// $Id: UMLComboBoxModel2.java 16337 2008-12-11 23:29:40Z tfmorris $ // Copyright (c) 1996-2008 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.uml.ui; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractListModel; import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.argouml.model.AddAssociationEvent; import org.argouml.model.AssociationChangeEvent; import org.argouml.model.AttributeChangeEvent; import org.argouml.model.DeleteInstanceEvent; import org.argouml.model.InvalidElementException; import org.argouml.model.Model; import org.argouml.model.RemoveAssociationEvent; import org.argouml.model.UmlChangeEvent; import org.argouml.ui.targetmanager.TargetEvent; import org.argouml.ui.targetmanager.TargetListener; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ArgoDiagram; import org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig; /** * ComboBox Model for UML modelelements. <p> * * This combobox allows selecting no value, if so indicated * at construction time of this class. I.e. it is "clearable". */ public abstract class UMLComboBoxModel2 extends AbstractListModel implements PropertyChangeListener, ComboBoxModel, TargetListener, PopupMenuListener { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UMLComboBoxModel2.class); /** * The string that represents a null or cleared choice. */ // TODO: I18N // Don't use the empty string for this or it won't show in the list protected static final String CLEARED = "<none>"; /** * The target of the comboboxmodel. This is some UML modelelement */ private Object comboBoxTarget = null; /** * The list with objects that should be shown in the combobox. * TODO: Using a list here forces a linear search when we're trying to add * a new element to the model which can be very slow for large models. */ private List objects = new LinkedList(); /** * The selected object. */ private Object selectedObject = null; /** * Flag to indicate if the user may select the special CLEARED choice * ("<none>") as value in the combobox. If true the attribute that is shown * by this combobox may be set to null. Makes sure that there is always an * entry in the list with objects so the user has the opportunity to select * this to clear the attribute. */ private boolean isClearable = false; /** * The name of the property that we will use to listen for change events * associated with this model element. */ private String propertySetName; /** * Flag to indicate whether list events should be fired. */ private boolean fireListEvents = true; /** * Flag to indicate whether the model is being build. */ protected boolean buildingModel = false; /** * Flag needed to prevent infinite recursion during processing of * popup visibility notification event. */ private boolean processingWillBecomeVisible = false; private boolean modelValid; /** * Constructs a model for a combobox. The container given is used to * retrieve the target that is manipulated through this combobox. If * clearable is true, the user can select null in the combobox and thereby * clear the attribute in the model. * * @param name The name of the property change event that must be fired to * set the selected item programmatically (via changing the * model) * @param clearable Flag to indicate if the user may select the special * CLEARED value (<none>) as value in the combobox. If true the * attribute that is shown by this combobox may be set to null. * Makes sure that there is always an entry for this in the list * with objects so the user has the opportunity to select this to * clear the attribute. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the arguments is null */ public UMLComboBoxModel2(String name, boolean clearable) { super(); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("one of the arguments is null"); } // It would be better if we didn't need the container to get // the target. This constructor can have zero parameters as // soon as we improve targetChanged. isClearable = clearable; propertySetName = name; } public final void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent pve) { if (pve instanceof UmlChangeEvent) { final UmlChangeEvent event = (UmlChangeEvent) pve; Runnable doWorkRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { modelChanged(event); } catch (InvalidElementException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("event = " + event.getClass().getName()); LOG.debug("source = " + event.getSource()); LOG.debug("old = " + event.getOldValue()); LOG.debug("name = " + event.getPropertyName()); LOG.debug("updateLayout method accessed " + "deleted element ", e); } } } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(doWorkRunnable); } } /** * If the property that this comboboxmodel depicts is changed in the UML * model, this method will make sure that the changes will be * done in the combobox-model equally. <p> * TODO: This function is not yet completely written! * * {@inheritDoc} * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void modelChanged(UmlChangeEvent evt) { buildingModel = true; if (evt instanceof AttributeChangeEvent) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(propertySetName)) { if (evt.getSource() == getTarget() && (isClearable || getChangedElement(evt) != null)) { Object elem = getChangedElement(evt); if (elem != null && !contains(elem)) { addElement(elem); } /* MVW: for this case, I had to move the * call to setSelectedItem() outside the "buildingModel", * otherwise the combo does not update * with the new selection. See issue 5418. **/ buildingModel = false; setSelectedItem(elem); } } } else if (evt instanceof DeleteInstanceEvent) { if (contains(getChangedElement(evt))) { Object o = getChangedElement(evt); removeElement(o); } } else if (evt instanceof AddAssociationEvent) { if (getTarget() != null && isValidEvent(evt)) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(propertySetName) && (evt.getSource() == getTarget())) { Object elem = evt.getNewValue(); /* TODO: Here too? */ setSelectedItem(elem); } else { Object o = getChangedElement(evt); addElement(o); } } } else if (evt instanceof RemoveAssociationEvent && isValidEvent(evt)) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(propertySetName) && (evt.getSource() == getTarget())) { if (evt.getOldValue() == internal2external(getSelectedItem())) { /* TODO: Here too? */ setSelectedItem(external2internal(evt.getNewValue())); } } else { Object o = getChangedElement(evt); if (contains(o)) { removeElement(o); } } } else if (evt.getSource() instanceof ArgoDiagram && evt.getPropertyName().equals(propertySetName)) { /* This should not be necessary, but let's be sure: */ addElement(evt.getNewValue()); /* MVW: for this case, I have to move the * call to setSelectedItem() outside the "buildingModel", otherwise * the combo does not update with the new selection. * The same does probably apply to the cases above! */ buildingModel = false; setSelectedItem(evt.getNewValue()); } buildingModel = false; } /** * Returns true if the given element is valid.<p> * * It is valid if it may be added to the list of elements. * * @param element the given element * @return true if the given element is valid */ protected abstract boolean isValidElement(Object element); /** * Builds the list of elements and sets the selectedIndex to the currently * selected item if there is one. Called from targetChanged every time the * target of the proppanel is changed. */ protected abstract void buildModelList(); /** * @param obj an UML object * @return its name or "" (if it was not named or deleted) */ protected String getName(Object obj) { try { Object n = Model.getFacade().getName(obj); String name = (n != null ? (String) n : ""); return name; } catch (InvalidElementException e) { return ""; } } /** * Utility method to change all elements in the list with modelelements * at once. A minimal update strategy is used to minimize event firing * for unchanged elements. * * @param elements the given elements */ protected void setElements(Collection elements) { if (elements != null) { ArrayList toBeRemoved = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : objects) { if (!elements.contains(o) && !(isClearable // Check against "" is needed for backward // compatibility. Don't remove without // checking subclasses and warning downstream // developers - tfm - 20081211 && ("".equals(o) || CLEARED.equals(o)))) { toBeRemoved.add(o); } } removeAll(toBeRemoved); addAll(elements); if (isClearable && !elements.contains(CLEARED)) { addElement(CLEARED); } if (!objects.contains(selectedObject)) { selectedObject = null; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("In setElements: may not set " + "elements to null collection"); } } /** * Utility method to get the target. * * @return the ModelElement */ protected Object getTarget() { return comboBoxTarget; } /** * Utility method to remove a collection of elements from the model. * * @param col the elements to be removed */ protected void removeAll(Collection col) { int first = -1; int last = -1; fireListEvents = false; for (Object o : col) { int index = getIndexOf(o); removeElement(o); if (first == -1) { // start of interval first = index; last = index; } else { if (index != last + 1) { // end of interval fireListEvents = true; fireIntervalRemoved(this, first, last); fireListEvents = false; first = index; last = index; } else { // in middle of interval last++; } } } fireListEvents = true; } /** * Utility method to add a collection of elements to the model. * * @param col the elements to be addd */ protected void addAll(Collection col) { Object selected = getSelectedItem(); fireListEvents = false; int oldSize = objects.size(); for (Object o : col) { addElement(o); } setSelectedItem(external2internal(selected)); fireListEvents = true; if (objects.size() != oldSize) { fireIntervalAdded(this, oldSize == 0 ? 0 : oldSize - 1, objects.size() - 1); } } /** * Utility method to get the changed element from some event e. * * @param e the given event * @return Object the changed element */ protected Object getChangedElement(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (e instanceof AssociationChangeEvent) { return ((AssociationChangeEvent) e).getChangedValue(); } return e.getNewValue(); } /** * Sets the target. If the old target is a ModelElement, it also removes * the model from the element listener list of the target. If the new target * is a ModelElement, the model is added as element listener to the new * target. <p> * * This function is called when the user changes the target. * Hence, this shall not result in any UML model changes. * Hence, we block firing list events completely by setting * buildingModel to true for the duration of this function. <p> * * This function looks a lot like the one in UMLModelElementListModel2. * * @param theNewTarget the target */ public void setTarget(Object theNewTarget) { if (theNewTarget != null && theNewTarget.equals(comboBoxTarget)) { LOG.debug("Ignoring duplicate setTarget request " + theNewTarget); return; } modelValid = false; LOG.debug("setTarget target : " + theNewTarget); theNewTarget = theNewTarget instanceof Fig ? ((Fig) theNewTarget).getOwner() : theNewTarget; if (Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(theNewTarget) || theNewTarget instanceof ArgoDiagram) { /* Remove old listeners: */ if (Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(comboBoxTarget)) { Model.getPump().removeModelEventListener(this, comboBoxTarget, propertySetName); // Allow listening to other elements: removeOtherModelEventListeners(comboBoxTarget); } else if (comboBoxTarget instanceof ArgoDiagram) { ((ArgoDiagram) comboBoxTarget).removePropertyChangeListener( ArgoDiagram.NAMESPACE_KEY, this); } /* Add new listeners: */ if (Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(theNewTarget)) { comboBoxTarget = theNewTarget; Model.getPump().addModelEventListener(this, comboBoxTarget, propertySetName); // Allow listening to other elements: addOtherModelEventListeners(comboBoxTarget); buildingModel = true; buildMinimalModelList(); // Do not set buildingModel = false here, // otherwise the action for selection is performed. setSelectedItem(external2internal(getSelectedModelElement())); buildingModel = false; if (getSize() > 0) { fireIntervalAdded(this, 0, getSize() - 1); } } else if (theNewTarget instanceof ArgoDiagram) { comboBoxTarget = theNewTarget; ArgoDiagram diagram = (ArgoDiagram) theNewTarget; diagram.addPropertyChangeListener( ArgoDiagram.NAMESPACE_KEY, this); buildingModel = true; buildMinimalModelList(); setSelectedItem(external2internal(getSelectedModelElement())); buildingModel = false; if (getSize() > 0) { fireIntervalAdded(this, 0, getSize() - 1); } } else { /* MVW: This can never happen, isn't it? */ comboBoxTarget = null; removeAllElements(); } if (getSelectedItem() != null && isClearable) { addElement(CLEARED); // makes sure we can select 'none' } } } /** * Build the minimal number of items in the model for the edit box * to be populated. By default this calls buildModelList but it * can be overridden in subclasses to delay population of the list * till the list is displayed. <p> * * If this lazy list building is used, do call setModelInvalid() here! */ protected void buildMinimalModelList() { buildModelListTimed(); } private void buildModelListTimed() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { buildModelList(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.debug("buildModelList took " + (endTime - startTime) + " msec. for " + this.getClass().getName()); } catch (InvalidElementException e) { LOG.warn("buildModelList attempted to operate on " + "deleted element"); } } /** * This function allows subclasses to listen to more modelelements. * The given target is guaranteed to be a UML modelelement. * * @param oldTarget the UML modelelement */ protected void removeOtherModelEventListeners(Object oldTarget) { /* Do nothing by default. */ } /** * This function allows subclasses to listen to more modelelements. * The given target is guaranteed to be a UML modelelement. * * @param newTarget the UML modelelement */ protected void addOtherModelEventListeners(Object newTarget) { /* Do nothing by default. */ } /** * Gets the modelelement that is selected in the UML model. For * example, say that this ComboBoxmodel contains all namespaces * (as in UMLNamespaceComboBoxmodel) , this method should return * the namespace that owns the target then. * * @return Object */ protected abstract Object getSelectedModelElement(); /* * @see javax.swing.ListModel#getElementAt(int) */ public Object getElementAt(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < objects.size()) { return objects.get(index); } return null; } /* * @see javax.swing.ListModel#getSize() */ public int getSize() { return objects.size(); } /** * @param o the given element * @return the index of the given element */ public int getIndexOf(Object o) { return objects.indexOf(o); } /** * @param o the element to be added */ public void addElement(Object o) { // TODO: For large lists, this is doing a linear search of literally thousands of elements if (!objects.contains(o)) { objects.add(o); fireIntervalAdded(this, objects.size() - 1, objects.size() - 1); } } /* * @see javax.swing.ComboBoxModel#setSelectedItem(java.lang.Object) */ public void setSelectedItem(Object o) { if ((selectedObject != null && !selectedObject.equals(o)) || (selectedObject == null && o != null)) { selectedObject = o; fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1); } } /** * @param o the element to be removed */ public void removeElement(Object o) { int index = objects.indexOf(o); if (getElementAt(index) == selectedObject) { if (!isClearable) { if (index == 0) { setSelectedItem(getSize() == 1 ? null : getElementAt(index + 1)); } else { setSelectedItem(getElementAt(index - 1)); } } } if (index >= 0) { objects.remove(index); fireIntervalRemoved(this, index, index); } } /** * Remove all elements. */ public void removeAllElements() { int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = Math.max(0, objects.size() - 1); objects.clear(); selectedObject = null; fireIntervalRemoved(this, startIndex, endIndex); } /* * @see javax.swing.ComboBoxModel#getSelectedItem() */ public Object getSelectedItem() { return selectedObject; } private Object external2internal(Object o) { return o == null && isClearable ? CLEARED : o; } private Object internal2external(Object o) { return isClearable && CLEARED.equals(o) ? null : o; } /** * Returns true if some object elem is contained by the list of choices. * * @param elem the given element * @return boolean true if it is in the selection */ public boolean contains(Object elem) { if (objects.contains(elem)) { return true; } if (elem instanceof Collection) { for (Object o : (Collection) elem) { if (!objects.contains(o)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if some event is valid. An event is valid if the * element changed in the event is valid. This is determined via a * call to isValidElement. This method can be overriden by * subclasses if they cannot determine if it is a valid event just * by checking the changed element. * * @param e the event * @return boolean true if the event is valid */ protected boolean isValidEvent(PropertyChangeEvent e) { boolean valid = false; if (!(getChangedElement(e) instanceof Collection)) { if ((e.getNewValue() == null && e.getOldValue() != null) // Don't try to test this if we're removing the element || isValidElement(getChangedElement(e))) { valid = true; // we tried to remove a value } } else { Collection col = (Collection) getChangedElement(e); if (!col.isEmpty()) { valid = true; for (Object o : col) { if (!isValidElement(o)) { valid = false; break; } } } else { if (e.getOldValue() instanceof Collection && !((Collection) e.getOldValue()).isEmpty()) { valid = true; } } } return valid; } /* * @see javax.swing.AbstractListModel#fireContentsChanged( * Object, int, int) */ @Override protected void fireContentsChanged(Object source, int index0, int index1) { if (fireListEvents && !buildingModel) { super.fireContentsChanged(source, index0, index1); } } /* * @see javax.swing.AbstractListModel#fireIntervalAdded( * Object, int, int) */ @Override protected void fireIntervalAdded(Object source, int index0, int index1) { if (fireListEvents && !buildingModel) { super.fireIntervalAdded(source, index0, index1); } } /* * @see javax.swing.AbstractListModel#fireIntervalRemoved( * Object, int, int) */ @Override protected void fireIntervalRemoved(Object source, int index0, int index1) { if (fireListEvents && !buildingModel) { super.fireIntervalRemoved(source, index0, index1); } } /* * @see TargetListener#targetAdded(TargetEvent) */ public void targetAdded(TargetEvent e) { LOG.debug("targetAdded targetevent : " + e); setTarget(e.getNewTarget()); } /* * @see TargetListener#targetRemoved(TargetEvent) */ public void targetRemoved(TargetEvent e) { LOG.debug("targetRemoved targetevent : " + e); Object currentTarget = comboBoxTarget; Object oldTarget = e.getOldTargets().length > 0 ? e.getOldTargets()[0] : null; if (oldTarget instanceof Fig) { oldTarget = ((Fig) oldTarget).getOwner(); } if (oldTarget == currentTarget) { if (Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(currentTarget)) { Model.getPump().removeModelEventListener(this, currentTarget, propertySetName); } comboBoxTarget = e.getNewTarget(); } setTarget(e.getNewTarget()); } /* * @see TargetListener#targetSet(TargetEvent) */ public void targetSet(TargetEvent e) { LOG.debug("targetSet targetevent : " + e); setTarget(e.getNewTarget()); } /** * Return boolean indicating whether combo allows empty string. This * flag can only be specified in the constructor, so it will never change. * The flag is checked directly internally, so overriding this method will * have no effect. * * @return state of isClearable flag */ protected boolean isClearable() { return isClearable; } /** * @return name of property registered with event listener */ protected String getPropertySetName() { return propertySetName; } /** * @return Returns the fireListEvents. */ protected boolean isFireListEvents() { return fireListEvents; } /** * @param events The fireListEvents to set. */ protected void setFireListEvents(boolean events) { this.fireListEvents = events; } protected boolean isLazy() { return false; } /** * Indicate that the model has to be rebuild. * For a lazy model, this suffices to get the model rebuild * the next time the user opens the combo. */ protected void setModelInvalid() { assert isLazy(); // catch callers attempting to use one without other modelValid = false; } public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { } public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { } public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent ev) { if (isLazy() && !modelValid && !processingWillBecomeVisible) { buildModelListTimed(); modelValid = true; // We should be able to just do the above, but Swing has already // computed the size of the popup menu. The rest of this is // a workaround for Swing bug // http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4743225 JComboBox list = (JComboBox) ev.getSource(); processingWillBecomeVisible = true; try { list.getUI().setPopupVisible( list, true ); } finally { processingWillBecomeVisible = false; } } } }