* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.metrics.BaseSource;
* Interface for classes that expose metrics about the regionserver.
public interface MetricsRegionServerSource extends BaseSource {
* The name of the metrics
static final String METRICS_NAME = "Server";
* The name of the metrics context that metrics will be under.
static final String METRICS_CONTEXT = "regionserver";
* Description
static final String METRICS_DESCRIPTION = "Metrics about HBase RegionServer";
* The name of the metrics context that metrics will be under in jmx
static final String METRICS_JMX_CONTEXT = "RegionServer,sub=" + METRICS_NAME;
* Update the Put time histogram
* @param t time it took
void updatePut(long t);
* Update the Delete time histogram
* @param t time it took
void updateDelete(long t);
* Update the Get time histogram .
* @param t time it took
void updateGet(long t);
* Update the Increment time histogram.
* @param t time it took
void updateIncrement(long t);
* Update the Append time histogram.
* @param t time it took
void updateAppend(long t);
* Increment the number of slow Puts that have happened.
void incrSlowPut();
* Increment the number of slow Deletes that have happened.
void incrSlowDelete();
* Increment the number of slow Gets that have happened.
void incrSlowGet();
* Increment the number of slow Increments that have happened.
void incrSlowIncrement();
* Increment the number of slow Appends that have happened.
void incrSlowAppend();
// Strings used for exporting to metrics system.
static final String REGION_COUNT = "regionCount";
static final String REGION_COUNT_DESC = "Number of regions";
static final String STORE_COUNT = "storeCount";
static final String STORE_COUNT_DESC = "Number of Stores";
static final String STOREFILE_COUNT = "storeFileCount";
static final String STOREFILE_COUNT_DESC = "Number of Store Files";
static final String MEMSTORE_SIZE = "memStoreSize";
static final String MEMSTORE_SIZE_DESC = "Size of the memstore";
static final String STOREFILE_SIZE = "storeFileSize";
static final String STOREFILE_SIZE_DESC = "Size of storefiles being served.";
static final String TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT = "totalRequestCount";
static final String TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT_DESC =
"Total number of requests this RegionServer has answered.";
static final String READ_REQUEST_COUNT = "readRequestCount";
static final String READ_REQUEST_COUNT_DESC =
"Number of read requests this region server has answered.";
static final String WRITE_REQUEST_COUNT = "writeRequestCount";
static final String WRITE_REQUEST_COUNT_DESC =
"Number of mutation requests this region server has answered.";
static final String CHECK_MUTATE_FAILED_COUNT = "checkMutateFailedCount";
"Number of Check and Mutate calls that failed the checks.";
static final String CHECK_MUTATE_PASSED_COUNT = "checkMutatePassedCount";
"Number of Check and Mutate calls that passed the checks.";
static final String STOREFILE_INDEX_SIZE = "storeFileIndexSize";
static final String STOREFILE_INDEX_SIZE_DESC = "Size of indexes in storefiles on disk.";
static final String STATIC_INDEX_SIZE = "staticIndexSize";
static final String STATIC_INDEX_SIZE_DESC = "Uncompressed size of the static indexes.";
static final String STATIC_BLOOM_SIZE = "staticBloomSize";
static final String STATIC_BLOOM_SIZE_DESC =
"Uncompressed size of the static bloom filters.";
static final String NUMBER_OF_PUTS_WITHOUT_WAL = "putsWithoutWALCount";
"Number of mutations that have been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off.";
static final String DATA_SIZE_WITHOUT_WAL = "putsWithoutWALSize";
static final String DATA_SIZE_WITHOUT_WAL_DESC =
"Size of data that has been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off.";
static final String PERCENT_FILES_LOCAL = "percentFilesLocal";
static final String PERCENT_FILES_LOCAL_DESC =
"The percent of HFiles that are stored on the local hdfs data node.";
static final String COMPACTION_QUEUE_LENGTH = "compactionQueueLength";
static final String COMPACTION_QUEUE_LENGTH_DESC = "Length of the queue for compactions.";
static final String FLUSH_QUEUE_LENGTH = "flushQueueLength";
static final String FLUSH_QUEUE_LENGTH_DESC = "Length of the queue for region flushes";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_FREE_SIZE = "blockCacheFreeSize";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_FREE_DESC =
"Size of the block cache that is not occupied.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_COUNT = "blockCacheCount";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_COUNT_DESC = "Number of block in the block cache.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE = "blockCacheSize";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_SIZE_DESC = "Size of the block cache.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_HIT_COUNT = "blockCacheHitCount";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_HIT_COUNT_DESC = "Count of the hit on the block cache.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_MISS_COUNT = "blockCacheMissCount";
static final String BLOCK_COUNT_MISS_COUNT_DESC =
"Number of requests for a block that missed the block cache.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_EVICTION_COUNT = "blockCacheEvictionCount";
"Count of the number of blocks evicted from the block cache.";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_HIT_PERCENT = "blockCountHitPercent";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_HIT_PERCENT_DESC =
"Percent of block cache requests that are hits";
static final String BLOCK_CACHE_EXPRESS_HIT_PERCENT = "blockCacheExpressHitPercent";
"The percent of the time that requests with the cache turned on hit the cache.";
static final String RS_START_TIME_NAME = "regionServerStartTime";
static final String ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM_NAME = "zookeeperQuorum";
static final String SERVER_NAME_NAME = "serverName";
static final String CLUSTER_ID_NAME = "clusterId";
static final String RS_START_TIME_DESC = "RegionServer Start Time";
static final String ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM_DESC = "Zookeeper Quorum";
static final String SERVER_NAME_DESC = "Server Name";
static final String CLUSTER_ID_DESC = "Cluster Id";
static final String UPDATES_BLOCKED_TIME = "updatesBlockedTime";
static final String UPDATES_BLOCKED_DESC =
"Number of MS updates have been blocked so that the memstore can be flushed.";
static final String DELETE_KEY = "delete";
static final String GET_KEY = "get";
static final String INCREMENT_KEY = "increment";
static final String MUTATE_KEY = "mutate";
static final String APPEND_KEY = "append";
static final String SLOW_MUTATE_KEY = "slowPutCount";
static final String SLOW_GET_KEY = "slowGetCount";
static final String SLOW_DELETE_KEY = "slowDeleteCount";
static final String SLOW_INCREMENT_KEY = "slowIncrementCount";
static final String SLOW_APPEND_KEY = "slowAppendCount";
static final String SLOW_MUTATE_DESC =
"The number of Multis that took over 1000ms to complete";
static final String SLOW_DELETE_DESC =
"The number of Deletes that took over 1000ms to complete";
static final String SLOW_GET_DESC = "The number of Gets that took over 1000ms to complete";
static final String SLOW_INCREMENT_DESC =
"The number of Increments that took over 1000ms to complete";
static final String SLOW_APPEND_DESC =
"The number of Appends that took over 1000ms to complete";