/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestDataIngestWithChaosMonkey; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerLoad; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Stoppable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException; /** * A utility to injects faults in a running cluster. * <p> * ChaosMonkey defines Action's and Policy's. Actions are sequences of events, like * - Select a random server to kill * - Sleep for 5 sec * - Start the server on the same host * Actions can also be complex events, like rolling restart of all of the servers. * <p> * Policies on the other hand are responsible for executing the actions based on a strategy. * The default policy is to execute a random action every minute based on predefined action * weights. ChaosMonkey executes predefined named policies until it is stopped. More than one * policy can be active at any time. * <p> * Chaos monkey can be run from the command line, or can be invoked from integration tests. * See {@link IntegrationTestDataIngestWithChaosMonkey} or other integration tests that use * chaos monkey for code examples. * <p> * ChaosMonkey class is indeed inspired by the Netflix's same-named tool: * http://techblog.netflix.com/2012/07/chaos-monkey-released-into-wild.html */ public class ChaosMonkey extends AbstractHBaseTool implements Stoppable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ChaosMonkey.class); private static final long ONE_SEC = 1000; private static final long FIVE_SEC = 5 * ONE_SEC; private static final long ONE_MIN = 60 * ONE_SEC; private static final long TIMEOUT = ONE_MIN; final IntegrationTestingUtility util; /** * Construct a new ChaosMonkey * @param util the HBaseIntegrationTestingUtility already configured * @param policies names of pre-defined policies to use */ public ChaosMonkey(IntegrationTestingUtility util, String... policies) { this.util = util; setPoliciesByName(policies); } /** * Construct a new ChaosMonkey * @param util the HBaseIntegrationTestingUtility already configured * @param policies custom policies to use */ public ChaosMonkey(IntegrationTestingUtility util, Policy... policies) { this.util = util; this.policies = policies; } private void setPoliciesByName(String... policies) { this.policies = new Policy[policies.length]; for (int i=0; i < policies.length; i++) { this.policies[i] = NAMED_POLICIES.get(policies[i]); } } /** * Context for Action's */ private static class ActionContext { private IntegrationTestingUtility util; ActionContext(IntegrationTestingUtility util) { this.util = util; } IntegrationTestingUtility getHaseIntegrationTestingUtility() { return util; } HBaseCluster getHBaseCluster() { return util.getHBaseClusterInterface(); } } /** * A (possibly mischievous) action that the ChaosMonkey can perform. */ public static class Action { // TODO: interesting question - should actions be implemented inside // ChaosMonkey, or outside? If they are inside (initial), the class becomes // huge and all-encompassing; if they are outside ChaosMonkey becomes just // a random task scheduler. For now, keep inside. protected ActionContext context; protected HBaseCluster cluster; protected ClusterStatus initialStatus; protected ServerName[] initialServers; protected Random random = new Random(); void init(ActionContext context) throws Exception { this.context = context; cluster = context.getHBaseCluster(); initialStatus = cluster.getInitialClusterStatus(); Collection<ServerName> regionServers = initialStatus.getServers(); initialServers = regionServers.toArray(new ServerName[regionServers.size()]); } protected void perform() throws Exception { }; // TODO: perhaps these methods should be elsewhere? /** Returns current region servers */ protected ServerName[] getCurrentServers() throws IOException { Collection<ServerName> regionServers = cluster.getClusterStatus().getServers(); return regionServers.toArray(new ServerName[regionServers.size()]); } protected void killMaster(ServerName server) throws IOException { LOG.info("Killing master:" + server); cluster.killMaster(server); cluster.waitForMasterToStop(server, TIMEOUT); LOG.info("Killed master server:" + server); } protected void startMaster(ServerName server) throws IOException { LOG.info("Starting master:" + server.getHostname()); cluster.startMaster(server.getHostname()); cluster.waitForActiveAndReadyMaster(TIMEOUT); LOG.info("Started master: " + server); } protected void killRs(ServerName server) throws IOException { LOG.info("Killing region server:" + server); cluster.killRegionServer(server); cluster.waitForRegionServerToStop(server, TIMEOUT); LOG.info("Killed region server:" + server + ". Reported num of rs:" + cluster.getClusterStatus().getServersSize()); } protected void startRs(ServerName server) throws IOException { LOG.info("Starting region server:" + server.getHostname()); cluster.startRegionServer(server.getHostname()); cluster.waitForRegionServerToStart(server.getHostname(), TIMEOUT); LOG.info("Started region server:" + server + ". Reported num of rs:" + cluster.getClusterStatus().getServersSize()); } protected void unbalanceRegions(ClusterStatus clusterStatus, List<ServerName> fromServers, List<ServerName> toServers, double fractionOfRegions) throws Exception { List<byte[]> victimRegions = new LinkedList<byte[]>(); for (ServerName server : fromServers) { ServerLoad serverLoad = clusterStatus.getLoad(server); // Ugh. List<byte[]> regions = new LinkedList<byte[]>(serverLoad.getRegionsLoad().keySet()); int victimRegionCount = (int)Math.ceil(fractionOfRegions * regions.size()); LOG.debug("Removing " + victimRegionCount + " regions from " + server.getServerName()); for (int i = 0; i < victimRegionCount; ++i) { int victimIx = random.nextInt(regions.size()); String regionId = HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(regions.remove(victimIx)); victimRegions.add(Bytes.toBytes(regionId)); } } LOG.info("Moving " + victimRegions.size() + " regions from " + fromServers.size() + " servers to " + toServers.size() + " different servers"); HBaseAdmin admin = this.context.getHaseIntegrationTestingUtility().getHBaseAdmin(); for (byte[] victimRegion : victimRegions) { int targetIx = random.nextInt(toServers.size()); admin.move(victimRegion, Bytes.toBytes(toServers.get(targetIx).getServerName())); } } protected void forceBalancer() throws Exception { HBaseAdmin admin = this.context.getHaseIntegrationTestingUtility().getHBaseAdmin(); boolean result = admin.balancer(); if (!result) { LOG.error("Balancer didn't succeed"); } } } private static class RestartActionBase extends Action { long sleepTime; // how long should we sleep public RestartActionBase(long sleepTime) { this.sleepTime = sleepTime; } void sleep(long sleepTime) { LOG.info("Sleeping for:" + sleepTime); Threads.sleep(sleepTime); } void restartMaster(ServerName server, long sleepTime) throws IOException { killMaster(server); sleep(sleepTime); startMaster(server); } void restartRs(ServerName server, long sleepTime) throws IOException { killRs(server); sleep(sleepTime); startRs(server); } } public static class RestartActiveMaster extends RestartActionBase { public RestartActiveMaster(long sleepTime) { super(sleepTime); } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Performing action: Restart active master"); ServerName master = cluster.getClusterStatus().getMaster(); restartMaster(master, sleepTime); } } public static class RestartRandomRs extends RestartActionBase { public RestartRandomRs(long sleepTime) { super(sleepTime); } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Performing action: Restart random region server"); ServerName server = selectRandomItem(getCurrentServers()); restartRs(server, sleepTime); } } public static class RestartRsHoldingMeta extends RestartRandomRs { public RestartRsHoldingMeta(long sleepTime) { super(sleepTime); } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Performing action: Restart region server holding META"); ServerName server = cluster.getServerHoldingMeta(); if (server == null) { LOG.warn("No server is holding .META. right now."); return; } restartRs(server, sleepTime); } } public static class RestartRsHoldingRoot extends RestartRandomRs { public RestartRsHoldingRoot(long sleepTime) { super(sleepTime); } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Performing action: Restart region server holding ROOT"); ServerName server = cluster.getServerHoldingMeta(); if (server == null) { LOG.warn("No server is holding -ROOT- right now."); return; } restartRs(server, sleepTime); } } /** * Restarts a ratio of the running regionservers at the same time */ public static class BatchRestartRs extends RestartActionBase { float ratio; //ratio of regionservers to restart public BatchRestartRs(long sleepTime, float ratio) { super(sleepTime); this.ratio = ratio; } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info(String.format("Performing action: Batch restarting %d%% of region servers", (int)(ratio * 100))); List<ServerName> selectedServers = selectRandomItems(getCurrentServers(), ratio); for (ServerName server : selectedServers) { LOG.info("Killing region server:" + server); cluster.killRegionServer(server); } for (ServerName server : selectedServers) { cluster.waitForRegionServerToStop(server, TIMEOUT); } LOG.info("Killed " + selectedServers.size() + " region servers. Reported num of rs:" + cluster.getClusterStatus().getServersSize()); sleep(sleepTime); for (ServerName server : selectedServers) { LOG.info("Starting region server:" + server.getHostname()); cluster.startRegionServer(server.getHostname()); } for (ServerName server : selectedServers) { cluster.waitForRegionServerToStart(server.getHostname(), TIMEOUT); } LOG.info("Started " + selectedServers.size() +" region servers. Reported num of rs:" + cluster.getClusterStatus().getServersSize()); } } /** * Restarts a ratio of the regionservers in a rolling fashion. At each step, either kills a * server, or starts one, sleeping randomly (0-sleepTime) in between steps. */ public static class RollingBatchRestartRs extends BatchRestartRs { public RollingBatchRestartRs(long sleepTime, float ratio) { super(sleepTime, ratio); } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info(String.format("Performing action: Rolling batch restarting %d%% of region servers", (int)(ratio * 100))); List<ServerName> selectedServers = selectRandomItems(getCurrentServers(), ratio); Queue<ServerName> serversToBeKilled = new LinkedList<ServerName>(selectedServers); Queue<ServerName> deadServers = new LinkedList<ServerName>(); // while (!serversToBeKilled.isEmpty() || !deadServers.isEmpty()) { boolean action = true; //action true = kill server, false = start server if (serversToBeKilled.isEmpty() || deadServers.isEmpty()) { action = deadServers.isEmpty(); } else { action = random.nextBoolean(); } if (action) { ServerName server = serversToBeKilled.remove(); killRs(server); deadServers.add(server); } else { ServerName server = deadServers.remove(); startRs(server); } sleep(random.nextInt((int)sleepTime)); } } } public static class UnbalanceRegionsAction extends Action { private double fractionOfRegions; private double fractionOfServers; /** * Unbalances the regions on the cluster by choosing "target" servers, and moving * some regions from each of the non-target servers to random target servers. * @param fractionOfRegions Fraction of regions to move from each server. * @param fractionOfServers Fraction of servers to be chosen as targets. */ public UnbalanceRegionsAction(double fractionOfRegions, double fractionOfServers) { this.fractionOfRegions = fractionOfRegions; this.fractionOfServers = fractionOfServers; } @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Unbalancing regions"); ClusterStatus status = this.cluster.getClusterStatus(); List<ServerName> victimServers = new LinkedList<ServerName>(status.getServers()); int targetServerCount = (int)Math.ceil(fractionOfServers * victimServers.size()); List<ServerName> targetServers = new ArrayList<ServerName>(targetServerCount); for (int i = 0; i < targetServerCount; ++i) { int victimIx = random.nextInt(victimServers.size()); targetServers.add(victimServers.remove(victimIx)); } unbalanceRegions(status, victimServers, targetServers, fractionOfRegions); } } public static class ForceBalancerAction extends Action { @Override protected void perform() throws Exception { LOG.info("Balancing regions"); forceBalancer(); } } /** * A context for a Policy */ private static class PolicyContext extends ActionContext { PolicyContext(IntegrationTestingUtility util) { super(util); } } /** * A policy to introduce chaos to the cluster */ public static abstract class Policy extends StoppableImplementation implements Runnable { PolicyContext context; public void init(PolicyContext context) throws Exception { this.context = context; } } /** * A policy, which picks a random action according to the given weights, * and performs it every configurable period. */ public static class PeriodicRandomActionPolicy extends Policy { private long periodMs; private List<Pair<Action, Integer>> actions; public PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(long periodMs, List<Pair<Action, Integer>> actions) { this.periodMs = periodMs; this.actions = actions; } public PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(long periodMs, Pair<Action, Integer>... actions) { // We don't expect it to be modified. this(periodMs, Arrays.asList(actions)); } public PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(long periodMs, Action... actions) { this.periodMs = periodMs; this.actions = new ArrayList<Pair<Action, Integer>>(actions.length); for (Action action : actions) { this.actions.add(new Pair<Action, Integer>(action, 1)); } } @Override public void run() { //add some jitter int jitter = new Random().nextInt((int)periodMs); LOG.info("Sleeping for " + jitter + " to add jitter"); Threads.sleep(jitter); while (!isStopped()) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Action action = selectWeightedRandomItem(actions); try { action.perform(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Exception occured during performing action: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ex)); } long sleepTime = periodMs - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if (sleepTime > 0) { LOG.info("Sleeping for:" + sleepTime); Threads.sleep(sleepTime); } } } @Override public void init(PolicyContext context) throws Exception { super.init(context); LOG.info("Using ChaosMonkey Policy: " + this.getClass() + ", period:" + periodMs); for (Pair<Action, Integer> action : actions) { action.getFirst().init(this.context); } } } /** Selects a random item from the given items */ static <T> T selectRandomItem(T[] items) { Random random = new Random(); return items[random.nextInt(items.length)]; } /** Selects a random item from the given items with weights*/ static <T> T selectWeightedRandomItem(List<Pair<T, Integer>> items) { Random random = new Random(); int totalWeight = 0; for (Pair<T, Integer> pair : items) { totalWeight += pair.getSecond(); } int cutoff = random.nextInt(totalWeight); int cummulative = 0; T item = null; //warn: O(n) for (int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) { int curWeight = items.get(i).getSecond(); if ( cutoff < cummulative + curWeight) { item = items.get(i).getFirst(); break; } cummulative += curWeight; } return item; } /** Selects and returns ceil(ratio * items.length) random items from the given array */ static <T> List<T> selectRandomItems(T[] items, float ratio) { Random random = new Random(); int remaining = (int)Math.ceil(items.length * ratio); List<T> selectedItems = new ArrayList<T>(remaining); for (int i=0; i<items.length && remaining > 0; i++) { if (random.nextFloat() < ((float)remaining/(items.length-i))) { selectedItems.add(items[i]); remaining--; } } return selectedItems; } /** * All actions that deal with RS's with the following weights (relative probabilities): * - Restart active master (sleep 5 sec) : 2 * - Restart random regionserver (sleep 5 sec) : 2 * - Restart random regionserver (sleep 60 sec) : 2 * - Restart META regionserver (sleep 5 sec) : 1 * - Restart ROOT regionserver (sleep 5 sec) : 1 * - Batch restart of 50% of regionservers (sleep 5 sec) : 2 * - Rolling restart of 100% of regionservers (sleep 5 sec) : 2 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final List<Pair<Action, Integer>> ALL_ACTIONS = Lists.newArrayList( new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RestartActiveMaster(FIVE_SEC), 2), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RestartRandomRs(FIVE_SEC), 2), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RestartRandomRs(ONE_MIN), 2), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RestartRsHoldingMeta(FIVE_SEC), 1), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RestartRsHoldingRoot(FIVE_SEC), 1), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new BatchRestartRs(FIVE_SEC, 0.5f), 2), new Pair<Action,Integer>(new RollingBatchRestartRs(FIVE_SEC, 1.0f), 2) ); public static final String EVERY_MINUTE_RANDOM_ACTION_POLICY = "EVERY_MINUTE_RANDOM_ACTION_POLICY"; private Policy[] policies; private Thread[] monkeyThreads; public void start() throws Exception { monkeyThreads = new Thread[policies.length]; for (int i=0; i<policies.length; i++) { policies[i].init(new PolicyContext(this.util)); Thread monkeyThread = new Thread(policies[i]); monkeyThread.start(); monkeyThreads[i] = monkeyThread; } } @Override public void stop(String why) { for (Policy policy : policies) { policy.stop(why); } } @Override public boolean isStopped() { return policies[0].isStopped(); } /** * Wait for ChaosMonkey to stop. * @throws InterruptedException */ public void waitForStop() throws InterruptedException { for (Thread monkeyThread : monkeyThreads) { monkeyThread.join(); } } private static final Map<String, Policy> NAMED_POLICIES = Maps.newHashMap(); static { NAMED_POLICIES.put(EVERY_MINUTE_RANDOM_ACTION_POLICY, new PeriodicRandomActionPolicy(ONE_MIN, ALL_ACTIONS)); } @Override protected void addOptions() { addOptWithArg("policy", "a named policy defined in ChaosMonkey.java. Possible values: " + NAMED_POLICIES.keySet()); //we can add more options, and make policies more configurable } @Override protected void processOptions(CommandLine cmd) { String[] policies = cmd.getOptionValues("policy"); if (policies != null) { setPoliciesByName(policies); } } @Override protected int doWork() throws Exception { start(); waitForStop(); return 0; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); IntegrationTestingUtility.setUseDistributedCluster(conf); IntegrationTestingUtility util = new IntegrationTestingUtility(conf); util.initializeCluster(1); ChaosMonkey monkey = new ChaosMonkey(util, EVERY_MINUTE_RANDOM_ACTION_POLICY); int ret = ToolRunner.run(conf, monkey, args); System.exit(ret); } }