/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DeserializationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SplitLogCounters; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.SplitLogTask; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.SplitLogManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLogSplitter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CancelableProgressable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKSplitLog; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperListener; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.zookeeper.AsyncCallback; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat; /** * This worker is spawned in every regionserver (should we also spawn one in * the master?). The Worker waits for log splitting tasks to be put up by the * {@link SplitLogManager} running in the master and races with other workers * in other serves to acquire those tasks. The coordination is done via * zookeeper. All the action takes place at /hbase/splitlog znode. * <p> * If a worker has successfully moved the task from state UNASSIGNED to * OWNED then it owns the task. It keeps heart beating the manager by * periodically moving the task from UNASSIGNED to OWNED state. On success it * moves the task to TASK_DONE. On unrecoverable error it moves task state to * ERR. If it cannot continue but wants the master to retry the task then it * moves the task state to RESIGNED. * <p> * The manager can take a task away from a worker by moving the task from * OWNED to UNASSIGNED. In the absence of a global lock there is a * unavoidable race here - a worker might have just finished its task when it * is stripped of its ownership. Here we rely on the idempotency of the log * splitting task for correctness */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class SplitLogWorker extends ZooKeeperListener implements Runnable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SplitLogWorker.class); Thread worker; private final ServerName serverName; private final TaskExecutor splitTaskExecutor; private final Object taskReadyLock = new Object(); volatile int taskReadySeq = 0; private volatile String currentTask = null; private int currentVersion; private volatile boolean exitWorker; private final Object grabTaskLock = new Object(); private boolean workerInGrabTask = false; public SplitLogWorker(ZooKeeperWatcher watcher, Configuration conf, ServerName serverName, TaskExecutor splitTaskExecutor) { super(watcher); this.serverName = serverName; this.splitTaskExecutor = splitTaskExecutor; } public SplitLogWorker(ZooKeeperWatcher watcher, final Configuration conf, final ServerName serverName, final LastSequenceId sequenceIdChecker) { this(watcher, conf, serverName, new TaskExecutor () { @Override public Status exec(String filename, CancelableProgressable p) { Path rootdir; FileSystem fs; try { rootdir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf); fs = rootdir.getFileSystem(conf); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("could not find root dir or fs", e); return Status.RESIGNED; } // TODO have to correctly figure out when log splitting has been // interrupted or has encountered a transient error and when it has // encountered a bad non-retry-able persistent error. try { if (!HLogSplitter.splitLogFile(rootdir, fs.getFileStatus(new Path(filename)), fs, conf, p, sequenceIdChecker)) { return Status.PREEMPTED; } } catch (InterruptedIOException iioe) { LOG.warn("log splitting of " + filename + " interrupted, resigning", iioe); return Status.RESIGNED; } catch (IOException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof InterruptedException) { LOG.warn("log splitting of " + filename + " interrupted, resigning", e); return Status.RESIGNED; } LOG.warn("log splitting of " + filename + " failed, returning error", e); return Status.ERR; } return Status.DONE; } }); } @Override public void run() { try { LOG.info("SplitLogWorker " + this.serverName + " starting"); this.watcher.registerListener(this); int res; // wait for master to create the splitLogZnode res = -1; while (res == -1 && !exitWorker) { try { res = ZKUtil.checkExists(watcher, watcher.splitLogZNode); } catch (KeeperException e) { // ignore LOG.warn("Exception when checking for " + watcher.splitLogZNode + " ... retrying", e); } if (res == -1) { try { LOG.info(watcher.splitLogZNode + " znode does not exist, waiting for master to create"); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.debug("Interrupted while waiting for " + watcher.splitLogZNode + (exitWorker ? "" : " (ERROR: exitWorker is not set, " + "exiting anyway)")); exitWorker = true; break; } } } if (!exitWorker) { taskLoop(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // only a logical error can cause here. Printing it out // to make debugging easier LOG.error("unexpected error ", t); } finally { LOG.info("SplitLogWorker " + this.serverName + " exiting"); } } /** * Wait for tasks to become available at /hbase/splitlog zknode. Grab a task * one at a time. This policy puts an upper-limit on the number of * simultaneous log splitting that could be happening in a cluster. * <p> * Synchronization using {@link #taskReadyLock} ensures that it will * try to grab every task that has been put up */ private void taskLoop() { while (!exitWorker) { int seq_start = taskReadySeq; List<String> paths = getTaskList(); if (paths == null) { LOG.warn("Could not get tasks, did someone remove " + this.watcher.splitLogZNode + " ... worker thread exiting."); return; } int offset = (int)(Math.random() * paths.size()); for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i ++) { int idx = (i + offset) % paths.size(); // don't call ZKSplitLog.getNodeName() because that will lead to // double encoding of the path name grabTask(ZKUtil.joinZNode(watcher.splitLogZNode, paths.get(idx))); if (exitWorker) { return; } } synchronized (taskReadyLock) { while (seq_start == taskReadySeq) { try { taskReadyLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.info("SplitLogWorker interrupted while waiting for task," + " exiting: " + e.toString() + (exitWorker ? "" : " (ERROR: exitWorker is not set, exiting anyway)")); exitWorker = true; return; } } } } } /** * try to grab a 'lock' on the task zk node to own and execute the task. * <p> * @param path zk node for the task */ private void grabTask(String path) { Stat stat = new Stat(); long t = -1; byte[] data; synchronized (grabTaskLock) { currentTask = path; workerInGrabTask = true; if (Thread.interrupted()) { return; } } try { try { if ((data = ZKUtil.getDataNoWatch(this.watcher, path, stat)) == null) { SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_failed_to_grab_task_no_data.incrementAndGet(); return; } } catch (KeeperException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to get data for znode " + path, e); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_failed_to_grab_task_exception.incrementAndGet(); return; } SplitLogTask slt; try { slt = SplitLogTask.parseFrom(data); } catch (DeserializationException e) { LOG.warn("Failed parse data for znode " + path, e); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_failed_to_grab_task_exception.incrementAndGet(); return; } if (!slt.isUnassigned()) { SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_failed_to_grab_task_owned.incrementAndGet(); return; } currentVersion = stat.getVersion(); if (!attemptToOwnTask(true)) { SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_failed_to_grab_task_lost_race.incrementAndGet(); return; } if (ZKSplitLog.isRescanNode(watcher, currentTask)) { endTask(new SplitLogTask.Done(this.serverName), SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_acquired_rescan); return; } LOG.info("worker " + serverName + " acquired task " + path); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_acquired.incrementAndGet(); getDataSetWatchAsync(); t = System.currentTimeMillis(); TaskExecutor.Status status; status = splitTaskExecutor.exec(ZKSplitLog.getFileName(currentTask), new CancelableProgressable() { @Override public boolean progress() { if (!attemptToOwnTask(false)) { LOG.warn("Failed to heartbeat the task" + currentTask); return false; } return true; } }); switch (status) { case DONE: endTask(new SplitLogTask.Done(this.serverName), SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_done); break; case PREEMPTED: SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_preempt_task.incrementAndGet(); LOG.warn("task execution prempted " + path); break; case ERR: if (!exitWorker) { endTask(new SplitLogTask.Err(this.serverName), SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_err); break; } // if the RS is exiting then there is probably a tons of stuff // that can go wrong. Resign instead of signaling error. //$FALL-THROUGH$ case RESIGNED: if (exitWorker) { LOG.info("task execution interrupted because worker is exiting " + path); endTask(new SplitLogTask.Resigned(this.serverName), SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_resigned); } else { SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_preempt_task.incrementAndGet(); LOG.info("task execution interrupted via zk by manager " + path); } break; } } finally { if (t > 0) { LOG.info("worker " + serverName + " done with task " + path + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms"); } synchronized (grabTaskLock) { workerInGrabTask = false; // clear the interrupt from stopTask() otherwise the next task will // suffer Thread.interrupted(); } } } /** * Try to own the task by transitioning the zk node data from UNASSIGNED to * OWNED. * <p> * This method is also used to periodically heartbeat the task progress by * transitioning the node from OWNED to OWNED. * <p> * @return true if task path is successfully locked */ private boolean attemptToOwnTask(boolean isFirstTime) { try { SplitLogTask slt = new SplitLogTask.Owned(this.serverName); Stat stat = this.watcher.getRecoverableZooKeeper().setData(currentTask, slt.toByteArray(), currentVersion); if (stat == null) { LOG.warn("zk.setData() returned null for path " + currentTask); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_heartbeat_failed.incrementAndGet(); return (false); } currentVersion = stat.getVersion(); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_heartbeat.incrementAndGet(); return (true); } catch (KeeperException e) { if (!isFirstTime) { if (e.code().equals(KeeperException.Code.NONODE)) { LOG.warn("NONODE failed to assert ownership for " + currentTask, e); } else if (e.code().equals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION)) { LOG.warn("BADVERSION failed to assert ownership for " + currentTask, e); } else { LOG.warn("failed to assert ownership for " + currentTask, e); } } } catch (InterruptedException e1) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while trying to assert ownership of " + currentTask + " " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e1)); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_heartbeat_failed.incrementAndGet(); return (false); } /** * endTask() can fail and the only way to recover out of it is for the * {@link SplitLogManager} to timeout the task node. * @param slt * @param ctr */ private void endTask(SplitLogTask slt, AtomicLong ctr) { String path = currentTask; currentTask = null; try { if (ZKUtil.setData(this.watcher, path, slt.toByteArray(), currentVersion)) { LOG.info("successfully transitioned task " + path + " to final state " + slt); ctr.incrementAndGet(); return; } LOG.warn("failed to transistion task " + path + " to end state " + slt + " because of version mismatch "); } catch (KeeperException.BadVersionException bve) { LOG.warn("transisition task " + path + " to " + slt + " failed because of version mismatch", bve); } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { LOG.fatal("logic error - end task " + path + " " + slt + " failed because task doesn't exist", e); } catch (KeeperException e) { LOG.warn("failed to end task, " + path + " " + slt, e); } SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_final_transition_failed.incrementAndGet(); } void getDataSetWatchAsync() { this.watcher.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getZooKeeper(). getData(currentTask, this.watcher, new GetDataAsyncCallback(), null); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_get_data_queued.incrementAndGet(); } void getDataSetWatchSuccess(String path, byte[] data) { SplitLogTask slt; try { slt = SplitLogTask.parseFrom(data); } catch (DeserializationException e) { LOG.warn("Failed parse", e); return; } synchronized (grabTaskLock) { if (workerInGrabTask) { // currentTask can change but that's ok String taskpath = currentTask; if (taskpath != null && taskpath.equals(path)) { // have to compare data. cannot compare version because then there // will be race with attemptToOwnTask() // cannot just check whether the node has been transitioned to // UNASSIGNED because by the time this worker sets the data watch // the node might have made two transitions - from owned by this // worker to unassigned to owned by another worker if (! slt.isOwned(this.serverName) && ! slt.isDone(this.serverName) && ! slt.isErr(this.serverName) && ! slt.isResigned(this.serverName)) { LOG.info("task " + taskpath + " preempted from " + serverName + ", current task state and owner=" + slt.toString()); stopTask(); } } } } } void getDataSetWatchFailure(String path) { synchronized (grabTaskLock) { if (workerInGrabTask) { // currentTask can change but that's ok String taskpath = currentTask; if (taskpath != null && taskpath.equals(path)) { LOG.info("retrying data watch on " + path); SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_get_data_retry.incrementAndGet(); getDataSetWatchAsync(); } else { // no point setting a watch on the task which this worker is not // working upon anymore } } } } @Override public void nodeDataChanged(String path) { // there will be a self generated dataChanged event every time attemptToOwnTask() // heartbeats the task znode by upping its version synchronized (grabTaskLock) { if (workerInGrabTask) { // currentTask can change String taskpath = currentTask; if (taskpath!= null && taskpath.equals(path)) { getDataSetWatchAsync(); } } } } private List<String> getTaskList() { List<String> childrenPaths = null; long sleepTime = 1000; // It will be in loop till it gets the list of children or // it will come out if worker thread exited. while (!exitWorker) { try { childrenPaths = ZKUtil.listChildrenAndWatchForNewChildren(this.watcher, this.watcher.splitLogZNode); if (childrenPaths != null) { return childrenPaths; } } catch (KeeperException e) { LOG.warn("Could not get children of znode " + this.watcher.splitLogZNode, e); } try { LOG.debug("Retry listChildren of znode " + this.watcher.splitLogZNode + " after sleep for " + sleepTime + "ms!"); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while trying to get task list ...", e1); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return childrenPaths; } @Override public void nodeChildrenChanged(String path) { if(path.equals(watcher.splitLogZNode)) { LOG.debug("tasks arrived or departed"); synchronized (taskReadyLock) { taskReadySeq++; taskReadyLock.notify(); } } } /** * If the worker is doing a task i.e. splitting a log file then stop the task. * It doesn't exit the worker thread. */ void stopTask() { LOG.info("Sending interrupt to stop the worker thread"); worker.interrupt(); // TODO interrupt often gets swallowed, do what else? } /** * start the SplitLogWorker thread */ public void start() { worker = new Thread(null, this, "SplitLogWorker-" + serverName); exitWorker = false; worker.start(); } /** * stop the SplitLogWorker thread */ public void stop() { exitWorker = true; stopTask(); } /** * Asynchronous handler for zk get-data-set-watch on node results. */ class GetDataAsyncCallback implements AsyncCallback.DataCallback { private final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GetDataAsyncCallback.class); @Override public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, byte[] data, Stat stat) { SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_get_data_result.incrementAndGet(); if (rc != 0) { LOG.warn("getdata rc = " + KeeperException.Code.get(rc) + " " + path); getDataSetWatchFailure(path); return; } data = watcher.getRecoverableZooKeeper().removeMetaData(data); getDataSetWatchSuccess(path, data); } } /** * Objects implementing this interface actually do the task that has been * acquired by a {@link SplitLogWorker}. Since there isn't a water-tight * guarantee that two workers will not be executing the same task therefore it * is better to have workers prepare the task and then have the * {@link SplitLogManager} commit the work in SplitLogManager.TaskFinisher */ static public interface TaskExecutor { static public enum Status { DONE(), ERR(), RESIGNED(), PREEMPTED() } public Status exec(String name, CancelableProgressable p); } }