/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DeserializationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MediumTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionTransition; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerLoad; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.CatalogTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.MetaMockingUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnectionTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventHandler.EventType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService.ExecutorType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState.State; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.DefaultLoadBalancer; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer.LoadBalancerFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.EnableTableHandler; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.handler.ServerShutdownHandler; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.GetResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.ScanRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.ScanResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ZooKeeperProtos.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionOpeningState; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKAssign; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.internal.util.reflection.Whitebox; import com.google.protobuf.RpcController; import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException; /** * Test {@link AssignmentManager} */ @Category(MediumTests.class) public class TestAssignmentManager { private static final HBaseTestingUtility HTU = new HBaseTestingUtility(); private static final ServerName SERVERNAME_A = new ServerName("example.org", 1234, 5678); private static final ServerName SERVERNAME_B = new ServerName("example.org", 0, 5678); private static final HRegionInfo REGIONINFO = new HRegionInfo(Bytes.toBytes("t"), HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); private static int assignmentCount; private static boolean enabling = false; // Mocked objects or; get redone for each test. private Server server; private ServerManager serverManager; private ZooKeeperWatcher watcher; private LoadBalancer balancer; private HMaster master; @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { HTU.startMiniZKCluster(); } @AfterClass public static void afterClass() throws IOException { HTU.shutdownMiniZKCluster(); } @Before public void before() throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException { // TODO: Make generic versions of what we do below and put up in a mocking // utility class or move up into HBaseTestingUtility. // Mock a Server. Have it return a legit Configuration and ZooKeeperWatcher. // If abort is called, be sure to fail the test (don't just swallow it // silently as is mockito default). this.server = Mockito.mock(Server.class); Mockito.when(server.getServerName()).thenReturn(new ServerName("master,1,1")); Mockito.when(server.getConfiguration()).thenReturn(HTU.getConfiguration()); this.watcher = new ZooKeeperWatcher(HTU.getConfiguration(), "mockedServer", this.server, true); Mockito.when(server.getZooKeeper()).thenReturn(this.watcher); Mockito.doThrow(new RuntimeException("Aborted")). when(server).abort(Mockito.anyString(), (Throwable)Mockito.anyObject()); // Mock a ServerManager. Say server SERVERNAME_{A,B} are online. Also // make it so if close or open, we return 'success'. this.serverManager = Mockito.mock(ServerManager.class); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.isServerOnline(SERVERNAME_A)).thenReturn(true); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.isServerOnline(SERVERNAME_B)).thenReturn(true); final Map<ServerName, ServerLoad> onlineServers = new HashMap<ServerName, ServerLoad>(); onlineServers.put(SERVERNAME_B, ServerLoad.EMPTY_SERVERLOAD); onlineServers.put(SERVERNAME_A, ServerLoad.EMPTY_SERVERLOAD); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.getOnlineServersList()).thenReturn( new ArrayList<ServerName>(onlineServers.keySet())); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.getOnlineServers()).thenReturn(onlineServers); List<ServerName> avServers = new ArrayList<ServerName>(); avServers.addAll(onlineServers.keySet()); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.createDestinationServersList()).thenReturn(avServers); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.createDestinationServersList(null)).thenReturn(avServers); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.sendRegionClose(SERVERNAME_A, REGIONINFO, -1)). thenReturn(true); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.sendRegionClose(SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO, -1)). thenReturn(true); // Ditto on open. Mockito.when(this.serverManager.sendRegionOpen(SERVERNAME_A, REGIONINFO, -1)). thenReturn(RegionOpeningState.OPENED); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.sendRegionOpen(SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO, -1)). thenReturn(RegionOpeningState.OPENED); this.master = Mockito.mock(HMaster.class); Mockito.when(this.master.getServerManager()).thenReturn(serverManager); } @After public void after() throws KeeperException { if (this.watcher != null) { // Clean up all znodes ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); this.watcher.close(); } } /** * Test a balance going on at same time as a master failover * * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws DeserializationException */ @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testBalanceOnMasterFailoverScenarioWithOpenedNode() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException, ServiceException, DeserializationException { AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager); try { createRegionPlanAndBalance(am, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO); startFakeFailedOverMasterAssignmentManager(am, this.watcher); while (!am.processRITInvoked) Thread.sleep(1); // As part of the failover cleanup, the balancing region plan is removed. // So a random server will be used to open the region. For testing purpose, // let's assume it is going to open on server b: am.addPlan(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, null, SERVERNAME_B)); // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state. This will // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private // method hard to expose. int versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1); assertNotSame(versionid, -1); Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to // OPENING below versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); am.gate.set(false); // Block here until our znode is cleared or until this test times out. ZKAssign.blockUntilNoRIT(watcher); } finally { am.getExecutorService().shutdown(); am.shutdown(); } } @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testBalanceOnMasterFailoverScenarioWithClosedNode() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException, ServiceException, DeserializationException { AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager); try { createRegionPlanAndBalance(am, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO); startFakeFailedOverMasterAssignmentManager(am, this.watcher); while (!am.processRITInvoked) Thread.sleep(1); // As part of the failover cleanup, the balancing region plan is removed. // So a random server will be used to open the region. For testing purpose, // let's assume it is going to open on server b: am.addPlan(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, null, SERVERNAME_B)); // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state. This will // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private // method hard to expose. int versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1); assertNotSame(versionid, -1); am.gate.set(false); Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to // OPENING below versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Block here until our znode is cleared or until this test timesout. ZKAssign.blockUntilNoRIT(watcher); } finally { am.getExecutorService().shutdown(); am.shutdown(); } } @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testBalanceOnMasterFailoverScenarioWithOfflineNode() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException, ServiceException, DeserializationException { AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager); try { createRegionPlanAndBalance(am, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO); startFakeFailedOverMasterAssignmentManager(am, this.watcher); while (!am.processRITInvoked) Thread.sleep(1); // As part of the failover cleanup, the balancing region plan is removed. // So a random server will be used to open the region. For testing purpose, // let's assume it is going to open on server b: am.addPlan(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, null, SERVERNAME_B)); // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state. This will // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private // method hard to expose. int versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1); assertNotSame(versionid, -1); Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); am.gate.set(false); // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to // OPENING below versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Block here until our znode is cleared or until this test timesout. ZKAssign.blockUntilNoRIT(watcher); } finally { am.getExecutorService().shutdown(); am.shutdown(); } } private void createRegionPlanAndBalance( final AssignmentManager am, final ServerName from, final ServerName to, final HRegionInfo hri) throws RegionException { // Call the balance function but fake the region being online first at // servername from. am.regionOnline(hri, from); // Balance region from 'from' to 'to'. It calls unassign setting CLOSING state // up in zk. Create a plan and balance am.balance(new RegionPlan(hri, from, to)); } /** * Tests AssignmentManager balance function. Runs a balance moving a region * from one server to another mocking regionserver responding over zk. * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException * @throws DeserializationException */ @Test public void testBalance() throws IOException, KeeperException, DeserializationException, InterruptedException { // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager // handling zk callbacks. ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testBalanceExecutor"); // We need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server .getConfiguration()); // Create an AM. AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor, null); am.failoverCleanupDone.set(true); try { // Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, can't unregister. // Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test. this.watcher.registerListenerFirst(am); // Call the balance function but fake the region being online first at // SERVERNAME_A. Create a balance plan. am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); // Balance region from A to B. RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B); am.balance(plan); // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state. This will // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private // method hard to expose. int versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1); assertNotSame(versionid, -1); // AM is going to notice above CLOSED and queue up a new assign. The // assign will go to open the region in the new location set by the // balancer. The zk node will be OFFLINE waiting for regionserver to // transition it through OPENING, OPENED. Wait till we see the OFFLINE // zk node before we proceed. Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to OPENING below versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open. versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid); assertNotSame(-1, versionid); // Wait on the handler removing the OPENED znode. while(am.getRegionStates().isRegionInTransition(REGIONINFO)) Threads.sleep(1); } finally { executor.shutdown(); am.shutdown(); // Clean up all znodes ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); } } /** * Run a simple server shutdown handler. * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testShutdownHandler() throws KeeperException, IOException, ServiceException { // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager // handling zk callbacks. ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testShutdownHandler"); // We need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); // Create an AM. AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager( this.server, this.serverManager); try { processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, false); } finally { executor.shutdown(); am.shutdown(); // Clean up all znodes ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); } } /** * To test closed region handler to remove rit and delete corresponding znode * if region in pending close or closing while processing shutdown of a region * server.(HBASE-5927). * * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException * @throws ServiceException */ @Test public void testSSHWhenDisableTableInProgress() throws KeeperException, IOException, ServiceException { testCaseWithPartiallyDisabledState(Table.State.DISABLING); testCaseWithPartiallyDisabledState(Table.State.DISABLED); } /** * To test if the split region is removed from RIT if the region was in SPLITTING state but the RS * has actually completed the splitting in META but went down. See HBASE-6070 and also HBASE-5806 * * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testSSHWhenSplitRegionInProgress() throws KeeperException, IOException, Exception { // true indicates the region is split but still in RIT testCaseWithSplitRegionPartial(true); // false indicate the region is not split testCaseWithSplitRegionPartial(false); } private void testCaseWithSplitRegionPartial(boolean regionSplitDone) throws KeeperException, IOException, NodeExistsException, InterruptedException, ServiceException { // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager // handling zk callbacks. ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testSSHWhenSplitRegionInProgress"); // We need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); // Create an AM. AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager( this.server, this.serverManager); // adding region to regions and servers maps. am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); // adding region in pending close. am.getRegionStates().updateRegionState( REGIONINFO, State.SPLITTING, SERVERNAME_A); am.getZKTable().setEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); RegionTransition data = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), SERVERNAME_A); String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(this.watcher, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); // create znode in M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING state. ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.watcher, node, data.toByteArray()); try { processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, regionSplitDone); // check znode deleted or not. // In both cases the znode should be deleted. if (regionSplitDone) { assertFalse("Region state of region in SPLITTING should be removed from rit.", am.getRegionStates().isRegionsInTransition()); } else { while (!am.assignInvoked) { Thread.sleep(1); } assertTrue("Assign should be invoked.", am.assignInvoked); } } finally { REGIONINFO.setOffline(false); REGIONINFO.setSplit(false); executor.shutdown(); am.shutdown(); // Clean up all znodes ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); } } private void testCaseWithPartiallyDisabledState(Table.State state) throws KeeperException, IOException, NodeExistsException, ServiceException { // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager // handling zk callbacks. ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testSSHWhenDisableTableInProgress"); // We need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server.getConfiguration()); ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); // Create an AM. AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor, null); // adding region to regions and servers maps. am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); // adding region in pending close. am.getRegionStates().updateRegionState(REGIONINFO, State.PENDING_CLOSE); if (state == Table.State.DISABLING) { am.getZKTable().setDisablingTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); } else { am.getZKTable().setDisabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); } RegionTransition data = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(EventType.M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING, REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), SERVERNAME_A); // RegionTransitionData data = new // RegionTransitionData(EventType.M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING, // REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), SERVERNAME_A); String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(this.watcher, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); // create znode in M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING state. ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.watcher, node, data.toByteArray()); try { processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, false); // check znode deleted or not. // In both cases the znode should be deleted. assertTrue("The znode should be deleted.", ZKUtil.checkExists(this.watcher, node) == -1); // check whether in rit or not. In the DISABLING case also the below // assert will be true but the piece of code added for HBASE-5927 will not // do that. if (state == Table.State.DISABLED) { assertFalse("Region state of region in pending close should be removed from rit.", am.getRegionStates().isRegionsInTransition()); } } finally { am.setEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); executor.shutdown(); am.shutdown(); // Clean up all znodes ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); } } private void processServerShutdownHandler(CatalogTracker ct, AssignmentManager am, boolean splitRegion) throws IOException, ServiceException { // Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, can't unregister. // Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test. this.watcher.registerListenerFirst(am); // Need to set up a fake scan of meta for the servershutdown handler // Make an RS Interface implementation. Make it so a scanner can go against it. ClientProtocol implementation = Mockito.mock(ClientProtocol.class); // Get a meta row result that has region up on SERVERNAME_A Result r = null; if (splitRegion) { r = MetaMockingUtil.getMetaTableRowResultAsSplitRegion(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); } else { r = MetaMockingUtil.getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); } ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder(); builder.setMoreResults(true); builder.addResult(ProtobufUtil.toResult(r)); Mockito.when(implementation.scan( (RpcController)Mockito.any(), (ScanRequest)Mockito.any())). thenReturn(builder.build()); // Get a connection w/ mocked up common methods. HConnection connection = HConnectionTestingUtility.getMockedConnectionAndDecorate(HTU.getConfiguration(), null, implementation, SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO); // Make it so we can get a catalogtracker from servermanager.. .needed // down in guts of server shutdown handler. Mockito.when(ct.getConnection()).thenReturn(connection); Mockito.when(this.server.getCatalogTracker()).thenReturn(ct); // Now make a server shutdown handler instance and invoke process. // Have it that SERVERNAME_A died. DeadServer deadServers = new DeadServer(); deadServers.add(SERVERNAME_A); // I need a services instance that will return the AM MasterServices services = Mockito.mock(MasterServices.class); Mockito.when(services.getAssignmentManager()).thenReturn(am); Mockito.when(services.getServerManager()).thenReturn(this.serverManager); Mockito.when(services.getZooKeeper()).thenReturn(this.watcher); ServerShutdownHandler handler = new ServerShutdownHandler(this.server, services, deadServers, SERVERNAME_A, false); am.failoverCleanupDone.set(true); handler.process(); // The region in r will have been assigned. It'll be up in zk as unassigned. } /** * Create and startup executor pools. Start same set as master does (just * run a few less). * @param name Name to give our executor * @return Created executor (be sure to call shutdown when done). */ private ExecutorService startupMasterExecutor(final String name) { // TODO: Move up into HBaseTestingUtility? Generally useful. ExecutorService executor = new ExecutorService(name); executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_OPEN_REGION, 3); executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_CLOSE_REGION, 3); executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_SERVER_OPERATIONS, 3); executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_META_SERVER_OPERATIONS, 3); return executor; } @Test public void testUnassignWithSplitAtSameTime() throws KeeperException, IOException { // Region to use in test. final HRegionInfo hri = HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO; // First amend the servermanager mock so that when we do send close of the // first meta region on SERVERNAME_A, it will return true rather than // default null. Mockito.when(this.serverManager.sendRegionClose(SERVERNAME_A, hri, -1)).thenReturn(true); // Need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server .getConfiguration()); // Create an AM. AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager, ct, balancer, null, null); try { // First make sure my mock up basically works. Unassign a region. unassign(am, SERVERNAME_A, hri); // This delete will fail if the previous unassign did wrong thing. ZKAssign.deleteClosingNode(this.watcher, hri); // Now put a SPLITTING region in the way. I don't have to assert it // go put in place. This method puts it in place then asserts it still // owns it by moving state from SPLITTING to SPLITTING. int version = createNodeSplitting(this.watcher, hri, SERVERNAME_A); // Now, retry the unassign with the SPLTTING in place. It should just // complete without fail; a sort of 'silent' recognition that the // region to unassign has been split and no longer exists: TOOD: what if // the split fails and the parent region comes back to life? unassign(am, SERVERNAME_A, hri); // This transition should fail if the znode has been messed with. ZKAssign.transitionNode(this.watcher, hri, SERVERNAME_A, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, version); assertFalse(am.getRegionStates().isRegionInTransition(hri)); } finally { am.shutdown(); } } /** * Tests the processDeadServersAndRegionsInTransition should not fail with NPE * when it failed to get the children. Let's abort the system in this * situation * @throws ServiceException */ @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testProcessDeadServersAndRegionsInTransitionShouldNotFailWithNPE() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException, ServiceException { final RecoverableZooKeeper recoverableZk = Mockito .mock(RecoverableZooKeeper.class); AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager( this.server, this.serverManager); Watcher zkw = new ZooKeeperWatcher(HBaseConfiguration.create(), "unittest", null) { public RecoverableZooKeeper getRecoverableZooKeeper() { return recoverableZk; } }; ((ZooKeeperWatcher) zkw).registerListener(am); Mockito.doThrow(new InterruptedException()).when(recoverableZk) .getChildren("/hbase/region-in-transition", null); am.setWatcher((ZooKeeperWatcher) zkw); try { am.processDeadServersAndRegionsInTransition(null); fail("Expected to abort"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { fail("Should not throw NPE"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { assertEquals("Aborted", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } /** * TestCase verifies that the regionPlan is updated whenever a region fails to open * and the master tries to process RS_ZK_FAILED_OPEN state.(HBASE-5546). */ @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testRegionPlanIsUpdatedWhenRegionFailsToOpen() throws IOException, KeeperException, ServiceException, InterruptedException { this.server.getConfiguration().setClass( HConstants.HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCER_CLASS, MockedLoadBalancer.class, LoadBalancer.class); AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager( this.server, this.serverManager); try { // Boolean variable used for waiting until randomAssignment is called and // new // plan is generated. AtomicBoolean gate = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (balancer instanceof MockedLoadBalancer) { ((MockedLoadBalancer) balancer).setGateVariable(gate); } ZKAssign.createNodeOffline(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); int v = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); ZKAssign.transitionNode(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_FAILED_OPEN, v); String path = ZKAssign.getNodeName(this.watcher, REGIONINFO .getEncodedName()); am.getRegionStates().updateRegionState( REGIONINFO, State.OPENING, SERVERNAME_A); // a dummy plan inserted into the regionPlans. This plan is cleared and // new one is formed am.regionPlans.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionPlan( REGIONINFO, null, SERVERNAME_A)); RegionPlan regionPlan = am.regionPlans.get(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); List<ServerName> serverList = new ArrayList<ServerName>(2); serverList.add(SERVERNAME_B); Mockito.when( this.serverManager.createDestinationServersList(SERVERNAME_A)) .thenReturn(serverList); am.nodeDataChanged(path); // here we are waiting until the random assignment in the load balancer is // called. while (!gate.get()) { Thread.sleep(10); } // new region plan may take some time to get updated after random // assignment is called and // gate is set to true. RegionPlan newRegionPlan = am.regionPlans .get(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); while (newRegionPlan == null) { Thread.sleep(10); newRegionPlan = am.regionPlans.get(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); } // the new region plan created may contain the same RS as destination but // it should // be new plan. assertNotSame("Same region plan should not come", regionPlan, newRegionPlan); assertTrue("Destination servers should be different.", !(regionPlan .getDestination().equals(newRegionPlan.getDestination()))); Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); } finally { this.server.getConfiguration().setClass( HConstants.HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCER_CLASS, DefaultLoadBalancer.class, LoadBalancer.class); am.getExecutorService().shutdown(); am.shutdown(); } } /** * Mocked load balancer class used in the testcase to make sure that the testcase waits until * random assignment is called and the gate variable is set to true. */ public static class MockedLoadBalancer extends DefaultLoadBalancer { private AtomicBoolean gate; public void setGateVariable(AtomicBoolean gate) { this.gate = gate; } @Override public ServerName randomAssignment(HRegionInfo regionInfo, List<ServerName> servers) { ServerName randomServerName = super.randomAssignment(regionInfo, servers); this.gate.set(true); return randomServerName; } @Override public Map<ServerName, List<HRegionInfo>> retainAssignment( Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> regions, List<ServerName> servers) { this.gate.set(true); return super.retainAssignment(regions, servers); } } /** * Test the scenario when the master is in failover and trying to process a * region which is in Opening state on a dead RS. Master should immediately * assign the region and not wait for Timeout Monitor.(Hbase-5882). */ @Test(timeout = 5000) public void testRegionInOpeningStateOnDeadRSWhileMasterFailover() throws IOException, KeeperException, ServiceException, InterruptedException { AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager( this.server, this.serverManager); ZKAssign.createNodeOffline(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); int version = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); ZKAssign.transitionNode(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, version); RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), SERVERNAME_A, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); version = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.isServerOnline(SERVERNAME_A)).thenReturn(false); am.getRegionStates().createRegionState(REGIONINFO); am.gate.set(false); am.processRegionsInTransition(rt, REGIONINFO, version); // Waiting for the assignment to get completed. while (!am.gate.get()) { Thread.sleep(10); } assertTrue("The region should be assigned immediately.", null != am.regionPlans.get(REGIONINFO .getEncodedName())); } /** * Test verifies whether assignment is skipped for regions of tables in DISABLING state during * clean cluster startup. See HBASE-6281. * * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ @Test(timeout = 10000) public void testDisablingTableRegionsAssignmentDuringCleanClusterStartup() throws KeeperException, IOException, Exception { this.server.getConfiguration().setClass(HConstants.HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCER_CLASS, MockedLoadBalancer.class, LoadBalancer.class); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.getOnlineServers()).thenReturn( new HashMap<ServerName, ServerLoad>(0)); List<ServerName> destServers = new ArrayList<ServerName>(1); destServers.add(SERVERNAME_A); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.createDestinationServersList()).thenReturn(destServers); // To avoid cast exception in DisableTableHandler process. HTU.getConfiguration().setInt(HConstants.MASTER_PORT, 0); Server server = new HMaster(HTU.getConfiguration()); AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(server, this.serverManager); AtomicBoolean gate = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (balancer instanceof MockedLoadBalancer) { ((MockedLoadBalancer) balancer).setGateVariable(gate); } try{ // set table in disabling state. am.getZKTable().setDisablingTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); am.joinCluster(); // should not call retainAssignment if we get empty regions in assignAllUserRegions. assertFalse( "Assign should not be invoked for disabling table regions during clean cluster startup.", gate.get()); // need to change table state from disabling to disabled. assertTrue("Table should be disabled.", am.getZKTable().isDisabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString())); } finally { this.server.getConfiguration().setClass( HConstants.HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCER_CLASS, DefaultLoadBalancer.class, LoadBalancer.class); am.getZKTable().setEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); am.shutdown(); } } /** * Test verifies whether all the enabling table regions assigned only once during master startup. * * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMasterRestartWhenTableInEnabling() throws KeeperException, IOException, Exception { enabling = true; List<ServerName> destServers = new ArrayList<ServerName>(1); destServers.add(SERVERNAME_A); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.createDestinationServersList()).thenReturn(destServers); Mockito.when(this.serverManager.isServerOnline(SERVERNAME_A)).thenReturn(true); HTU.getConfiguration().setInt(HConstants.MASTER_PORT, 0); Server server = new HMaster(HTU.getConfiguration()); Whitebox.setInternalState(server, "serverManager", this.serverManager); AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(server, this.serverManager); try { // set table in enabling state. am.getZKTable().setEnablingTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); new EnableTableHandler(server, REGIONINFO.getTableName(), am.getCatalogTracker(), am, true) .process(); assertEquals("Number of assignments should be 1.", 1, assignmentCount); assertTrue("Table should be enabled.", am.getZKTable().isEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString())); } finally { enabling = false; assignmentCount = 0; am.getZKTable().setEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); am.shutdown(); ZKAssign.deleteAllNodes(this.watcher); } } /** * When a region is in transition, if the region server opening the region goes down, * the region assignment takes a long time normally (waiting for timeout monitor to trigger assign). * This test is to make sure SSH times out the transition right away. */ @Test public void testSSHTimesOutOpeningRegionTransition() throws KeeperException, IOException, ServiceException { // We need a mocked catalog tracker. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); // Create an AM. AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager); // adding region in pending open. RegionState state = new RegionState(REGIONINFO, State.OPENING, System.currentTimeMillis(), SERVERNAME_A); am.getRegionStates().regionsInTransition.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), state); // adding region plan am.regionPlans.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, SERVERNAME_A)); am.getZKTable().setEnabledTable(REGIONINFO.getTableNameAsString()); try { processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, false); assertTrue("Transtion is timed out", state.getStamp() == 0); } finally { am.getRegionStates().regionsInTransition.remove(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); am.regionPlans.remove(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName()); } } /** * Creates a new ephemeral node in the SPLITTING state for the specified region. * Create it ephemeral in case regionserver dies mid-split. * * <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If a node already exists * for this region, a {@link NodeExistsException} will be thrown. * * @param zkw zk reference * @param region region to be created as offline * @param serverName server event originates from * @return Version of znode created. * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ // Copied from SplitTransaction rather than open the method over there in // the regionserver package. private static int createNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region, final ServerName serverName) throws KeeperException, IOException { RegionTransition rt = RegionTransition.createRegionTransition(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, region.getRegionName(), serverName); String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(zkw, region.getEncodedName()); if (!ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(zkw, node, rt.toByteArray())) { throw new IOException("Failed create of ephemeral " + node); } // Transition node from SPLITTING to SPLITTING and pick up version so we // can be sure this znode is ours; version is needed deleting. return transitionNodeSplitting(zkw, region, serverName, -1); } // Copied from SplitTransaction rather than open the method over there in // the regionserver package. private static int transitionNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo parent, final ServerName serverName, final int version) throws KeeperException, IOException { return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, version); } private void unassign(final AssignmentManager am, final ServerName sn, final HRegionInfo hri) throws RegionException { // Before I can unassign a region, I need to set it online. am.regionOnline(hri, sn); // Unassign region. am.unassign(hri); } /** * Create an {@link AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting} that has mocked * {@link CatalogTracker} etc. * @param server * @param manager * @return An AssignmentManagerWithExtras with mock connections, etc. * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException */ private AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting setUpMockedAssignmentManager(final Server server, final ServerManager manager) throws IOException, KeeperException, ServiceException { // We need a mocked catalog tracker. Its used by our AM instance. CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class); // Make an RS Interface implementation. Make it so a scanner can go against // it and a get to return the single region, REGIONINFO, this test is // messing with. Needed when "new master" joins cluster. AM will try and // rebuild its list of user regions and it will also get the HRI that goes // with an encoded name by doing a Get on .META. ClientProtocol ri = Mockito.mock(ClientProtocol.class); // Get a meta row result that has region up on SERVERNAME_A for REGIONINFO Result r = MetaMockingUtil.getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A); ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder(); builder.setMoreResults(true); builder.addResult(ProtobufUtil.toResult(r)); if (enabling) { Mockito.when(ri.scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ScanRequest) Mockito.any())) .thenReturn(builder.build()).thenReturn(builder.build()).thenReturn(builder.build()) .thenReturn(builder.build()).thenReturn(builder.build()) .thenReturn(ScanResponse.newBuilder().setMoreResults(false).build()); } else { Mockito.when(ri.scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ScanRequest) Mockito.any())).thenReturn( builder.build()); } // If a get, return the above result too for REGIONINFO GetResponse.Builder getBuilder = GetResponse.newBuilder(); getBuilder.setResult(ProtobufUtil.toResult(r)); Mockito.when(ri.get((RpcController)Mockito.any(), (GetRequest) Mockito.any())). thenReturn(getBuilder.build()); // Get a connection w/ mocked up common methods. HConnection connection = HConnectionTestingUtility. getMockedConnectionAndDecorate(HTU.getConfiguration(), null, ri, SERVERNAME_B, REGIONINFO); // Make it so we can get the connection from our mocked catalogtracker Mockito.when(ct.getConnection()).thenReturn(connection); // Create and startup an executor. Used by AM handling zk callbacks. ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("mockedAMExecutor"); this.balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server.getConfiguration()); AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = new AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting( server, manager, ct, this.balancer, executor); return am; } /** * An {@link AssignmentManager} with some extra facility used testing */ class AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting extends AssignmentManager { // Keep a reference so can give it out below in {@link #getExecutorService} private final ExecutorService es; // Ditto for ct private final CatalogTracker ct; boolean processRITInvoked = false; boolean assignInvoked = false; AtomicBoolean gate = new AtomicBoolean(true); public AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting( final Server master, final ServerManager serverManager, final CatalogTracker catalogTracker, final LoadBalancer balancer, final ExecutorService service) throws KeeperException, IOException { super(master, serverManager, catalogTracker, balancer, service, null); this.es = service; this.ct = catalogTracker; } @Override boolean processRegionInTransition(String encodedRegionName, HRegionInfo regionInfo) throws KeeperException, IOException { this.processRITInvoked = true; return super.processRegionInTransition(encodedRegionName, regionInfo); } @Override public void assign(HRegionInfo region, boolean setOfflineInZK, boolean forceNewPlan) { if (enabling) { assignmentCount++; this.regionOnline(region, SERVERNAME_A); } else { super.assign(region, setOfflineInZK, forceNewPlan); this.gate.set(true); } } @Override public void assign(List<HRegionInfo> regions) throws IOException, InterruptedException { assignInvoked = true; } /** reset the watcher */ void setWatcher(ZooKeeperWatcher watcher) { this.watcher = watcher; } /** * @return ExecutorService used by this instance. */ ExecutorService getExecutorService() { return this.es; } /** * @return CatalogTracker used by this AM (Its a mock). */ CatalogTracker getCatalogTracker() { return this.ct; } } /** * Call joinCluster on the passed AssignmentManager. Do it in a thread * so it runs independent of what all else is going on. Try to simulate * an AM running insided a failed over master by clearing all in-memory * AM state first. */ private void startFakeFailedOverMasterAssignmentManager(final AssignmentManager am, final ZooKeeperWatcher watcher) { // Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, we can't unregister. // Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test. watcher.registerListenerFirst(am); Thread t = new Thread("RunAmJoinCluster") { public void run() { // Call the joinCluster function as though we were doing a master // failover at this point. It will stall just before we go to add // the RIT region to our RIT Map in AM at processRegionsInTransition. // First clear any inmemory state from AM so it acts like a new master // coming on line. am.getRegionStates().regionsInTransition.clear(); am.regionPlans.clear(); try { am.joinCluster(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; }; t.start(); while (!t.isAlive()) Threads.sleep(1); } }