit.getFamilyScopeList()) { scopes.put(scope.getFamily().toByteArray(), Integer.valueOf(scope.getScopeType().ordinal())); } edit.setScopes(scopes); } entries.add(new HLog.Entry(key, edit)); } return entries.toArray(new HLog.Entry[entries.size()]); } /** * Convert a delete KeyValue type to protocol buffer DeleteType. * * @param type * @return a DeleteType * @throws IOException */ public static DeleteType toDeleteType( KeyValue.Type type) throws IOException { switch (type) { case Delete: return DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION; case DeleteColumn: return DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS; case DeleteFamily: return DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY; default: throw new IOException("Unknown delete type: " + type); } } /** * Convert a stringified protocol buffer exception Parameter to a Java Exception * * @param parameter the protocol buffer Parameter to convert * @return the converted Exception * @throws IOException if failed to deserialize the parameter */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Throwable toException( final NameBytesPair parameter) throws IOException { if (parameter == null || !parameter.hasValue()) return null; String desc = parameter.getValue().toStringUtf8(); String type = parameter.getName(); try { Class<? extends Throwable> c = (Class<? extends Throwable>)Class.forName(type); Constructor<? extends Throwable> cn = c.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class); return cn.newInstance(desc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } // Start helpers for Client /** * A helper to invoke a Get using client protocol. * * @param client * @param regionName * @param get * @return the result of the Get * @throws IOException */ public static Result get(final ClientProtocol client, final byte[] regionName, final Get get) throws IOException { GetRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetRequest(regionName, get); try { GetResponse response = client.get(null, request); if (response == null) return null; return toResult(response.getResult()); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to get a row of the closet one before using client protocol. * * @param client * @param regionName * @param row * @param family * @return the row or the closestRowBefore if it doesn't exist * @throws IOException */ public static Result getRowOrBefore(final ClientProtocol client, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row, final byte[] family) throws IOException { GetRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetRowOrBeforeRequest( regionName, row, family); try { GetResponse response = client.get(null, request); if (!response.hasResult()) {System.out.println("Null!");return null;} return toResult(response.getResult()); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * TODO(bharath): Clone of above to allow custom if tagging * @param client * @param regionName * @param row * @param family * @return * @throws IOException */ public static Result getRowOrBefore(final ClientProtocol client, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row, final byte[] family, int customId) throws IOException { GetRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetRowOrBeforeRequest( regionName, row, family, customId); try { GetResponse response = client.get(null, request); if (!response.hasResult()) {System.out.println("Null!");return null;} return toResult(response.getResult()); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to invoke a multi action using client protocol. * * @param client * @param multi * @return a multi response * @throws IOException */ public static <R> MultiResponse multi(final ClientProtocol client, final MultiAction<R> multi) throws IOException { try { MultiResponse response = new MultiResponse(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Action<R>>> e: multi.actions.entrySet()) { byte[] regionName = e.getKey(); int rowMutations = 0; List<Action<R>> actions = e.getValue(); for (Action<R> action: actions) { Row row = action.getAction(); if (row instanceof RowMutations) { MultiRequest request = RequestConverter.buildMultiRequest(regionName, (RowMutations)row); client.multi(null, request); response.add(regionName, action.getOriginalIndex(), new Result()); rowMutations++; } } if (actions.size() > rowMutations) { MultiRequest request = RequestConverter.buildMultiRequest(regionName, actions); ClientProtos.MultiResponse proto = client.multi(null, request); List<Object> results = ResponseConverter.getResults(proto); for (int i = 0, n = results.size(); i < n; i++) { int originalIndex = actions.get(i).getOriginalIndex(); response.add(regionName, originalIndex, results.get(i)); } } } return response; } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to bulk load a list of HFiles using client protocol. * * @param client * @param familyPaths * @param regionName * @param assignSeqNum * @return true if all are loaded * @throws IOException */ public static boolean bulkLoadHFile(final ClientProtocol client, final List<Pair<byte[], String>> familyPaths, final byte[] regionName, boolean assignSeqNum) throws IOException { BulkLoadHFileRequest request = RequestConverter.buildBulkLoadHFileRequest(familyPaths, regionName, assignSeqNum); try { BulkLoadHFileResponse response = client.bulkLoadHFile(null, request); return response.getLoaded(); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } public static CoprocessorServiceResponse execService(final ClientProtocol client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call, final byte[] regionName) throws IOException { CoprocessorServiceRequest request = CoprocessorServiceRequest.newBuilder() .setCall(call).setRegion( RequestConverter.buildRegionSpecifier(REGION_NAME, regionName)).build(); try { CoprocessorServiceResponse response = client.execService(null, request); return response; } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } public static CoprocessorServiceResponse execService(final MasterAdminProtocol client, final CoprocessorServiceCall call) throws IOException { CoprocessorServiceRequest request = CoprocessorServiceRequest.newBuilder() .setCall(call).setRegion( RequestConverter.buildRegionSpecifier(REGION_NAME, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)).build(); try { CoprocessorServiceResponse response = client.execMasterService(null, request); return response; } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Service> T newServiceStub(Class<T> service, RpcChannel channel) throws Exception { return (T)Methods.call(service, null, "newStub", new Class[]{ RpcChannel.class }, new Object[]{ channel }); } // End helpers for Client // Start helpers for Admin /** * A helper to retrieve region info given a region name * using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param regionName * @return the retrieved region info * @throws IOException */ public static HRegionInfo getRegionInfo(final AdminProtocol admin, final byte[] regionName) throws IOException { try { GetRegionInfoRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetRegionInfoRequest(regionName); GetRegionInfoResponse response = admin.getRegionInfo(null, request); return HRegionInfo.convert(response.getRegionInfo()); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to close a region given a region name * using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param regionName * @param transitionInZK * @throws IOException */ public static void closeRegion(final AdminProtocol admin, final byte[] regionName, final boolean transitionInZK) throws IOException { CloseRegionRequest closeRegionRequest = RequestConverter.buildCloseRegionRequest(regionName, transitionInZK); try { admin.closeRegion(null, closeRegionRequest); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to close a region given a region name * using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param regionName * @param versionOfClosingNode * @return true if the region is closed * @throws IOException */ public static boolean closeRegion(final AdminProtocol admin, final byte[] regionName, final int versionOfClosingNode, final ServerName destinationServer, final boolean transitionInZK) throws IOException { CloseRegionRequest closeRegionRequest = RequestConverter.buildCloseRegionRequest( regionName, versionOfClosingNode, destinationServer, transitionInZK); try { CloseRegionResponse response = admin.closeRegion(null, closeRegionRequest); return ResponseConverter.isClosed(response); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to open a region using admin protocol. * @param admin * @param region * @throws IOException */ public static void openRegion(final AdminProtocol admin, final HRegionInfo region) throws IOException { OpenRegionRequest request = RequestConverter.buildOpenRegionRequest(region, -1); try { admin.openRegion(null, request); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to get the all the online regions on a region * server using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @return a list of online region info * @throws IOException */ public static List<HRegionInfo> getOnlineRegions(final AdminProtocol admin) throws IOException { GetOnlineRegionRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetOnlineRegionRequest(); GetOnlineRegionResponse response = null; try { response = admin.getOnlineRegion(null, request); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } return getRegionInfos(response); } /** * Get the list of region info from a GetOnlineRegionResponse * * @param proto the GetOnlineRegionResponse * @return the list of region info or null if <code>proto</code> is null */ static List<HRegionInfo> getRegionInfos(final GetOnlineRegionResponse proto) { if (proto == null) return null; List<HRegionInfo> regionInfos = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(); for (RegionInfo regionInfo: proto.getRegionInfoList()) { regionInfos.add(HRegionInfo.convert(regionInfo)); } return regionInfos; } /** * A helper to get the info of a region server using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @return the server name * @throws IOException */ public static ServerInfo getServerInfo( final AdminProtocol admin) throws IOException { GetServerInfoRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetServerInfoRequest(); try { GetServerInfoResponse response = admin.getServerInfo(null, request); return response.getServerInfo(); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to replicate a list of HLog entries using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param entries * @throws IOException */ public static void replicateWALEntry(final AdminProtocol admin, final HLog.Entry[] entries) throws IOException { ReplicateWALEntryRequest request = RequestConverter.buildReplicateWALEntryRequest(entries); try { admin.replicateWALEntry(null, request); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to get the list of files of a column family * on a given region using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param regionName * @param family * @return the list of store files * @throws IOException */ public static List<String> getStoreFiles(final AdminProtocol admin, final byte[] regionName, final byte[] family) throws IOException { GetStoreFileRequest request = RequestConverter.buildGetStoreFileRequest(regionName, family); try { GetStoreFileResponse response = admin.getStoreFile(null, request); return response.getStoreFileList(); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se); } } /** * A helper to split a region using admin protocol. * * @param admin * @param hri * @param splitPoint * @throws IOException */ public static void split(final AdminProtocol admin, final HRegionInfo hri, byte[] splitPoint) throws IOException { SplitRegionRequest request = RequestConverter.buildSplitRegionRequest(hri.getRegionName(), splitPoint); try { admin.splitRegion(null, request); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw ProtobufUtil.getRemoteException(se); } } // End helpers for Admin /* * Get the total (read + write) requests from a RegionLoad pb * @param rl - RegionLoad pb * @return total (read + write) requests */ public static long getTotalRequestsCount(RegionLoad rl) { if (rl == null) { return 0; } return rl.getReadRequestsCount() + rl.getWriteRequestsCount(); } /** * @param m Message to get delimited pb serialization of (with pb magic prefix) */ public static byte [] toDelimitedByteArray(final Message m) throws IOException { // Allocate arbitrary big size so we avoid resizing. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); m.writeDelimitedTo(baos); baos.close(); return ProtobufUtil.prependPBMagic(baos.toByteArray()); } /** * Converts a Permission proto to a client Permission object. * * @param proto the protobuf Permission * @return the converted Permission */ public static Permission toPermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto) { if (proto.hasTable()) { return toTablePermission(proto); } else { List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(proto.getActionList()); return new Permission(actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()])); } } /** * Converts a Permission proto to a client TablePermission object. * * @param proto the protobuf Permission * @return the converted TablePermission */ public static TablePermission toTablePermission(AccessControlProtos.Permission proto) { List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(proto.getActionList()); byte[] qualifier = null; byte[] family = null; byte[] table = null; if (proto.hasTable()) table = proto.getTable().toByteArray(); if (proto.hasFamily()) family = proto.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (proto.hasQualifier()) qualifier = proto.getQualifier().toByteArray(); return new TablePermission(table, family, qualifier, actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()])); } /** * Convert a client Permission to a Permission proto * * @param perm the client Permission * @return the protobuf Permission */ public static AccessControlProtos.Permission toPermission(Permission perm) { AccessControlProtos.Permission.Builder builder = AccessControlProtos.Permission.newBuilder(); if (perm instanceof TablePermission) { TablePermission tablePerm = (TablePermission)perm; if (tablePerm.hasTable()) { builder.setTable(ByteString.copyFrom(tablePerm.getTable())); } if (tablePerm.hasFamily()) { builder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(tablePerm.getFamily())); } if (tablePerm.hasQualifier()) { builder.setQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(tablePerm.getQualifier())); } } for (Permission.Action a : perm.getActions()) { builder.addAction(toPermissionAction(a)); } return builder.build(); } /** * Converts a list of Permission.Action proto to a list of client Permission.Action objects. * * @param protoActions the list of protobuf Actions * @return the converted list of Actions */ public static List<Permission.Action> toPermissionActions( List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> protoActions) { List<Permission.Action> actions = new ArrayList<Permission.Action>(protoActions.size()); for (AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action a : protoActions) { actions.add(toPermissionAction(a)); } return actions; } /** * Converts a Permission.Action proto to a client Permission.Action object. * * @param action the protobuf Action * @return the converted Action */ public static Permission.Action toPermissionAction( AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action action) { switch (action) { case READ: return Permission.Action.READ; case WRITE: return Permission.Action.WRITE; case EXEC: return Permission.Action.EXEC; case CREATE: return Permission.Action.CREATE; case ADMIN: return Permission.Action.ADMIN; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action value "+action.name()); } /** * Convert a client Permission.Action to a Permission.Action proto * * @param action the client Action * @return the protobuf Action */ public static AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action toPermissionAction( Permission.Action action) { switch (action) { case READ: return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.READ; case WRITE: return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.WRITE; case EXEC: return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.EXEC; case CREATE: return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.CREATE; case ADMIN: return AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action.ADMIN; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action value "+action.name()); } /** * Convert a client user permission to a user permission proto * * @param perm the client UserPermission * @return the protobuf UserPermission */ public static AccessControlProtos.UserPermission toUserPermission(UserPermission perm) { AccessControlProtos.Permission.Builder permissionBuilder = AccessControlProtos.Permission.newBuilder(); for (Permission.Action a : perm.getActions()) { permissionBuilder.addAction(toPermissionAction(a)); } if (perm.hasTable()) { permissionBuilder.setTable(ByteString.copyFrom(perm.getTable())); } if (perm.hasFamily()) { permissionBuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(perm.getFamily())); } if (perm.hasQualifier()) { permissionBuilder.setQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(perm.getQualifier())); } return AccessControlProtos.UserPermission.newBuilder() .setUser(ByteString.copyFrom(perm.getUser())) .setPermission(permissionBuilder) .build(); } /** * Converts a user permission proto to a client user permission object. * * @param proto the protobuf UserPermission * @return the converted UserPermission */ public static UserPermission toUserPermission(AccessControlProtos.UserPermission proto) { AccessControlProtos.Permission permission = proto.getPermission(); List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(permission.getActionList()); byte[] qualifier = null; byte[] family = null; byte[] table = null; if (permission.hasTable()) table = permission.getTable().toByteArray(); if (permission.hasFamily()) family = permission.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (permission.hasQualifier()) qualifier = permission.getQualifier().toByteArray(); return new UserPermission(proto.getUser().toByteArray(), table, family, qualifier, actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()])); } /** * Convert a ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> where key is username * to a protobuf UserPermission * * @param perm the list of user and table permissions * @return the protobuf UserTablePermissions */ public static AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions toUserTablePermissions( ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perm) { AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions.Builder builder = AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<TablePermission>> entry : perm.asMap().entrySet()) { AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions.UserPermissions.Builder userPermBuilder = AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions.UserPermissions.newBuilder(); userPermBuilder.setUser(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(entry.getKey())); for (TablePermission tablePerm: entry.getValue()) { userPermBuilder.addPermissions(toPermission(tablePerm)); } builder.addPermissions(userPermBuilder.build()); } return builder.build(); } /** * A utility used to grant a user some permissions. The permissions will * be global if table is not specified. Otherwise, they are for those * table/column family/qualifier only. * <p> * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references. * * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy * @param userShortName the short name of the user to grant permissions * @param t optional table name * @param f optional column family * @param q optional qualifier * @param actions the permissions to be granted * @throws ServiceException */ public static void grant(AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, byte[] t, byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException { List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length); for (Permission.Action a : actions) { permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a)); } AccessControlProtos.GrantRequest request = RequestConverter. buildGrantRequest(userShortName, t, f, q, permActions.toArray( new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length])); protocol.grant(null, request); } /** * A utility used to revoke a user some permissions. The permissions will * be global if table is not specified. Otherwise, they are for those * table/column family/qualifier only. * <p> * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references. * * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy * @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions * @param t optional table name * @param f optional column family * @param q optional qualifier * @param actions the permissions to be revoked * @throws ServiceException */ public static void revoke(AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, byte[] t, byte[] f, byte[] q, Permission.Action... actions) throws ServiceException { List<AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action> permActions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(actions.length); for (Permission.Action a : actions) { permActions.add(ProtobufUtil.toPermissionAction(a)); } AccessControlProtos.RevokeRequest request = RequestConverter. buildRevokeRequest(userShortName, t, f, q, permActions.toArray( new AccessControlProtos.Permission.Action[actions.length])); protocol.revoke(null, request); } /** * A utility used to get user permissions. * <p> * It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references. * * @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy * @param t optional table name * @throws ServiceException */ public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions( AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, byte[] t) throws ServiceException { AccessControlProtos.UserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder = AccessControlProtos.UserPermissionsRequest.newBuilder(); if (t != null) { builder.setTable(ByteString.copyFrom(t)); } AccessControlProtos.UserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build(); AccessControlProtos.UserPermissionsResponse response = protocol.getUserPermissions(null, request); List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<UserPermission>(); for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getPermissionList()) { perms.add(ProtobufUtil.toUserPermission(perm)); } return perms; } /** * Convert a protobuf UserTablePermissions to a * ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> where key is username. * * @param proto the protobuf UserPermission * @return the converted UserPermission */ public static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> toUserTablePermissions( AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions proto) { ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = ArrayListMultimap.create(); AccessControlProtos.UserTablePermissions.UserPermissions userPerm; for (int i = 0; i < proto.getPermissionsCount(); i++) { userPerm = proto.getPermissions(i); for (int j = 0; j < userPerm.getPermissionsCount(); j++) { TablePermission tablePerm = toTablePermission(userPerm.getPermissions(j)); perms.put(userPerm.getUser().toStringUtf8(), tablePerm); } } return perms; } /** * Converts a Token instance (with embedded identifier) to the protobuf representation. * * @param token the Token instance to copy * @return the protobuf Token message */ public static AuthenticationProtos.Token toToken(Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> token) { AuthenticationProtos.Token.Builder builder = AuthenticationProtos.Token.newBuilder(); builder.setIdentifier(ByteString.copyFrom(token.getIdentifier())); builder.setPassword(ByteString.copyFrom(token.getPassword())); if (token.getService() != null) { builder.setService(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(token.getService().toString())); } return builder.build(); } /** * Converts a protobuf Token message back into a Token instance. * * @param proto the protobuf Token message * @return the Token instance */ public static Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> toToken(AuthenticationProtos.Token proto) { return new Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier>( proto.hasIdentifier() ? proto.getIdentifier().toByteArray() : null, proto.hasPassword() ? proto.getPassword().toByteArray() : null, AuthenticationTokenIdentifier.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE, proto.hasService() ? new Text(proto.getService().toStringUtf8()) : null); } /** * Find the HRegion encoded name based on a region specifier * * @param regionSpecifier the region specifier * @return the corresponding region's encoded name * @throws DoNotRetryIOException if the specifier type is unsupported */ public static String getRegionEncodedName( final RegionSpecifier regionSpecifier) throws DoNotRetryIOException { byte[] value = regionSpecifier.getValue().toByteArray(); RegionSpecifierType type = regionSpecifier.getType(); switch (type) { case REGION_NAME: return HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(value); case ENCODED_REGION_NAME: return Bytes.toString(value); default: throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Unsupported region specifier type: " + type); } } public static ScanMetrics toScanMetrics(final byte[] bytes) { MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.Builder builder = MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.newBuilder(); try { builder.mergeFrom(bytes); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { //Ignored there are just no key values to add. } MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics pScanMetrics = builder.build(); ScanMetrics scanMetrics = new ScanMetrics(); for (HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair pair : pScanMetrics.getMetricsList()) { if (pair.hasName() && pair.hasValue()) { scanMetrics.setCounter(pair.getName(), pair.getValue()); } } return scanMetrics; } public static MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics toScanMetrics(ScanMetrics scanMetrics) { MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.Builder builder = MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.newBuilder(); Map<String, Long> metrics = scanMetrics.getMetricsMap(); for (Entry<String, Long> e : metrics.entrySet()) { HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair nameInt64Pair = HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair.newBuilder() .setName(e.getKey()) .setValue(e.getValue()) .build(); builder.addMetrics(nameInt64Pair); } return builder.build(); } /** * Unwraps an exception from a protobuf service into the underlying (expected) IOException. * This method will <strong>always</strong> throw an exception. * @param se the {@code ServiceException} instance to convert into an {@code IOException} */ public static void toIOException(ServiceException se) throws IOException { if (se == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null service exception passed!"); } Throwable cause = se.getCause(); if (cause != null && cause instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException)cause; } throw new IOException(se); } public static HBaseProtos.KeyValue toKeyValue(final Cell kv) { // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed. // St.Ack 20121205 // TODO: Do a Cell version HBaseProtos.KeyValue.Builder kvbuilder = HBaseProtos.KeyValue.newBuilder(); kvbuilder.setRow(ByteString.copyFrom(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowLength())); kvbuilder.setFamily(ByteString.copyFrom(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength())); kvbuilder.setQualifier(ByteString.copyFrom(kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength())); kvbuilder.setKeyType(HBaseProtos.KeyType.valueOf(kv.getTypeByte())); kvbuilder.setTimestamp(kv.getTimestamp()); kvbuilder.setValue(ByteString.copyFrom(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength())); return kvbuilder.build(); } public static KeyValue toKeyValue(final HBaseProtos.KeyValue kv) { // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed. // St.Ack 20121205 // TODO: Do a Cell version return new KeyValue(kv.getRow().toByteArray(), kv.getFamily().toByteArray(), kv.getQualifier().toByteArray(), kv.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.codeToType((byte)kv.getKeyType().getNumber()), kv.getValue().toByteArray()); } /** * Get an instance of the argument type declared in a class's signature. The * argument type is assumed to be a PB Message subclass, and the instance is * created using parseFrom method on the passed ByteString. * @param runtimeClass the runtime type of the class * @param position the position of the argument in the class declaration * @param b the ByteString which should be parsed to get the instance created * @return the instance * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Message> T getParsedGenericInstance(Class<?> runtimeClass, int position, ByteString b) throws IOException { Type type = runtimeClass.getGenericSuperclass(); Type argType = ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()[position]; Class<T> classType = (Class<T>)argType; T inst; try { Method m = classType.getMethod("parseFrom", ByteString.class); inst = (T)m.invoke(null, b); return inst; } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } }