// $Id: TestDependencies.java 16595 2009-01-14 14:14:16Z mvw $ // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import jdepend.framework.JDepend; import jdepend.framework.JavaPackage; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * Test for Dependency cycles with JDepend. <p> * * This test will guarantee that once * a package is made free of dependency-cycles, * (and it has been added here,) * it will stay dependency-cycle free. <p> * * It also checks that the top level package(s) are * (and remain) unused by other packages. <p> * * It also checks that low level packages do not * use other argouml packages. * * @author Michiel */ public class TestDependencies extends TestCase { /** * Tests that a list of packages does not contain * any package dependency cycles. * * @return a list of tests. */ public static Test suite() { JDepend jdepend = new JDepend(); try { jdepend.addDirectory("build-eclipse"); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore if the directory does not exist. // This error will throw when running from the ant setup. System.out.println("Assuming running from ant!"); } try { jdepend.addDirectory("build/classes"); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore if the directory does not exist. // This error will throw when running from the Eclipse setup. System.out.println("Assuming running from Eclipse!"); } jdepend.analyze(); TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Tests for dependencies using Jdepend"); String[] clean = { "org.argouml.application.api", "org.argouml.application.events", "org.argouml.application.helpers", "org.argouml.application.security", "org.argouml.cognitive.checklist", //"org.argouml.cognitive.critics", "org.argouml.configuration", "org.argouml.i18n", "org.argouml.gefext", "org.argouml.language.ui", "org.argouml.moduleloader", //"org.argouml.notation.providers",//fails because sub-packages fail (?) //"org.argouml.notation.providers.java", //"org.argouml.notation.providers.uml", //"org.argouml.notation",//fails because sub-packages fail (?) //"org.argouml.notation.ui", "org.argouml.swingext", "org.argouml.taskmgmt", "org.argouml.uml.diagram.layout", "org.argouml.uml.generator", "org.argouml.uml.util.namespace", "org.argouml.util.logging", "org.argouml.util.osdep", "org.argouml.util", // There was a comment saying that the below has no cycles, but // Classycle thinks there's a cycle here too, so I believe there // really is one - tfm 20070702 // "org.argouml.uml.cognitive.critics", }; suite.addTest(new TimeStamp()); for (int i = 0; i < clean.length; i++) { suite.addTest(new CheckDependencyCycle(jdepend, clean[i])); } String[] top = { "org.argouml.application", }; for (int i = 0; i < top.length; i++) { suite.addTest(new CheckTopLevel(jdepend, top[i])); } String[] low = { "org.argouml.application.security", "org.argouml.configuration", "org.argouml.i18n", "org.argouml.swingext", "org.argouml.taskmgmt", "org.argouml.util.logging", "org.argouml.util.osdep", }; for (int i = 0; i < low.length; i++) { suite.addTest(new CheckLowLevel(jdepend, low[i])); } String[][] dep = { // There shall not be a dependency from ... to ... {"org.argouml.persistence", "org.argouml.ui"}, {"org.argouml.moduleloader", "org.argouml.persistence"}, {"org.argouml.notation", "org.argouml.notation.ui"}, {"org.argouml.ui.targetmanager", "org.argouml.ui"}, {"org.argouml.moduleloader", "org.argouml.ui"}, {"org.argouml.cognitive", "org.argouml.ui"}, {"org.argouml.cognitive.critics", "org.argouml.cognitive.ui"}, {"org.argouml.ui", "org.argouml.cognitive.critics.ui"}, //TODO:{"org.argouml.ui", "org.argouml.cognitive.ui"},//fails due to subpackages //TODO:{"org.argouml.cognitive", "org.argouml.cognitive.critics"}, {"org.argouml.uml.diagram", "org.argouml.ui"}, {"org.argouml.ui", "org.argouml.notation.ui"}, {"org.argouml.util", "org.argouml.ui.cmd"}, //{"org.argouml.kernel", "org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui"},//why does this fail? }; for (int i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) { suite.addTest(new CheckNoDependency(jdepend, dep[i])); } return suite; } static class DateUtils { static final String DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"; public static String now() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_NOW); return sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } } static class TimeStamp extends TestCase { TimeStamp() { super("Timestamp: " + DateUtils.now()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void runTest() { // do nothing by design } } static class CheckDependencyCycle extends TestCase { private String packageName; private JDepend jdepend; CheckDependencyCycle(JDepend jd, String name) { super("Check dependency cycle in " + name); jdepend = jd; packageName = name; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void runTest() { JavaPackage p = jdepend.getPackage(packageName); assertNotNull(p); if (p.containsCycle()) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer( "JDepend indicates a dependency cycle in "); msg.append(p.getName()); List<JavaPackage> firstCycle = new ArrayList<JavaPackage>(); p.collectCycle(firstCycle); msg.append("(" + firstCycle.size()); msg.append(" packages in first cycle: "); for (JavaPackage cp : firstCycle) { msg.append(cp.getName()).append(" "); } msg.append(") -- "); List<JavaPackage> otherCycles = new ArrayList<JavaPackage>(); p.collectAllCycles(otherCycles); otherCycles.removeAll(firstCycle); if (!otherCycles.isEmpty()) { msg.append("(" + otherCycles.size()); msg.append(" packages in additional cycle(s): "); for (JavaPackage cp : otherCycles) { msg.append(cp.getName()).append(" "); } msg.append(") -- "); } // msg.append("(" + p.getClassCount() + " classes: "); // Collection<JavaClass> c = p.getClasses(); // for (JavaClass jc : c) { // msg.append(jc.getName()); // msg.append(" "); // } // msg.append(")"); assertTrue(msg.toString(), false); } } } static class CheckTopLevel extends TestCase { private String packageName; private JDepend jdepend; CheckTopLevel(JDepend jd, String name) { super("Check top level dependencies for " + name); jdepend = jd; packageName = name; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void runTest() { JavaPackage p = jdepend.getPackage(packageName); assertNotNull(p); Collection<JavaPackage> afferents = p.getAfferents(); if (afferents.size() > 0) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("JDepend " + "indicates an afferent dependency " + "to a top level package: "); msg.append(p.getName()); msg.append(" is used by "); msg.append(afferents.size()); msg.append(" packages: "); for (JavaPackage jp : afferents) { msg.append(jp.getName()); msg.append(" "); } assertTrue(msg.toString(), false); } } } static class CheckLowLevel extends TestCase { private String packageName; private JDepend jdepend; CheckLowLevel(JDepend jd, String name) { super("Check low level dependencies for " + name); jdepend = jd; packageName = name; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void runTest() { JavaPackage p = jdepend.getPackage(packageName); assertNotNull(p); Collection<JavaPackage> efferents = p.getEfferents(); Collection<JavaPackage> wrong = new ArrayList<JavaPackage>(); for (JavaPackage jp : efferents) { if (jp.getName().startsWith("org.argouml")) { wrong.add(jp); } if (!wrong.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("JDepend " + "indicates a dependency from " + "the low level package "); msg.append(p.getName()); msg.append(" to the argouml package(s)"); for (JavaPackage jpWrong : wrong) { msg.append(" "); msg.append(jpWrong.getName()); } assertTrue(msg.toString(), false); } } } } static class CheckNoDependency extends TestCase { private String nameFrom; private String nameTo; private JDepend jdepend; CheckNoDependency(JDepend jd, String[] name) { super("Check for dependency from " + name[0] + " to " + name[1]); jdepend = jd; nameFrom = name[0]; nameTo = name[1]; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void runTest() { JavaPackage packageFrom = jdepend.getPackage(nameFrom); JavaPackage packageTo = jdepend.getPackage(nameTo); assertNotNull("Missing package", packageFrom); Collection<JavaPackage> efferents = packageFrom.getEfferents(); for (JavaPackage jp : efferents) { if (jp.equals(packageTo)) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer( "JDepend indicates a dependency from "); msg.append(nameFrom); msg.append(" to "); msg.append(nameTo); assertTrue(msg.toString(), false); } } } } }