/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.Compression; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HFileProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.io.RawComparator; import com.google.common.io.NullOutputStream; /** * The {@link HFile} has a fixed trailer which contains offsets to other * variable parts of the file. Also includes basic metadata on this file. The * trailer size is fixed within a given {@link HFile} format version only, but * we always store the version number as the last four-byte integer of the file. * The version number itself is split into two portions, a major * version and a minor version. * The last three bytes of a file is the major * version and a single preceding byte is the minor number. The major version * determines which readers/writers to use to read/write a hfile while a minor * version determines smaller changes in hfile format that do not need a new * reader/writer type. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class FixedFileTrailer { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FixedFileTrailer.class); /** HFile minor version that introduced pbuf filetrailer */ private static final int PBUF_TRAILER_MINOR_VERSION = 2; /** * We store the comparator class name as a fixed-length field in the trailer. */ private static final int MAX_COMPARATOR_NAME_LENGTH = 128; /** * Offset to the fileinfo data, a small block of vitals. Necessary in v1 but * only potentially useful for pretty-printing in v2. */ private long fileInfoOffset; /** * In version 1, the offset to the data block index. Starting from version 2, * the meaning of this field is the offset to the section of the file that * should be loaded at the time the file is being opened, and as of the time * of writing, this happens to be the offset of the file info section. */ private long loadOnOpenDataOffset; /** The number of entries in the root data index. */ private int dataIndexCount; /** Total uncompressed size of all blocks of the data index */ private long uncompressedDataIndexSize; /** The number of entries in the meta index */ private int metaIndexCount; /** The total uncompressed size of keys/values stored in the file. */ private long totalUncompressedBytes; /** * The number of key/value pairs in the file. This field was int in version 1, * but is now long. */ private long entryCount; /** The compression codec used for all blocks. */ private Compression.Algorithm compressionCodec = Compression.Algorithm.NONE; /** * The number of levels in the potentially multi-level data index. Used from * version 2 onwards. */ private int numDataIndexLevels; /** The offset of the first data block. */ private long firstDataBlockOffset; /** * It is guaranteed that no key/value data blocks start after this offset in * the file. */ private long lastDataBlockOffset; /** Raw key comparator class name in version 2 */ private String comparatorClassName = KeyValue.KEY_COMPARATOR.getClass().getName(); /** The {@link HFile} format major version. */ private final int majorVersion; /** The {@link HFile} format minor version. */ private final int minorVersion; FixedFileTrailer(int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { this.majorVersion = majorVersion; this.minorVersion = minorVersion; HFile.checkFormatVersion(majorVersion); } private static int[] computeTrailerSizeByVersion() { int versionToSize[] = new int[HFile.MAX_FORMAT_VERSION + 1]; for (int version = HFile.MIN_FORMAT_VERSION; version <= HFile.MAX_FORMAT_VERSION; ++version) { FixedFileTrailer fft = new FixedFileTrailer(version, HFileBlock.MINOR_VERSION_NO_CHECKSUM); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new NullOutputStream()); try { fft.serialize(dos); } catch (IOException ex) { // The above has no reason to fail. throw new RuntimeException(ex); } versionToSize[version] = dos.size(); } return versionToSize; } private static int getMaxTrailerSize() { int maxSize = 0; for (int version = HFile.MIN_FORMAT_VERSION; version <= HFile.MAX_FORMAT_VERSION; ++version) maxSize = Math.max(getTrailerSize(version), maxSize); return maxSize; } private static final int TRAILER_SIZE[] = computeTrailerSizeByVersion(); private static final int MAX_TRAILER_SIZE = getMaxTrailerSize(); private static final int NOT_PB_SIZE = BlockType.MAGIC_LENGTH + Bytes.SIZEOF_INT; static int getTrailerSize(int version) { return TRAILER_SIZE[version]; } public int getTrailerSize() { return getTrailerSize(majorVersion); } /** * Write the trailer to a data stream. We support writing version 1 for * testing and for determining version 1 trailer size. It is also easy to see * what fields changed in version 2. * * @param outputStream * @throws IOException */ void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { HFile.checkFormatVersion(majorVersion); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream baosDos = new DataOutputStream(baos); BlockType.TRAILER.write(baosDos); if (majorVersion > 2 || (majorVersion == 2 && minorVersion >= PBUF_TRAILER_MINOR_VERSION)) { serializeAsPB(baosDos); } else { serializeAsWritable(baosDos); } // The last 4 bytes of the file encode the major and minor version universally baosDos.writeInt(materializeVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion)); outputStream.write(baos.toByteArray()); } /** * Write trailer data as protobuf * @param outputStream * @throws IOException */ void serializeAsPB(DataOutputStream output) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); HFileProtos.FileTrailerProto.newBuilder() .setFileInfoOffset(fileInfoOffset) .setLoadOnOpenDataOffset(loadOnOpenDataOffset) .setUncompressedDataIndexSize(uncompressedDataIndexSize) .setTotalUncompressedBytes(totalUncompressedBytes) .setDataIndexCount(dataIndexCount) .setMetaIndexCount(metaIndexCount) .setEntryCount(entryCount) .setNumDataIndexLevels(numDataIndexLevels) .setFirstDataBlockOffset(firstDataBlockOffset) .setLastDataBlockOffset(lastDataBlockOffset) .setComparatorClassName(comparatorClassName) .setCompressionCodec(compressionCodec.ordinal()) .build().writeDelimitedTo(baos); output.write(baos.toByteArray()); // Pad to make up the difference between variable PB encoding length and the // length when encoded as writable under earlier V2 formats. Failure to pad // properly or if the PB encoding is too big would mean the trailer wont be read // in properly by HFile. int padding = getTrailerSize() - NOT_PB_SIZE - baos.size(); if (padding < 0) { throw new IOException("Pbuf encoding size exceeded fixed trailer size limit"); } for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) { output.write(0); } } /** * Write trailer data as writable * @param outputStream * @throws IOException */ void serializeAsWritable(DataOutputStream output) throws IOException { output.writeLong(fileInfoOffset); output.writeLong(loadOnOpenDataOffset); output.writeInt(dataIndexCount); if (majorVersion == 1) { // This used to be metaIndexOffset, but it was not used in version 1. output.writeLong(0); } else { output.writeLong(uncompressedDataIndexSize); } output.writeInt(metaIndexCount); output.writeLong(totalUncompressedBytes); if (majorVersion == 1) { output.writeInt((int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, entryCount)); } else { // This field is long from version 2 onwards. output.writeLong(entryCount); } output.writeInt(compressionCodec.ordinal()); if (majorVersion > 1) { output.writeInt(numDataIndexLevels); output.writeLong(firstDataBlockOffset); output.writeLong(lastDataBlockOffset); Bytes.writeStringFixedSize(output, comparatorClassName, MAX_COMPARATOR_NAME_LENGTH); } } /** * Deserialize the fixed file trailer from the given stream. The version needs * to already be specified. Make sure this is consistent with * {@link #serialize(DataOutputStream)}. * * @param inputStream * @throws IOException */ void deserialize(DataInputStream inputStream) throws IOException { HFile.checkFormatVersion(majorVersion); BlockType.TRAILER.readAndCheck(inputStream); if (majorVersion > 2 || (majorVersion == 2 && minorVersion >= PBUF_TRAILER_MINOR_VERSION)) { deserializeFromPB(inputStream); } else { deserializeFromWritable(inputStream); } // The last 4 bytes of the file encode the major and minor version universally int version = inputStream.readInt(); expectMajorVersion(extractMajorVersion(version)); expectMinorVersion(extractMinorVersion(version)); } /** * Deserialize the file trailer as protobuf * @param inputStream * @throws IOException */ void deserializeFromPB(DataInputStream inputStream) throws IOException { // read PB and skip padding int start = inputStream.available(); HFileProtos.FileTrailerProto.Builder builder = HFileProtos.FileTrailerProto.newBuilder(); builder.mergeDelimitedFrom(inputStream); int size = start - inputStream.available(); inputStream.skip(getTrailerSize() - NOT_PB_SIZE - size); // process the PB if (builder.hasFileInfoOffset()) { fileInfoOffset = builder.getFileInfoOffset(); } if (builder.hasLoadOnOpenDataOffset()) { loadOnOpenDataOffset = builder.getLoadOnOpenDataOffset(); } if (builder.hasUncompressedDataIndexSize()) { uncompressedDataIndexSize = builder.getUncompressedDataIndexSize(); } if (builder.hasTotalUncompressedBytes()) { totalUncompressedBytes = builder.getTotalUncompressedBytes(); } if (builder.hasDataIndexCount()) { dataIndexCount = builder.getDataIndexCount(); } if (builder.hasMetaIndexCount()) { metaIndexCount = builder.getMetaIndexCount(); } if (builder.hasEntryCount()) { entryCount = builder.getEntryCount(); } if (builder.hasNumDataIndexLevels()) { numDataIndexLevels = builder.getNumDataIndexLevels(); } if (builder.hasFirstDataBlockOffset()) { firstDataBlockOffset = builder.getFirstDataBlockOffset(); } if (builder.hasLastDataBlockOffset()) { lastDataBlockOffset = builder.getLastDataBlockOffset(); } if (builder.hasComparatorClassName()) { setComparatorClass(getComparatorClass(builder.getComparatorClassName())); } if (builder.hasCompressionCodec()) { compressionCodec = Compression.Algorithm.values()[builder.getCompressionCodec()]; } else { compressionCodec = Compression.Algorithm.NONE; } } /** * Deserialize the file trailer as writable data * @param input * @throws IOException */ void deserializeFromWritable(DataInput input) throws IOException { fileInfoOffset = input.readLong(); loadOnOpenDataOffset = input.readLong(); dataIndexCount = input.readInt(); if (majorVersion == 1) { input.readLong(); // Read and skip metaIndexOffset. } else { uncompressedDataIndexSize = input.readLong(); } metaIndexCount = input.readInt(); totalUncompressedBytes = input.readLong(); entryCount = majorVersion == 1 ? input.readInt() : input.readLong(); compressionCodec = Compression.Algorithm.values()[input.readInt()]; if (majorVersion > 1) { numDataIndexLevels = input.readInt(); firstDataBlockOffset = input.readLong(); lastDataBlockOffset = input.readLong(); setComparatorClass(getComparatorClass(Bytes.readStringFixedSize(input, MAX_COMPARATOR_NAME_LENGTH))); } } private void append(StringBuilder sb, String s) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(s); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); append(sb, "fileinfoOffset=" + fileInfoOffset); append(sb, "loadOnOpenDataOffset=" + loadOnOpenDataOffset); append(sb, "dataIndexCount=" + dataIndexCount); append(sb, "metaIndexCount=" + metaIndexCount); append(sb, "totalUncomressedBytes=" + totalUncompressedBytes); append(sb, "entryCount=" + entryCount); append(sb, "compressionCodec=" + compressionCodec); if (majorVersion == 2) { append(sb, "uncompressedDataIndexSize=" + uncompressedDataIndexSize); append(sb, "numDataIndexLevels=" + numDataIndexLevels); append(sb, "firstDataBlockOffset=" + firstDataBlockOffset); append(sb, "lastDataBlockOffset=" + lastDataBlockOffset); append(sb, "comparatorClassName=" + comparatorClassName); } append(sb, "majorVersion=" + majorVersion); append(sb, "minorVersion=" + minorVersion); return sb.toString(); } /** * Reads a file trailer from the given file. * * @param istream the input stream with the ability to seek. Does not have to * be buffered, as only one read operation is made. * @param fileSize the file size. Can be obtained using * {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem#getFileStatus( * org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)}. * @return the fixed file trailer read * @throws IOException if failed to read from the underlying stream, or the * trailer is corrupted, or the version of the trailer is * unsupported */ public static FixedFileTrailer readFromStream(FSDataInputStream istream, long fileSize) throws IOException { int bufferSize = MAX_TRAILER_SIZE; long seekPoint = fileSize - bufferSize; if (seekPoint < 0) { // It is hard to imagine such a small HFile. seekPoint = 0; bufferSize = (int) fileSize; } istream.seek(seekPoint); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize); istream.readFully(buf.array(), buf.arrayOffset(), buf.arrayOffset() + buf.limit()); // Read the version from the last int of the file. buf.position(buf.limit() - Bytes.SIZEOF_INT); int version = buf.getInt(); // Extract the major and minor versions. int majorVersion = extractMajorVersion(version); int minorVersion = extractMinorVersion(version); HFile.checkFormatVersion(majorVersion); // throws IAE if invalid int trailerSize = getTrailerSize(majorVersion); FixedFileTrailer fft = new FixedFileTrailer(majorVersion, minorVersion); fft.deserialize(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.array(), buf.arrayOffset() + bufferSize - trailerSize, trailerSize))); return fft; } public void expectMajorVersion(int expected) { if (majorVersion != expected) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HFile major version: " + majorVersion + " (expected: " + expected + ")"); } } public void expectMinorVersion(int expected) { if (minorVersion != expected) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HFile minor version: " + minorVersion + " (expected: " + expected + ")"); } } public void expectAtLeastMajorVersion(int lowerBound) { if (majorVersion < lowerBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HFile major version: " + majorVersion + " (expected: " + lowerBound + " or higher)."); } } public long getFileInfoOffset() { return fileInfoOffset; } public void setFileInfoOffset(long fileInfoOffset) { this.fileInfoOffset = fileInfoOffset; } public long getLoadOnOpenDataOffset() { return loadOnOpenDataOffset; } public void setLoadOnOpenOffset(long loadOnOpenDataOffset) { this.loadOnOpenDataOffset = loadOnOpenDataOffset; } public int getDataIndexCount() { return dataIndexCount; } public void setDataIndexCount(int dataIndexCount) { this.dataIndexCount = dataIndexCount; } public int getMetaIndexCount() { return metaIndexCount; } public void setMetaIndexCount(int metaIndexCount) { this.metaIndexCount = metaIndexCount; } public long getTotalUncompressedBytes() { return totalUncompressedBytes; } public void setTotalUncompressedBytes(long totalUncompressedBytes) { this.totalUncompressedBytes = totalUncompressedBytes; } public long getEntryCount() { return entryCount; } public void setEntryCount(long newEntryCount) { if (majorVersion == 1) { int intEntryCount = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, newEntryCount); if (intEntryCount != newEntryCount) { LOG.info("Warning: entry count is " + newEntryCount + " but writing " + intEntryCount + " into the version " + majorVersion + " trailer"); } entryCount = intEntryCount; return; } entryCount = newEntryCount; } public Compression.Algorithm getCompressionCodec() { return compressionCodec; } public void setCompressionCodec(Compression.Algorithm compressionCodec) { this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec; } public int getNumDataIndexLevels() { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); return numDataIndexLevels; } public void setNumDataIndexLevels(int numDataIndexLevels) { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); this.numDataIndexLevels = numDataIndexLevels; } public long getLastDataBlockOffset() { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); return lastDataBlockOffset; } public void setLastDataBlockOffset(long lastDataBlockOffset) { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); this.lastDataBlockOffset = lastDataBlockOffset; } public long getFirstDataBlockOffset() { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); return firstDataBlockOffset; } public void setFirstDataBlockOffset(long firstDataBlockOffset) { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); this.firstDataBlockOffset = firstDataBlockOffset; } public String getComparatorClassName() { return comparatorClassName; } /** * Returns the major version of this HFile format */ public int getMajorVersion() { return majorVersion; } /** * Returns the minor version of this HFile format */ int getMinorVersion() { return minorVersion; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void setComparatorClass(Class<? extends RawComparator> klass) { // Is the comparator instantiable try { klass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Comparator class " + klass.getName() + " is not instantiable", e); } comparatorClassName = klass.getName(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class<? extends RawComparator<byte[]>> getComparatorClass( String comparatorClassName) throws IOException { try { return (Class<? extends RawComparator<byte[]>>) Class.forName(comparatorClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } public static RawComparator<byte[]> createComparator( String comparatorClassName) throws IOException { try { return getComparatorClass(comparatorClassName).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IOException("Comparator class " + comparatorClassName + " is not instantiable", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("Comparator class " + comparatorClassName + " is not instantiable", e); } } RawComparator<byte[]> createComparator() throws IOException { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); return createComparator(comparatorClassName); } public long getUncompressedDataIndexSize() { if (majorVersion == 1) return 0; return uncompressedDataIndexSize; } public void setUncompressedDataIndexSize( long uncompressedDataIndexSize) { expectAtLeastMajorVersion(2); this.uncompressedDataIndexSize = uncompressedDataIndexSize; } /** * Extracts the major version for a 4-byte serialized version data. * The major version is the 3 least significant bytes */ private static int extractMajorVersion(int serializedVersion) { return (serializedVersion & 0x00ffffff); } /** * Extracts the minor version for a 4-byte serialized version data. * The major version are the 3 the most significant bytes */ private static int extractMinorVersion(int serializedVersion) { return (serializedVersion >>> 24); } /** * Create a 4 byte serialized version number by combining the * minor and major version numbers. */ private static int materializeVersion(int majorVersion, int minorVersion) { return ((majorVersion & 0x00ffffff) | (minorVersion << 24)); } }